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Thread Title: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtles in Time Cheat Codes (for Super Nintendo)

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    Default Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtles in Time Cheat Codes (for Super Nintendo)

    Turtle information

    Although you may think that all of the turtles are exactly alike, you are very wrong. Each turtle is unique in the following ways.

    Raph: He moves and runs faster than any of his brothers, but he also loses his energy the quickest also.

    Mike: He is the slowest of the four, but he can take more punishment than any of his brothers.

    Leo: Leo ranks second in speed and defense, making him a good choice.

    Don: Don is the most average turtle. He ranks third in speed and defense, making him not good but not bad either.

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    Default RE: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtles in Time

    Fighting the rat king

    On level 3 (Sewersurfin), when fighting the rat king stay all the way to the bottom, keep hitting him, and he will not be able to hit you with anything.

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    Default RE: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtles in Time

    Strange Music

    Go to the game options screen and flip through the sound test selections until you find "Staff." Start playing it, then push Y and it will start sounding very weird.

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    Default RE: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtles in Time

    Level select

    Press Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, L, R on controller two at the title screen for a level select.

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    Rest option can be set to 10

    Highlight the "Option" selection on the title screen. Quickly press Up, Up, Down, Down, Left, Right, Left, Right, B, A on controller two, then Start on controller one. The "Rest" option on the options screen may now be set to ten.

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    Continue as player 2

    Press Start on controller two just before losing with no continues remaining. Game play may be continued as player two with the continue total reset to full.

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    Default RE: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles IV: Turtles in Time


    Stage 1 (Big Apple)

    Avoid the wrecking ball, jump over it before it flattens you. Beware of the lightning bolts shooting out of the Robot Krang, stay to either side of them. When you get to Baxter Stockman you need to avoid his machine gun fire. The best way to avoid his murderous fire is to stay outside his range. Keep moving from corner to corner - side to side. Once he lands you can strike him three to five times before he takes to the air. Keep repeating this process until he is destroyed. It is essential to keep moving to avoid being struck by his machine gun or his giant hand.

    Stage 2 (Alleycat Blues)

    End Boss: To defeat M. Head you must get the pizza located nearby before he materializes. Be wary of his extended punches with his hands and feet. Get close and strike as fast as possible three to six times. Once he starts to shoot his laser you must jump back to the opposite side. Keep moving around until he lands. This is where he is vulnerable. Hit him repeatedly until he pulls out his laser. Then simply repeat the process. You must keep moving at all times to avoid any unnecessary trouble.

    Stage 3 (Sewer Surfing)

    Watch out for the many obstacles within this level, falling spike wall, spiked red balls, giant pizza monsters. Pick up the bonus(question marks) whenever possible. When you get to R. King it is important to strike his boat at the area marked break point . Keep hitting the boat until it starts to glow. Beware of the spiked balls and remote control missiles. Try hitting the boat three to five times then maneuver away from the obstacles. Keep hitting until it is destroyed.

    Stage 4 (Technodrome)

    When you reach Tokka and his buddy Razhar, it is important to contact on one creature at a time. Beware of Razhar s fire breath and Tokka s freeze ray. Try getting one of them in the corner and simply pound him into oblivion. Watch out for the second creature to sneak up behind you and attack. The jump/slash technique is effective but will take considerably longer simply slashing. Once you reach Shredder, you must throw at least nine foot soldiers into his console. Watch out for Shredder s gun, he will try to rack you and destroy you. It is important to keep moving at all times.

    Stage 5 (Prehistoric Turtlesauras)

    At the beginning of the stage, watch out for being trampled by a runaway dinosaur, it will take about 3/4 of your strength away. Watch out for the falling rocks and stalactites. When you get to Slash you cannot fight him in the conventional way. There are two methods which will work, it is easy to keep jumping over Slash and land behind him to attack, but this takes quite a long time. Another method is to run into Slash with your shoulder, he will be momentarily stunned. This method is harder, but it will take less time to accomplish. Don t try a straight on attack because he will simply block your hits with his pair of swords.

    Stage 6 (Skull and Crossbones)

    When you are making your way across the ship, beware of the loose planks. Once the pirate ship comes onto the screen, watch out for the falling cannonballs, they will take half of your strength away. when you get to the pair of gentlemen in yellow and black who keep throwing the spiked boomerang, you must concentrate on the one closest to you. You may have to take a couple of hits, but shoulder throw the closest one, then you can concentrate on the second guy. When you get to Bebop and Rocksteady, pick up the pizza, you need to use the jump/slash technique. Keep attacking Bebop, jump in and hit him four times, then jump away and do the same thing to Rocksteady. Don t get in between them or they will sandwich you. Keep concentrating your attack while moving around.

    Stage 7 (Bury My Shell At Wounded Knee)

    When you reach L. Head, use the jump/slash technique to strike repeatedly. Once he goes into a prone position, jump away and start moving around to avoid his knives and lobster attacks. Use the same evasive techniques to defeat M. Head. Jump to the other side and evade his attack. Once you get close enough, hit him between three to six times, then move. Watch out for his jab. If you can jump into him before he throws his knives and lobsters, you can stun him temporarily and slash three to five times. Keep repeating until he is destroyed.

    Stage 8 (Neon Night Riders)

    Destroy as many foot soldiers as possible, while picking up as many question marks as possible. When you reach the helicoptered foot soldiers, it is tricky but you need to jump up and slash them as quickly as possible. Once you reach Krang, use the jump/slash technique, hit him as quickly as possible. But watch out for his missile attack and his kicking ability. Keep moving up and down, side to side and keep hammering away. When he releases his bubble attack, look for the shadows of the bombs prior to their exploding. You must move quickly because you don t have a lot of time to react.

    Stage 9 (Starbase: Where No Turtle Has Gone Before)

    To defeat Super Krang (inside spaceship) you must keep jumping and slashing to avoid his giant bubbles or robots. The bubbles will trap you in suspended animation long enough for Krang to smash you. Another trick used by Krang is to smash you with his spaceship. Keep hitting and running, you must be extra patient with this section. Keep repeating until he is destroyed.

    Stage 10 (Technodrome: Final Shell Shock)

    To defeat Shredder you must avoid his attacks. He has three modes of attack, you must watch his hand and the color of the flameball to decide what type of attack it will be. The red flameball means a line of fire across the floor, you only need to move to the other side to defeat this attack. The green flameball is the shrink ray, you move away and wait for the blue flameball (the freeze ray). This is where Shredder is weakest. You must be patient to defeat Shredder. After he throws the freeze ray, strike him five to six times then simply wait for the next freeze ray. Keep repeating until he is destroyed.

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