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Thread Title: WWF Wrestlemania: The Arcade Game Cheat Codes (for Sega Genesis)

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    Default WWF Wrestlemania: The Arcade Game Cheat Codes (for Sega Genesis)

    • 13 Hit Combo

    Pick Shawn Micheals. Then once your combo meter is full and flashing combo. Grab your opponent (Forward, Forward, Strong Punch) and press Forward, Forward, Strong Kick. He will then start kicking the opponent. Then press Strong Punch.

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    Default Re: WWF Wrestlemania: The Arcade Game

    • No Second Wind

    To make your opponent have no second wind,when he is laying on the floor with no life left, don't pin him. Go to the top rope and stay there. He will not get back up and you will win.

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    Default Re: WWF Wrestlemania: The Arcade Game

    • Random Character Select

    To choose a character at random, place Player 1's cursor on Doink and Player 2's on Razor Ramon. Press Up + Start to execute the code.

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    Default Re: WWF Wrestlemania: The Arcade Game

    • Secret Combos

    Perform these combos during a lock-up. You don't need the combo meter filled up to do these moves. (In the codes below, F = forward, P = punch, and K = kick.)

    Player Combo

    Bret "Hitman" Hart FF P or FF K
    Bam Bam Bigelow FF K
    Undertaker FF P or FF K
    Doink FF P

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    Default Re: WWF Wrestlemania: The Arcade Game

    • Special Moves

    These special moves should work in any version of WWF WrestleMania.

    Joybuzzer: Hold punch for 3 seconds, then release
    Dropkick: Hold power kick for 3 seconds, then release
    Clapper: Motion down to towards and press punch, then tap punch repeatedly for up to 4 hits
    Hammer: Towards, towards, power kick, then tap kick repeatedly for up to 4 hits
    Face Slam: After a grab, press down, down, power kick, then tap kick repeatedly for up to 4 hits

    Charge Razor: Hold punch for 3 seconds, then release
    Dropkick: Hold power kick for 3 seconds, then release
    Overhead Razor: Motion down to towards and press punch
    Rug Slam: Towards, towards, kick, and press kick repeatedly for up to 4 hits

    Power Neck Breaker: Hold punch for 3 seconds and release
    Sliding Choke Grab: Motion down to towards and press punch
    Stun Ghosts: Motion down to back and press kick
    Spectres: Motion down to towards and press kick
    Tombstone Slam: Towards, towards, power kick and press kick repeatedly for up to 4 hits
    Choke Slam: After a choke grab, press down, down, kick, and press punch repeatedly for up to 4 hits
    Mystic Glove: After a choke grab, press down and power kick

    Belly Bump: Towards, towards, and punch
    Salt Throw: Hold punch for 3 seconds, then release
    Scissor Bomb: Towards, towards, power kick
    Lift Grab: Power punch and power kick at the same time, press any button to body slam them
    Leg Spin: After a lift grab, press down and any button (does not work on Razor Ramon or Doink)

    Back Suplex: Hold punch for 3 seconds, then release
    Sunset Flip: Up, towards, power punch
    Snapkick: Back, back, power kick
    Leg Flip: Towards, towards, kick
    Speedkick: Motion down to towards, kick, then press kick repeatedly for up to 4 hits
    Frankensteiner: Towards, towards, power kick
    Armbreaker: After a grab, press towards, towards, punch
    Monkey Flip: After a grab, press towards, towards, kick

    One-Two Charge: Hold punch for 3 seconds, then release
    Suplex: Hold power punch for 3 seconds, then release
    Flying Kick: Back, back, power kick
    Pogo Piledriver: After a grab, press down, down, power kick, then trap power punch repeatedly for up to 4 hits.
    Lift Grab: Press power punch and power kick at the same time
    Backbreaker: After a lift grab, hold down and press power kick

    Eye Gouge: Hold punch for 3 seconds, then release
    DDT: Hold power punch for 3 seconds, then release
    Drop Kick: Hold power kick for 3 seconds, then release
    Flying Kick: Back, back, power kick
    Rolling Uppercut: Motion down to towards and press power punch
    Knee Drop: After a grab, motion down to towards and press punch. Then ta punch repeatedly for up to 4 hits

    Knuckle Smash: Hold punch for 3 seconds, then release
    Steel Ram: Towards, towards, punch
    Mace: Towards, towards, power kick, then tap kick repeatedly for up to four hits
    Lift Grab: Press power punch and power kick at the same time
    Backbreaker: After a lift grab, hold up and press power kick

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    Default Re: WWF Wrestlemania: The Arcade Game

    • Unlimited Combos

    Pump iron with this studly code. For unlimited combos, pause the game and press B, A, Down, B, Up, Left, Left. Be warned that the second player (or computer) gains this benefit of as well.

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    Default Re: WWF Wrestlemania: The Arcade Game

    • Victory Pose

    To make Sean show-off after you've won and the fireworks are going off, hold B and rotate the d-pad 360 degrees.

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