1. Spend all of your money. Every penny! Make sure you buy something that
requires funding (Roads, Railroads, Police or Fire Stations). Make sure
that the Auto Budget feature is off.
2. Reduce all funding levels and the tax level to 0% and wait until the
tax year ends (December). While the financial screen is on, hold the L
Button and select the "Go with figures" option.
3. Hit the X Button twice, causing the month to flip to January. Keep
holding the L Button, then re-enter the financial screen and increase
all funding levels to 100%. Leave the tax rate at 0% for now. At this
point, your Current Funds must be 0 or less.
4. Exit the Financial screen and release the L Button. You'll be given
$999,999!!! At this point you may raise the taxes, and place the Auto
Budget feature on.