Code:Passwords GDBF YLFV HZJS ZHCS Stage 1 HDDM NTKB HQLF XKLD Stage 2 VWNP XSQX CGBH BPJP Stage 3 DKHH UMBH CSWN KMMQ Stage 4 YZHF MMXK VJDR GMWQ Stage 5 PBGX RVNG KGKX WRZB Stage 6 FDQP QRMB FGNH GTKL Play as the Ultimate Gargoyle For there to be no enemies except for Bosses, at the password screen enter RBNL, XHGB, VGBB, BLYLD and then go to the end and press start. To warp to the end of the game with all of the items collected and to see the best ending, type in the following code: YDGM QRMB FGJB JTZB RBNL XHGB There will be no enemies, just bosses. VGBB LYLD PDQM RRMV All items. FWGX DTSG QFFF KNRR 4th ending. DDLR XGTQ