- Clear Picture of CD-Change Screen
When you reach the point where you have to change the CD press and hold X-Y-Z to get a clear view of the picture.
- Control Text Speed
To speed up or slow down the lengthy in-game cinemas (not the computer-rendered ones) hold down the R button to speed up the talking or the L button to slow it down.
- D Unit Locations
Above Excavation Site - Access the birds (you have to kill the Arachnoth first)
Valley/Canyon Deep Gulch - inside a tunnel
Garil Desert - Worm Lair
Garil Oasis - Blue Ruins
Uru - Sunken Southern Ruins - next to the entrance
Uru - Deep North
Underground Ruins of Uru - B4F - needs Dragon
Underground Ruins of Uru - B2F North - needs Dragon
Inside the Forest of Zoah
Inside the Forest of Zoah
Tower - 14F North
Tower - 14F North - right next to D unit 11
- Easier Fights
To defeat bossses that cannot be harmed a lot from your gun or your dragon's wepon, turn your spiritualality up to max leaving your attack down to 0. Then use put a shield around yourself(after this is done you can turn your agility all the way up if you want) Anyway, after you have turned your spirit up cast a lot of berzerk attacks and now that your shield is up, you cannot be hurt and your berzerk attacks will cost less BP and be stronger!