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Thread Title: Joe Montana II Sportstalk Football Cheat Codes (for Sega Genesis)

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  1. #1
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    Default Joe Montana II Sportstalk Football Cheat Codes (for Sega Genesis)

    • Passwords

    If you have trouble, try these passwords to play in any game as the Washington Redskins.

    Week 2 - 1D1CBAAAIA
    Week 3 - 1D1DDAAAIA
    Week 4 - 1D1EHAAAIA
    Week 5 - 1D1FPAAAIA
    Week 6 - 1D1G5AAAIA
    Week 7 - 1DIH5BAAIA
    Week 8 - 1DII5DAAIA
    Week 9 - 1DIJ5HAAIA
    Week 10 - 1DIK5PAAKD
    Week 11 - 1DIL55AAIA
    Week 12 - 1DIM55BAIA
    Week 13 - 1DIN55DAIB
    Week 14 - 1DIO55HAIA
    Week 15 - 1DIP55PAIA
    Week 16 - 1DIQ55PAJA
    Round 1 - 1DIR55PBJA
    Round 2 - 1DIS55PDJA
    Sega Bowl - 1DIT55PHJB

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  3. #2
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    Default Re: Joe Montana II Sportstalk Football

    • Team Select And Level Select

    This code will let you to play with any team in any week.

    First enter the password screen. Then fill in the blanks in this password _YP_???KDJ. The first blank is your team, and the second blank is the week you want to play. (For example, to play as the Broncos in the first round play-offs, enter J in the first blank and W in the second. The completed password for this example would be JYPW???KDJ.)

    Team Code

    Falcons b
    Lions k
    Dolphins s
    Cardinals 0
    Bills c
    Packers l
    Vikings t
    Steelers 1
    Bears d
    Colts m
    Saints v
    Chargers 2
    Bengals f
    Chiefs n
    Patriots w
    Seahawks 3
    Browns g
    Oilers p
    Giants x
    49ers 4
    Cowboys h
    Raiders q
    Jets y
    Buccaneers 5
    Broncos j
    Rams r
    Eagles z
    Redskins 6

    Week Code

    Week 2 D
    Week 3 F
    Week 4 G
    Week 5 H
    Week 6 J
    Week 7 K
    Week 8 L
    Week 9 M
    Week 10 N
    Week 11 P
    Week 12 Q
    Week 13 R
    Week 14 S
    Week 15 T
    Week 16 V
    1st Play-Offs W
    2nd Play-Offs X
    Super Bowl Y

    0 Not allowed! Not allowed!

    Find free Unofficial Cheats, Tips, Codes, Passwords, Hints, Secrets, Game Shark, and Game Genie codes And much more including Cheat Engine Tables here at Video Game Cheats.

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