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Thread Title: Super Mario World game genie codes (for Super Nintendo)

Game Genie Codes, GameShark & Pro Action Replay Codes for games on the Super Nintendo Entertainment System or SNES. (some codes are official and others are unofficial).

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    Default Super Mario World game genie codes (for Super Nintendo)

    DDB4-6F07 Start with 1 life instead of 5
    D6B4-6F07 Start with 9 lives
    D3B4-6F07 Start with 15 lives
    F6B4-6F07 Start with 25 lives
    7FB4-6F07 Start with 50 lives
    14B4-6F07 Start with 99 lives
    C222-D4DD Infinite lives
    D964-A7D7 + D967-AFA7 Extra life at 5 coins instead of 100
    DC64-A7D7 + DC67-AFA7 Extra life at 10 coins
    F064-A7D7 + F067-AFA7 Extra life at 20 coins
    7464-A7D7 + 7467-AFA7 Extra life at 50 coins
    DD32-6DAD Start and stay invincible most of the time
    CBED-6DDF Stay as Super Mario, Fire Mario, or Cape Mario when you get
    hit--extra items may still fall out of box at top of screen
    CB28-DF6D Stay as Super Mario, Fire Mario or Cape Mario when you fall and die
    D02C-AF6F Low jump
    D42C-AF6F Super jump
    DF2C-AF6F Mega-jump
    C264-64D7 Infinite time--Some puzzles use the timer and you might need
    to switch off effects to continue
    D2E5-A7AD Extra life with every dragon coin instead of 5
    31B7-6F07 Start as Super Mario
    CBB7-6D67 + D4B7-6DA7 + 3CB7-6FD7+ 69B7-6F07 Start as Cape Mario
    CBB7-6D67 + D7B7-6DA7 + 3CB7-6FD7+ 69B7-6F07 Start as Fire Mario
    DFCE-64A0 Little Yoshi grows into big Yoshi after eating just 1 enemy instead of 5
    D4CE-64A0 Little Yoshi grows into big Yoshi after eating just 2 enemies
    D7CE-64A0 Little Yoshi grows into big Yoshi after eating just 3 enemies
    D0CE-64A0 Little Yoshi grows into big Yoshi after eating just 4 enemies

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    Default Re: Super Mario World game genie codes

    • BB64-64D7 - Time never runs out
    • C264-64D7 - Infinite time
    • AA64-64D7 - Super-fast clock
    • DF64-A7D7 - Extra life at one coin
    • 7464-A7D7 - Extra life at 50 coins
    • 14B4-6F07 - Start with 99 lives
    • B1B4-6F07 - Mario has a halo on the map screen, F1 lives, and the game is over when you die once
    • 31B4-6F07 - Mario has a halo on map screen, only has one life.
    • CBB7-6D67 - Start as Caped Mario
    • CBB7-6D67 - Start as Fiery Mario
    • CBB7-6D67 - Start as a red faced Mario
    • CBB7-6D67 - Start as Sub-Zero Mario. Grab a mushroom to become invincible
    • CBB7-6D67 - Start as nodding Mario. Grab a Mushroom to get a 1-Up
    • CBB7-6D67 - Start as Mario. Grab a mushroom and it turns into a Pirahna plant, a star is moved into your inventory which glitches the game if used.
    • CBB7-6D67 - Start as hovercraft Mario, get any item to become invincible with a Bullet Bill in reserve
    • CBB7-6D67 - Start as hovercraft Mario, get any item to put a shelless turtle in reserve
    • CBB7-6D67 - Start as hovercraft Mario, get a Mushroom to turn it into a Pirahna Plant and get a giant "Bullet Blob" in reserve
    • CBB7-6D67 - Start as hovercraft Mario, get a mushroom to put a flying key in reserve
    • CBB7-6D67 - Start as hovercraft Mario, get a Fire Flower to put an invisibility flower in reserve, or a mushroom to turn invincible and get a football Koopa in reserve
    • CBB7-6D67 - Start as hovercraft Mario, get a fire flower to put a magic squished dinosaur in reserve which will let you clear the round instantly if collected
    • CBB7-6D67 - Start as Sub-Zero Mario, get a fire flower or mushroom to put a 1up mushroom in reserve, use that or any other 1up mushroom to put a Yoshi in reserve
    • CBB7-6D67 - Start as Mario with a strange walk, get a mushroom for Yoshi's thank-you message
    • CBB7-6D67 - Mario drives without benefit of a car
    • CBB7-6D67 - Start as Mario with an extremely strange walk, get a fire flower to put a glitched ghost in reserve
    • D0B7-6DA7 - Start as a red faced Mario in need of a chiropractor
    • DBB7-6DA7 - Start as Sub-Zero Mario- grab a mushroom to become invincible
    • FDB7-6DA7 - Start as nodding Mario- grab a mushroom to get 1up
    • 47B7-6DA7 - Start as Mario- grab a mushroom and it turns into a Pirahna plant, a star is moved into your inventory which glitches the game if used
    • 59B7-6DA7 - Start as hovercraft Mario, get any item to become invincible with a Bullet Bill in reserve
    • 55B7-6DA7 - Start as hovercraft Mario, get any item to put a shell-less turtle in reserve
    • 5BB7-6DA7 - Start as hovercraft Mario, get a mushroom to turn it into a Pirahna plant and get a giant "Bullet Blob" in reserve
    • 6DB7-6DA7 - Start as hovercraft Mario, get a mushroom to put a flying key in reserve
    • 64B7-6DA7 - Start as hovercraft Mario, get a fire flower to put an invisibility flower in reserve, or a mushroom to turn invincible and get a football Koopa in reserve
    • 67B7-6DA7 - Start as hovercraft Mario, get a fire flower to put a magic squished dinosaur in reserve which will let you clear the round instantly if collected
    • 66B7-6DA7 - Start as Sub-Zero Mario, get a fire flower or mushroom to put a 1up mushroom in reserve, use that or any other 1up mushroom to put a Yoshi in reserve
    • 6BB7-6DA7 - Start as Mario with a strange walk, get a mushroom for Yoshi's thank-you message
    • C9B7-6DA7 - Mario drives without benefit of a car
    • 69B7-6F07 - Start as red spazms mario (lose it when hit or die, so use Galoob's codes to keep your big etc)
    • 31B7-6F07 - Start as Super Mario
    • CBC4-6DAD - Start button has no effect
    • CBC5-6DAD - Start and select button combo makes the game pause forever
    • CBCA-6DAD - Whenever you land hard on the ground via the cape, you die
    • 0BCD-AF6F - At the beginning of a level you go to the Yoshi bonus stage and when you fall the level is beaten!
    • 61CB-AF6F - Nintendo Presents, BO
    • CB28-DF6D - Keep powerups when you fall and die
    • D322-D4DD - Get more lives when you die
    • DE22-D4DD - Die after losing one life
    • BB22-D4DD - Lose every life except one when you die
    • C022-D4DD - Says "game over" after every life
    • C222-D4DD - Infinite lives
    • EE28-6F6F - Runs super fast without holding down run; turn around w/spin jump
    • EE2D-AF6F - Run super fast one direction; hard to control
    • EE2C-AF0F - Floating Mario
    • DD2C-AF6F - Holding B allows you to fly to the top of the screen, sometimes off screen. Good code but, can be a problem in caves.
    • DF2C-AF6F - Mega-jump
    • D42C-AF6F - Super jump
    • D02C-AF6F - Low jump
    • DE2C-AF6F - Bogus jump
    • 5A2C-AF6F - Mario shakes repeaditely and if you hold A or B and down you can go through the floor sometimes. This is very useful in case you want to get somewhere that you can't below you. You have to quickly press A or B twice and then hold to get him off the ground and flying
    • CF2C-AF6F - Fiying ability
    • 842C-AF6F - Skitz jumps
    • A52C-AF6F - Mario shakes. He can't go through the floor like he can in the other code. The good thing is that you only have to press and hold A or B once to get him off the ground
    • 232C-AF6F - jackhammer jump
    • 3D2C-AF6F - Wierd jump. (Dosen't work with a cape)
    • 312C-AF6F - Bunny/moon Jumps
    • EE2C-AF6F - To-the-moon jump, flying helicopter spin
    • 4B2C-AF64 - Mario can only jump about an inch high
    • E82C-AF64 - You can climb and fall just like the original except much faster
    • DD32-6DAD - Invincibility
    • D732-6DAD - Low gravity in levels over water
    • D032-6DAD - Phony invincibility
    • D532-6DAD - No music
    • D332-6DAD - Dragon coins change little Mario into Luigi
    • 7732-6DAD - Fake Fire mario (Red suit,no fireballs)
    • 9D32-6DAD - Black Mario
    • 5332-6DAD - Invisibility
    • 4832-ADAD - After you get a powerup,Mario's head will always face left,even while walking/flying/jumping right!!
    • CBEA-6DAD - You can swim in every level.
    • D2E5-A7AD - Extra life with every Dragon coin
    • CBED-6DDF - Keep powerups when hit
    • CBED-6D0F - Keep powerups when hit; invincible shellless turtle drops from item box if anything is in it
    • CDED-6D6F - Instantly shrink when you get hit
    • CBED-6DAF - Glitched graphics when shrinking
    • CBED-6FDF - One hit kills even when large
    • CBEF-6F6F - Super stomp- run into any enemy from the side when small and you will be propelled upwards and stomp them!
    • CBEF-67AF - Shrink/die instantly
    • CBE4-6DDF - Shrink when hit ultra fast
    • 0DED-AFDF - Regular nighttime
    • 07ED-AFDF - No background
    • 00ED-AFDF - Nighttime for pros
    • 9EED-AF6F - Screen is upside down when you play.
    • 40EC-AFDF - Sickening
    • EEEC-AFDF - Motionless
    • DFCE-64A0 - Little Yoshi grows after eating just 1 enemy
    • DECE-A4A0 - Little Yoshi doesn't grow big

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    Default Re: Super Mario World game genie codes

    89E4-AFD9 Yoshi is Invincible

    82E9-64A0 Infinite Items Yoshi Picks Up (note 1)

    C2EC-0700 Infinite Flying Time For Yoshi (note 2)

    B9E5-A4AD Collecting A Yoshi Coin Gives You Yoshi's Wings (note 3)

    336B-D4D0 Multi-Jump and Low Gravity (note 4)

    DDEA-6F07 Shoot Fireballs Straight

    EDA5-0F6F Power-up Select (note 5)
    EDB7-0FBD Warp to Star World (note 6)
    D5EB-6F07 Rapid-Fire Fireballs (Facing Right Only)
    C23B-AF07 Stomp 8 Enemies And Get 1-Ups (note 7)

    (note 1) Turn off the Game Genie before you pick up an item. When you turn it on after
    collecting the item, Yoshi will pull infinite amounts of that item out of thin air. Some items
    can still be slurped up with this code on. So be careful of what's around him.
    (note 2) When Green Yoshi picks up a blue shell. When Blue Yoshi picks up any shell.
    (note 3) Collecting the coins will not give you a 1-up. If you die while riding a "winged-Yoshi,"
    the level you're on will be completed and you'll start the next level with a Yoshi. You do not have to
    be riding Yoshi to collect the Yoshi coin. Yoshi will hatch with wings, even if Mario gets the coin first.
    (note 4) Turn off codes to hop on Yoshi and do certain moves.
    (note 5) Press up + select to cycle Mario through his power-ups.
    (note 6) Stand on Yoshi's house on the map screen and press select.
    (note 7) Now you can touch the ground in between stomping on enemies, and still collect the 1-ups.

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    Default Re: Super Mario World game genie codes

    Super Mario World (SNES/GG)
    EDA5-0F6F Mario On Ice (note 1)

    EDA5-0F6F Waterworld Mario (note 1)

    2D80-0DE1 Reverse Switch Palace Blocks (note 2)

    (note 1) Press Up + Select. Hit the button combo a few more times to turn the effect off. Only use one of these codes at a time.
    (note 2) Effect will not be saved.

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