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Thread Title: Separation Anxiety Cheat Codes (for Super Nintendo)

Cheat codes, tips guides & hints for games on the Super Nintendo Entertainment System or SNES.

  1. #1
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    Default Separation Anxiety Cheat Codes (for Super Nintendo)

    Secret rooms

    Sent in by Yoda

    Select Spidey and go to the first level. At the begging if you attack in
    the upper left corner you will enter a secret room. There will be guys
    to fight. One punch will kill them. When you kill them all there will be
    an extra life. I think if you wait a while 4 more extra lives will appear.

    Sent in by Christopher Murphy

    In the very first level, just when you drop down, get Spiderman to go
    to the very top left hand corner, right beside the garbage can, facing
    left. Then get him to punch. You will go to a secret room in which you
    will fight a bunch of bad guys (but they only take one punch each) and
    when you defeat them all, you will get some item.

    Sent in by Joshua Foster

    Start a game as Spider-Man ant go to the trash can on the upper left of
    the screen, face left, then punch. You'll be transported to a secret room
    where each guy takes one hit and flies off the screen. After you kill
    all the guys, a life will appear.

    Sent in by Steven Gallant

    In the eighth level, (In the mall) kill all the people in the first seen. In the
    second seen two the top left of the statue and punch any of the people
    with the masks and you will go to a secret room.

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    Default Re: Separation Anxiety


    Sent in by Justyn

    Dccpmh Stage 5
    MdrkJp Stage 11
    Stsppc Stage 17
    QpmJcv Stage 18
    SCBRS Special Stage

    Sent in by Ryan C.

    MDRKJP Stage 3
    STSPPC Stage 4
    MDRKJP Stage 10

    Sent in by Andrew

    The very first password for this game is DCCPMH.
    The password for Level 5 is QPMJCV.

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    Find free Unofficial Cheats, Tips, Codes, Passwords, Hints, Secrets, Game Shark, and Game Genie codes And much more including Cheat Engine Tables here at Video Game Cheats.

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