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Thread Title: Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure Cheat Codes (for Super Nintendo)

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    Default Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure Cheat Codes (for Super Nintendo)

    How do you get past the two jaguars in the Lost City of Copan

    First make sure that you have exploding stones then get the hyper pepper and then once you reach the pit that the jaguars are in jump, throw the exploding stone then it won't say that the battle has begu and you should have the power to jump to the door in the corner.

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    Default RE: Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure

    Secret passages

    In the cave level use the TNT to blow holes in the walls to open secret passages.

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    Can go anywhere

    When you do the level select, when you start the game, hold Select, and Harry (star of pitfall) will stop moving, when you do this, you can go anywhere by holding a direction even up. This does not work on the second mine cart level where you are riding on the cart (the one with ghouls).

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    Old Ver

    At the Title Screen, press Select, A, A, A, A, A, A, Select, Start for Old Ver.

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    Fighting Zakelua

    Zakelua is the large stone warrior you encounter at the end of Level 11. Zakelua has four different attacks, he throws fireballs, causes earthquakes, pulls you toward him and slams you on the ground, or breaks apart and attacks you in pieces. Zakelua drops one knee just before he launches a stone fist. Avoid the heavy hand by jumping over it or lying flat on the ground. When your stone inventory dips below ten, one final bag of rocks falls from the ceiling. Pick it up and replenish your arsenal. Try to jump just before the Zakelua puts down his foot. Stand on the far right or left side of the chamber to avoid Zakelua when he goes to pieces and flings rocks in your face. If you remain persistent and patient throughout the battle, you should be able to defeat Zakelua with twenty hits on the head.

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    Infinite continues

    To have infinite continues, press Start rapidly and repeatedly on Controller 1 at the continue screen. On the title screen press B, Right, A, Down, Right, A, move the cursor to start, and press up.

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    Stage Select

    At the "Select Player" screen, hold X + Y and press A, A, A, A, B, B, B, B, A, B, A, B, A, B, A, B, Start for a Stage Select.

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    Another Stage select code

    At the Title Screen, wait until the Boomerang begins to circle the weird Start, then press X, Select, A, Select, Y, A, X, and Select. When the name's of the Stages appear below the Title, use the L or R buttons to select any Stage.

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    Default RE: Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure

    2600 Pitfall

    At the Title Screen, press Select, A, A, A, A, A, A, Select, Start to go to 2600 Pitfall.

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    Default RE: Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure

    2600 game

    You will find the original Pitfall game in the first part of the Temple of Coban stage. Just jump up and go to the far left. When you see the 2600 scorpions, go through the door and proceed left again. Jump over the low wall and you'll see the vortex that will take you to the 2600 game.

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    Default RE: Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure

    Nine continues

    At the Continue screen, press Start several times and very quickly, and the number of Continues will go up to nine. After that they will never go down.

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    Default RE: Pitfall: The Mayan Adventure

    Start on Level 6

    When the Title Screen comes up, press A, X, A, Y, A, X, Select, Select, and Start, to start on Level 6.

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