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Thread Title: Accelebrid

Cheat codes, tips guides & hints for games on the Super Nintendo Entertainment System or SNES.

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    Default Accelebrid

    Misc. Cheat Codes

    At the TOMY logo, hold A, B, X, Y on Controller 2 until the title screen appears. If done right, the title will be red instead of blue. Now, wait until the Silver Mare's attack demo starts and when it reaches the "Attacker" animation, hold any of the following buttons on Controller 2 until the gameplay demo starts with the words "Press Start". You can then release the buttons and start the game normally.

    Effect Code
    25 Continues Hold L on Controller 2.
    6 Smart Bombs Hold R on Controller 2 and keep holding it until you start the 1st Stage.
    Secret Ending (after beating the game) Hold X on Controller 2.

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    Sound Test

    At the TOMY logo, hold A, B, X, Y on Controller 2 until the title screen appears. If done right, the title will be red instead of blue. Now, on Controller 1, hold L + R + Start. If done right, you'll be taken to the sound test menu.

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  4. #3
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    Default Accelebrid

    Stage Select

    At the TOMY logo, hold A, B, X, Y on Controller 2 until the title screen appears. If done right, the title will be red instead of blue. Now, start the game, select your weapon and at the "Attacker or Defender" screen, pick one and right before the screen completely fades to black, hold one of the following buttons on Controller 1.

    Effect Code
    Stage 2 - Tiamat Gorge Hold R + Start
    Stage 3 - Railways Hold Y + Start
    Stage 4 - Underground Hold X + Start
    Stage 5 - Climbing Cheesering Tower Hold B + Start
    Stage 6 - Inside Cheesering Tower Hold A + Start

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    Find free Unofficial Cheats, Tips, Codes, Passwords, Hints, Secrets, Game Shark, and Game Genie codes And much more including Cheat Engine Tables here at Video Game Cheats.

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