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Thread Title: Armored Core Last Raven Portable [US]

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  1. #1
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    Default Armored Core Last Raven Portable [US]

    _S NPUH-10024
    _G Armored Core Last Raven [US]
    _C0 Gamespeed
    _L 0x6030BB4C 0x40AEA758
    _L 0x00020001 0x00007DE8
    _C0 Fire
    _L 0x602FEE04 0x08BE4E50
    _L 0x00020001 0x000013D8
    _C0 Invisible bullets
    _L 0x602FEE14 0x08BE4E50
    _L 0x00020001 0x000011AC
    _C0 Rapidfire
    _L 0x60719AC4 0x00000000
    _L 0x00020001 0x00005938
    _C0 Pls Rif
    _L 0x6030DAE4 0x0000270F
    _L 0x00020001 0x0000215C
    _C0 GND LNC
    _L 0x6030DAE4 0x0000270F
    _L 0x00020001 0x000021F4
    _C0 Prevented to jumping and Mini skywlaker
    _L 0x6097D340 0x00010000
    _L 0x00020001 0x000026D5
    _C0 Inf Time
    _L 0x603104B0 0x0000B000
    _L 0x00020001 0x00006798
    _C0 Inf health
    _L 0x6030BB4C 0x002BD4DF
    _L 0x00020001 0x00007D94
    _C0 Inf Boots
    _L 0x6030DAE4 0x0000769C
    _L 0x00020001 0x00003F98
    _C0 Inf Armunitr
    _L 0x6030BB4C 0x0000270F
    _L 0x00020001 0x00007FBC
    _C0 Inf Backunitr
    _L 0x6030DAE4 0x0000270F
    _L 0x00020001 0x0000228C
    _C0 Total Credits
    _L 0x213A7E38 0x002493E0
    Credits to jjoao of onehitgamer

    _C0 Infinite Fuel
    _L 0x10433720 0x000055CC
    _L 0x10433728 0x0000769C
    _C0 Infinite Time
    _L 0x2044C780 0x0001869F
    _C0 DC Teleport
    _L 0x20004CB4 0x0A200400
    _L 0x20001000 0x3C0808C3
    _L 0x20001004 0x8D08F624
    _L 0x20001008 0x24090200
    _L 0x2000100C 0x3C0A08C3
    _L 0x20001010 0x15090007
    _L 0x20001018 0xC54C36B0
    _L 0x2000101C 0xC54D36B4
    _L 0x20001020 0xC54E36B8
    _L 0x20001024 0xE54C16D0
    _L 0x20001028 0xE54D16D4
    _L 0x2000102C 0xE54E16D8
    _L 0x20001030 0x03E00008
    _C0 Mark & Recall
    #L = Mark
    #R = Recall
    #Takes about 10-35 sec to fully kick in
    _L 0x20004CB4 0x0A200400
    _L 0x20001000 0x3C0808C3
    _L 0x20001004 0x8D08F624
    _L 0x20001008 0x24090100
    _L 0x2000100C 0x240A0200
    _L 0x20001010 0x3C0B08C3
    _L 0x20001014 0x3C0C0880
    _L 0x20001018 0x15090007
    _L 0x20001020 0xC56C16D0
    _L 0x20001024 0xC56D16D4
    _L 0x20001028 0xC56E16D8
    _L 0x2000102C 0xE58C3FF4
    _L 0x20001030 0xE58D3FF8
    _L 0x20001034 0xE58E3FFC
    _L 0x20001038 0x150A0007
    _L 0x20001040 0xC58C3FF4
    _L 0x20001044 0xC58D3FF8
    _L 0x20001048 0xC58E3FFC
    _L 0x2000104C 0xE56C16D0
    _L 0x20001050 0xE56D16D4
    _L 0x20001054 0xE56E16D8
    _L 0x20001058 0x03E00008
    _C0 Leave a streak
    _L 0x20ED71F0 0x4C720000
    _C0 Shoot Laser
    _L 0x20004CB4 0x0A200400
    _L 0x20001000 0x3C0808C3
    _L 0x20001004 0x8D08F624
    _L 0x20001008 0x24090080
    _L 0x2000100C 0x240A0100
    _L 0x20001010 0x3C0B096D
    _L 0x20001014 0x15090004
    _L 0x2000101C 0x3C0C4C72
    _L 0x20001020 0x258C0000
    _L 0x20001024 0xAD6C71F0
    _L 0x20001028 0x150A0004
    _L 0x20001030 0x3C0C0000
    _L 0x20001034 0x258C0000
    _L 0x20001038 0xAD6C71F0
    _L 0x2000103C 0x03E00008
    _C0 Infinite Health
    _L 0x20004CB4 0x0A200400
    _L 0x20001000 0x3C0808C3
    _L 0x20001004 0x3C090006
    _L 0x20001008 0x2529464C
    _L 0x2000100C 0xAD0916C4
    _L 0x20001010 0x03E00008
    _C0 Infinite Back unit
    #not subbed
    _L 0x20431A1C 0x0000270F
    _C0 Infinite Armunitr
    #not subbed
    _L 0x204318EC 0x0000270F
    _C0 Infinite Money
    #not subbed
    _L 0x213A7E38 0x000493E0
    _C0 Perfect Laser Gun
    #Rapid Fire
    #Thicker Bullets
    #Hz = 15
    #Infinite Ammo
    _L 0x204318D8 0x10000300
    _L 0x204318DC 0x00000000
    _L 0x204318EC 0x0000270F
    Credits to PassThaPurp of onehitgamer

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  3. #2
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    Default Armored Core Last Raven Portable [US]

    _C0 1-HIT-KILL
    _L 0x00433CD5 0x00000000
    credits to rude of onehitgamer
    only works on cheatmaster cheat device

    updated with skywalker/prevent by jjoao of onehitgamer

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    Find free Unofficial Cheats, Tips, Codes, Passwords, Hints, Secrets, Game Shark, and Game Genie codes And much more including Cheat Engine Tables here at Video Game Cheats.

  4. #3
    Join Date
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    Default Armored Core Last Raven Portable [US]

    _S NPUH-10024
    _G Armored Core Last Raven [US]
    _C1 Inf Armunitr
    _L 0x6030BB4C 0x0000270F
    _L 0x00020001 0x00007FBC
    _C1 Inf Backunitr
    _L 0x6030DAE4 0x0000270F
    _L 0x00020001 0x0000228C
    _C1 Infinite energy
    _L 0x6030DAE4 0x0000769C
    _L 0x00020001 0x00003F98
    _C1 Inf health
    _L 0x6030BB4C 0x002BD4DF
    _L 0x00020001 0x00007D94
    _C0 Total Credits
    _L 0x213A7E38 0x002493E0
    _L 0x00433CD5 0x00000000
    _L 0x204316C4 0x00009C3C
    _L 0x1033C470 0x00000000
    _L 0x1033C5B0 0x00000000
    _L 0x1033C700 0x00000000
    _L 0x1033C850 0x00000000
    _C1 BOOST
    _L 0x1033C9A2 0x00000000
    _L 0x1033C9B0 0x00000000
    _L 0x20431BE8 0x0000FFFF
    _L 0x20433728 0x00061A7C
    _C1 [Arm R] BULLET
    _L 0x204318EC 0x270F270F
    _C1 [Arm L] BULLET
    _L 0x2033BE88 0x270F270F
    _C1 [Back R] BULLET
    _L 0x20431A1C 0x270F270F
    _C1 [Back L] BULLET
    _L 0x20431984 0x270F270F
    _L 0x20431AB4 0x270F270F
    _L 0x20431B4C 0x270F270F
    _C1 [EXT]
    _L 0x00431B3B 0x00000063
    _L 0x20431B3C 0x00000001
    _L 0x20431B40 0x00000007
    _L 0x0033CF80 0x000000FF
    _L 0x0033CF84 0x000000FA
    _C0 [EO] BULLET
    _L 0x1033AD76 0x000003E7
    _C1 A.Unit R Lock Range
    _L 0x20431918 0x44960000
    _L 0x2043191C 0x41000000
    _L 0x20431920 0x41000000
    _L 0x20431924 0x41000000
    _L 0x20431928 0x41000000
    _C1 A.Unit R Lock ON 12
    _L 0x2043192C 0x000C0000
    _L 0x20431930 0x000C0000
    _C1 A.Unit L Lock Range
    _L 0x2033BEB4 0x44960000
    _L 0x2033BEB8 0x41000000
    _L 0x2033BEBC 0x41000000
    _L 0x2033BEC0 0x41000000
    _L 0x2033BEC4 0x41000000
    _C1 A.Unit L Lock ON 12
    _L 0x2033BEC8 0x000C0000
    _L 0x2033BECC 0x000C0000
    _C1 A.Unit R Lock Range
    _L 0x20431A48 0x44960000
    _L 0x20431A4C 0x41000000
    _L 0x20431A50 0x41000000
    _L 0x20431A54 0x41000000
    _L 0x20431A58 0x41000000
    _C1 A.Unit R Lock ON 12
    _L 0x20431A5C 0x000C0000
    _L 0x20431A60 0x000C0000
    _C1 Weapon Rapid
    _L 0x004318DF 0x00000000
    _L 0x0033BE7B 0x00000000
    _L 0x00431A0F 0x00000000
    _L 0x00431977 0x00000000
    _L 0x00431AA7 0x00000000
    _L 0x00431B3F 0x00000000
    _C0 Shoot Laser
    _L 0x20004CB4 0x0A200400
    _L 0x20001000 0x3C0808C3
    _L 0x20001004 0x8D08F624
    _L 0x20001008 0x24090080
    _L 0x2000100C 0x240A0100
    _L 0x20001010 0x3C0B096D
    _L 0x20001014 0x15090004
    _L 0x2000101C 0x3C0C4C72
    _L 0x20001020 0x258C0000
    _L 0x20001024 0xAD6C71F0
    _L 0x20001028 0x150A0004
    _L 0x20001030 0x3C0C0000
    _L 0x20001034 0x258C0000
    _L 0x20001038 0xAD6C71F0
    _L 0x2000103C 0x03E00008

    0 Not allowed! Not allowed!

    Find free Unofficial Cheats, Tips, Codes, Passwords, Hints, Secrets, Game Shark, and Game Genie codes And much more including Cheat Engine Tables here at Video Game Cheats.

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