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Thread Title: Games that make you want to break your controller

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  1. #1
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    Default Games that make you want to break your controller

    There is a game for the SNES entitled Pac-Man 2: The New Adventures. This game, well, I don't it could even really be called a game, seemed to take fun and banish it to Siberia. It has a point and click kind of "gameplay" in a sidescrolling world in which you could tell Pac-Man to look if anything got suspicious. Pac-Man will move on his own in one direction, and if you're not always looking after him, he'll walk right into a rock, or something stupid like that. I think the first mission was to find milk for the Pac-Baby. I never found that milk. In fact the game doesn't even refer to itself as a game, it calls itself an "Interactive Cartoon". The game was so frustrating because I couldn't stand it long enough to really figure out what I was doing.

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    Default RE: Games that make you want to break your controller

    Agreed lol.

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  4. #3
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    Default RE: Games that make you want to break your controller

    Yeah, I remember trying this game once... I'll never play it again.

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