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Thread Title: Gradius 3 Cheat Codes (for Super Nintendo)

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    Default Gradius 3 Cheat Codes (for Super Nintendo)

    Get most power-ups

    First when you are choosing your power ups got to edit. Choose anything you want, but on the last powerup choose speed down. When playing the game get enough red capsules to get to the speed down option. Press your button, you will now have every thing except lasers. You even get a speed.

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    Options widen out

    This only works with the rotational options or the standard options. After getting all options, highlight the option weapon bar and hold the power up button down. This will cause the options to widen out so they get a better range of destruction.

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    Demo on Arcade Mode

    On the Title screen, hold A. You will see the Intro screen, the Title screen, and then the Demo on Arcade Mode.

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    Computer Selects your weapons

    If you want the computer to Select your weapons, go to the weapon Select Screen, then Edit Mode and press X, Y, X, X, Y, Y, X, Y.

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    Default RE: Gradius 3

    29 ships

    On the Title Screen, hold Left, and press A, A, A, Start. You will start with 29 ships.

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    More credits

    To have more credits, press the X button quickly and repeatedly while the Title Screen is up. Press Start before the Title Screen disappears.

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    Bonus stages

    There are bonus stages in levels 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7. Most bonus stages require that you meet some condition and then fly into a seemingly solid area to enter the bonus area. The conditions and areas are described below.

    Level 2 - (condition: none) fly into the first ship opening along the bottom of the screen in the last section of the stag before meeting the boss (area after the giant carbonated bubbles)

    Level 3 - (condition: must have destroyed all of the guns on the ground), fly up close to the low rock ceiling toward the end of the level right before the last "mountain".

    Level 4 - (condition: must have no power-up boxes lit at bottom of screen), fly into the back of the Moai head located in the middle of 3 heads toward the end of the level. This particular head will be facing away from you and all 3 heads are upright, difficult to explain location w/o picture).

    Level 5 - (condition: unknown), fly through the fire at the corner of the inverted volcano just before the small passage which leads to the 2-headed fire dragon.

    Level 7 - (condition: unknown), fly through low corner just after the 4 turrets where your ship would normally have to cut diagonally upward.

    In the second level before you reach the leader, there are two holes, one up and one down. A slightly different color enemy should come out of the bottom. Shoot him then go in the hole as fast as you can, if you do it right, you will be in a bonus level.

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    Increase the radius of your R Options

    Select R Option (rotating options) from weapons panel. Once you have acquired all 4 Options, collect enough power-ups to again highlight the "Option" option at the bottom of the screen. Press and hold the A button to increase the radius of your R Options. This will make the R Option as effective (probably more so) as any of the other Option types by covering a large portion of the screen.

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    On the Option Mode Screen, select Game Level and press the A button as fast as you can until the level reads "ARCADE".

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