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Thread Title: Ben 10 Ultimate Alien Cwcheat [ULUS-10542]

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    Default Ben 10 Ultimate Alien Cwcheat [ULUS-10542]

    anyone wants to fully upgrade your aliens, you need to 1st complete the game.

    [its a really easy game, it took me less than a day to complete]

    then use this cwcheat code ONCE.

    0x213FF3C4 0x65083000

    enable, upgrade one level of any alien and see your DNA value go up.
    then disable cheat.

    dont worry about the high value. it doesnt freeze even though value is too high. i was lazy to change the value cos i cant figure out the exact value of 999999999 point.


    your points will drop to below the max points when youre in a level but its not that big a deal.

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    Default Ben 10 Ultimate Alien Cwcheat [ULUS-10542]

    if you need cwcheat format, its as simple as this,

    _L 0x213FF3C4 0x65083000

    if you still dont get it, look around this site.

    if you already know how to find/make cheats, go search for a new fixed value[any random value that might make the search faster, like searching for 8bit dec value of 148] then add the cheat and in the cheat selection menu, edit it so that youre using my codes.


    to anyone who might want this,

    _S ULUS-10542
    _G Ben 10 Ultimate Alien: Cosmic Destruction USA

    _C0 HP Max by tsoon001,Fullcodes
    _L 0x60407354 0x3F800000
    _L 0x00020003 0x00000474
    _L 0x20000018 0x2000001C

    _C0 MP Max by tsoon001,Fullcodes
    _L 0x60407354 0x3F800000
    _L 0x00020003 0x000004A0
    _L 0x20000018 0x2000001C

    _C0 Upgrades DNA 9999999 by tsoon001,Fullcodes

    its copied/quoted directly from Fullcodes of Fullcodes.com
    note that using the MP/HP cheat after some time may freeze the game, ie crash. ive tried having them "joker'ed" but it still crashes. the only way they work for a longer period is to enabling them when needed and then disabling it right after. this can be accomplished by using a shortcut of cwcheat to "one time apply" an enabled cheat.
    [your cheat must be enabled but the "[N] enable cheats" must be set to "N"]

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