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Thread Title: Populous game genie codes

Game Genie Codes, GameShark & Pro Action Replay Codes for games on the Super Nintendo Entertainment System or SNES. (some codes are official and others are unofficial).

  1. #1
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    Default Populous game genie codes

    1. DD30-64DD Allows you to select any world from the Conquer screen with the B and X buttons
    2. DC6C-6F09 Your population starts at 10 instead of 3 for battles 0 thru 4
    3. F06C-6F09 Your population starts at 20 for battles 0 thru 4
    4. F36C-6F09 Your population starts at 30 for battles 0 thru 4
    5. DC6C-6F69 His population starts at 10 instead of 3 for battles 0 thru 4
    6. F06C-6F69 His population starts at 20 for battles 0 thru 4
    7. F36C-6F69 His population starts at 30 for battles 0 thru 4
    8. DD6C-6D69 You have no Supreme Commands available for battles 0 thru 4
    9. 7E6C-6D09 He has all Supreme Commands available for battles 0 thru 4
    10. DC6C-67A9 Your population starts at 10 instead of 3 for battles 5 thru 9
    11. F06C-67A9 Your population starts at 20 for battles 5 thru 9
    12. F36C-67A9 Your population starts at 30 for battles 5 thru 9
    13. DC68-6DD9 His population starts at 10 instead of 3 for battles 5 thru 9
    14. F068-6DD9 His population starts at 20 for battles 5 thru 9
    15. F368-6DD9 His population starts at 30 for battles 5 thru 9
    16. DD6C-67D9 You have no Supreme Commands available for battles 5 thru 9
    17. 7E6C-64A9 He has all Supreme Commands available for battles 5 thru 9
    18. DC68-6409 Your population starts at 10 instead of 2 for battles 10 thru 14
    19. F068-6409 Your population starts at 20 for battles 10 thru 14
    20. F368-6409 Your population starts at 30 for battles 10 thru 14
    21. DC68-6469 His population starts at 10 instead of 2 for battles 10 thru 14
    22. F068-6469 His population starts at 20 for battles 10 thru 14
    23. F368-6469 His population starts at 30 for battles 10 thru 14
    24. DD68-6F69 You have no Supreme Commands available for battles 10 thru 14
    25. 7E68-6F09 He has all Supreme Commands available for battles 10 thru 14

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  3. #2
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    Default Populous Game Genie codes (for Super Nintendo)

    Super NES Game Genie codes - Populous

    DD30-64DD Allows you to select any world from the Conquer screen with
    the B and X buttons
    DC6C-6F09 Your population starts at 10 instead of 3 for battles 0 thru 4
    F06C-6F09 Your population starts at 20 for battles 0 thru 4
    F36C-6F09 Your population starts at 30 for battles 0 thru 4
    DC6C-6F69 His population starts at 10 instead of 3 for battles 0 thru 4
    F06C-6F69 His population starts at 20 for battles 0 thru 4
    F36C-6F69 His population starts at 30 for battles 0 thru 4
    DD6C-6D69 You have no Supreme Commands available for battles 0 thru 4
    7E6C-6D09 He has all Supreme Commands available for battles 0 thru 4
    DC6C-67A9 Your population starts at 10 instead of 3 for battles 5 thru 9
    F06C-67A9 Your population starts at 20 for battles 5 thru 9
    F36C-67A9 Your population starts at 30 for battles 5 thru 9
    DC68-6DD9 His population starts at 10 instead of 3 for battles 5 thru 9
    F068-6DD9 His population starts at 20 for battles 5 thru 9
    F368-6DD9 His population starts at 30 for battles 5 thru 9
    DD6C-67D9 You have no Supreme Commands available for battles 5 thru 9
    7E6C-64A9 He has all Supreme Commands available for battles 5 thru 9
    DC68-6409 Your population starts at 10 instead of 2 for battles 10 thru 14
    F068-6409 Your population starts at 20 for battles 10 thru 14
    F368-6409 Your population starts at 30 for battles 10 thru 14
    DC68-6469 His population starts at 10 instead of 2 for battles 10 thru 14
    F068-6469 His population starts at 20 for battles 10 thru 14
    F368-6469 His population starts at 30 for battles 10 thru 14
    DD68-6F69 You have no Supreme Commands available for battles 10 thru 14
    7E68-6F09 He has all Supreme Commands available for battles 10 thru 14

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    Find free Unofficial Cheats, Tips, Codes, Passwords, Hints, Secrets, Game Shark, and Game Genie codes And much more including Cheat Engine Tables here at Video Game Cheats.

  4. #3
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    Default Populous Game Genie codes (for Super Nintendo)

    By xxphillips Level Select 00E24800

    click on the world went to conquest then pressed X and B to change level while the game shows you this menu.

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    Find free Unofficial Cheats, Tips, Codes, Passwords, Hints, Secrets, Game Shark, and Game Genie codes And much more including Cheat Engine Tables here at Video Game Cheats.

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