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Thread Title: Death and Return of Superman

This is the place to look over & submit all Sega Geneses Game Genie Codes

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Default Death and Return of Superman

    1. AAOT-DYFC Start with 1 life
    2. AJOT-DYFC Start with 3 lives
    3. ANOT-DYFC Start with 4 lives
    4. AYOT-DYFC Start with 6 lives
    5. BEOT-DYFC Start with 10 lives
    6. ACDT-ANPE Infinite lives
    7. ACBA-AANL Start with 1/2 health on your first life
    8. ACBA-BANL Start with 3/4 health on your first life
    9. ACBA-ABEL Start with double health on your first life
    10. ECDT-BYFT Start with 1/2 health after your first life
    11. GCDT-BYFT Start with 3/4 health after your first life
    12. TCDT-BYFT Start with double health after your first life
    13. AEOT-DYEO Start with 1 special attack
    14. AJOT-DYEO Start with 2 special attacks
    15. AYOT-DYEO Start with 5 special attacks
    16. BEOT-DYEO Start with 9 special attacks
    17. ACLT-ANLC Infinite special attacks

    0 Not allowed! Not allowed!

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  3. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

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    Default Re: Death and Return of Superman

    The Death and Return of Superman (U)

    Sound Test

    Hex Value for Sound Test
    00 to 32

    Control Mode

    00-Y: Special, A: Shoot , B: Attack, C: Jump
    01-Y: Shoot, A: Attack, B: Jump, C: Special
    02-Y: Shoot, A: Jump, B: Attack, C: Special
    03-Y: Shoot, A: Special, B: Jump, C: Attack
    04-Y: Shoot, A: Special, B: Attack, C: Jump
    05-Y: Special, A: Attack, B: Jump, C: Shoot
    06-Y: Special, A: Jump, B: Attack, C: Shoot
    07-Y: Special, A: Shoot, B: Jump, C: Attack

    P1 X-Axis Modifier

    P1 X-Axis View Mode

    P1 Y-Axis Modifier

    P1 Y-Axis View Mode

    Cursor Select Modifier for Main Menu/Game Options

    Cursor Select Modifier for Main Menu
    00-Start Game

    Game Options
    00-Sound Test
    01-Control Mode

    2nd Enemy HP

    3rd Enemy HP

    4th Enemy HP

    5th Enemy HP

    6th Enemy HP

    7th Enemy HP

    0 Not allowed! Not allowed!

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