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Thread Title: Faceball 2000 Cheat Codes (for Super Nintendo)

Cheat codes, tips guides & hints for games on the Super Nintendo Entertainment System or SNES.

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    Default Faceball 2000 Cheat Codes (for Super Nintendo)

    Warps, items and hard enemies

    In the first level, there is a flashing door. Shoot it 10 times. You will be teleported to a place behind the door. There will be power ups and more flashing doors. These are warp doors which will warp you to higher levels. In the little alcove, get the power up. Walk away from the ball and you will notice that its still there. Shoot it for a while, and then open it up. There will be a key. Get it. A room will open up. Beware, there are VERY HARD enemies in there (I hope you have lots of lives). I think theres a Ninja and possibly others in there. There are still more power ups. Kill the Ninja (takes a lot of hits) and go into the 2nd alcove and shoot the non flashing wall several times. Then go back and shoot the 2nd powerup

                 (--- This Wall
    ball that didn't disappear. There should be a key. Get it. The wall you shot will disappear, and give way to yet more warps and power ups, as well as enemies. Kill the enemies (I don't remember what kind they are) and get the power ups.

    There is yet another alcove with a wall that isn't flashing. Shoot it lots, and shoot the 3rd power up ball that didn't disappear. Eventually there will be a key. Get it. The wall you shot will disappear. There are more powerups, warps, and enemies.

    Believe it or not, there is yet another room, but I forgot how to get to it. The warps go up to level 100 (I think).

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    Default RE: Faceball 2000

    New Cyberscape option

    At the one/two player select screen, hold L + R + Left and press A. The interface screen will have a new Cyberscape option.

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  4. #3
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    Default RE: Faceball 2000

    Game Setup screen

    Select the number of players and the "Cyberzone" mode. On the Difficulty screen, hold the L and R Buttons and press Start. Then let go of all buttons to enter the Game Setup screen. You can make changes on the six given options: Starting Level (Up to 41), Armor (0-20), Shots (1-5), Speed (1-7), Lives (1-99), and Reload (0-15).

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