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Thread Title: Comix Zone

This is the place to look over & submit all Sega Geneses Game Genie Codes

  1. #1
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    Default Comix Zone

    1. HVDV-7AAT + AFDV-6AAW Start on Episode 1, Section 2
    2. HVDV-7AAT + AKDV-6AAW Start on Episode 2, Section 1
    3. HVDV-7AAT + APDV-6AAW Start on Episode 2, Section 2
    4. HVDV-7AAT + AVDV-6AAW Start on Episode 3, Section 1
    5. HVDV-7AAT + AZDV-6AAW Start on Episode 3, Section 2
    6. AJDV-4A4L No damage from attacking solid objects
    7. AJCV-4A56 No damage from enemies, explosions, hazards, etc.
    8. 963B-4JAC Ice Tea fully heals player
    9. JBDV-6CB2 Start with 1/4 health
    10. TBDV-6EB2 Start with 1/2 health
    11. 2BDV-6GB2 Start with 3/4 health

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  3. #2
    Join Date
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    Default Re: Comix Zone

    Sega Genesis - Comix Zone (U)

    Level Modifier

    00-Stage 1
    01-Stage 2
    02-Stage 3
    03-Stage 4
    04-Stage 5
    05-Stage 6 (Final Stage)

    Buttons (Option) (Noted: you can change the button settings during gameplay).

    00- A - ACTION, B - JUMP, C - CUSTOM
    01- A - ACTION, B - CUSTOM, C - JUMP
    02- A - JUMP, B - ACTION, C - CUSTOM
    03- A - JUMP, B - CUSTOM, C- ACTION
    04- A - CUSTOM, B - ACTION, C - JUMP
    05- A - CUSTOM, B - JUMP, C - ACTION

    Custom (Options) (Noted: you can change the custom action during gameplay).

    00-Block (Manual Blocking)
    01-Shoulder Smash (Auto-Blocking)
    02-Scissor Kick (Auto-Blocking)
    03-Shaolin Kick (Auto-Blocking)
    04-Macho Yell (Auto-Blocking)

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  4. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

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    Default Re: Comix Zone

    Sega Genesis - Comix Zone (U)

    Level Modifier

    00-Stage 1
    01-Stage 2
    02-Stage 3
    03-Stage 4
    04-Stage 5
    05-Stage 6 (Final Stage)

    Buttons (Option) (Noted: you can change the button settings during gameplay).

    00- A - ACTION, B - JUMP, C - CUSTOM
    01- A - ACTION, B - CUSTOM, C - JUMP
    02- A - JUMP, B - ACTION, C - CUSTOM
    03- A - JUMP, B - CUSTOM, C- ACTION
    04- A - CUSTOM, B - ACTION, C - JUMP
    05- A - CUSTOM, B - JUMP, C - ACTION

    Custom (Options) (Noted: you can change the custom action during gameplay).

    00-Block (Manual Blocking)
    01-Shoulder Smash (Auto-Blocking)
    02-Scissor Kick (Auto-Blocking)
    03-Shaolin Kick (Auto-Blocking)
    04-Macho Yell (Auto-Blocking)

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Thread Title: Comix Zone

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