_S ULES-01322
_G Fifa 10
_C0 Away team to win
_L 0x20670D60 0x65630074
_L 0x006A0874 0x00000002
_C0 Team chemistry increase
_L 0x00E296BC 0x00000099
_C0 Lets your team score a lot
_L 0x20670D64 0x0030006B
_L 0x206AFD14 0x09975790
_C0 Increase up your points
_L 0x2096B3B8 0xFFFF00F9
_L 0x2096B3F4 0xFFFF00F8
_L 0x2096B408 0xFFFF00F9
_L 0x2096B444 0xFFFF00F9
_L 0x2096B458 0xFFFF00F9
_C0 Increase money
_L 0x106C0E88 0x00001117
_C0 !!Inf budget
_L 0x10C71972 0x4ECF
C0 Max Goals - Away team
_L 0x20762424 0x000F423F
_C0 Max Goals - Home team
_L 0x20762420 0x000F423F


#99 goals - Away team
;Manager mode
0x00762424 0x00000063

#99 goals - Home team
;Manager mode
0x00762420 0x00000063

#!!Inf budget
0x00C71972 0x4ECF

#Increase your chances of scoring
;Only in manager mode
0x006B9A28 0x1F6D
0x006BE120 0x5E3A
0x006BE124 0x5EA5

#Away team to win
;Manager mode
0x00670D60 0x65630074
0x006A0874 0x00000002

#Team chemistry increase
;Only in manager mode
:try it out
;Beta code
0x00E296BC 0x00000099

#Lets your team score a lot
;This is also could be your disadvantage
;Only in manager mode
0x00670D64 0x0030006B
0x006AFD14 0x09975790

#Increase up your points
;Only in manager mode
;This allows to you to be first
;It's a beta code
0x0096B3B8 0xFFFF00F9
0x0096B3F4 0xFFFF00F8
0x0096B408 0xFFFF00F9
0x0096B444 0xFFFF00F9
0x0096B458 0xFFFF00F9

#Increase money
;Increase money after match
;You must win then the code will work
;Only in manager mode
;Have fun
0x006C0E88 0x00001117

Season mode only

#Max Goals - Away team
;Season mode only
0x00762424 0x000F423F

#Max Goals - Home team
;Season mode only
0x00762420 0x000F423F

#Attribute points
;Just increase the hex value
0x00762C04 0x00000034

credits sadhu23