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Thread Title: Street Fighter 2 Turbo game genie codes (for Super Nintendo)

Game Genie Codes, GameShark & Pro Action Replay Codes for games on the Super Nintendo Entertainment System or SNES. (some codes are official and others are unofficial).

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    Default Street Fighter 2 Turbo game genie codes (for Super Nintendo)

    Street Fighter 2 Turbo
    1. BDA3-176D Start with 90 seconds instead of 99
    2. 5DA3-176D Start with 70 seconds
    3. 9DA3-176D Start with 50 seconds
    4. 7DA3-176D Start with 30 seconds
    5. FDA3-176D Start with 10 seconds
    6. 6091-E76D Start with 3/4 energy
    7. 9691-E76D Start with 1/2 energy
    8. 4A91-E76D Start with 1/4 energy
    9. BBAE-1DDD 1st bonus round is 99 seconds instead of 40
    10. 6DAE-1DDD 1st bonus round is 80 seconds
    11. 1DAE-1DDD 1st bonus round is 60 seconds
    12. 4DAE-1DDD 1st bonus round is 20 seconds
    13. BBAE-1D6D 2nd bonus round is 99 seconds
    14. 6DAE-1D6D 2nd bonus round is 80 seconds
    15. 1DAE-1D6D 2nd bonus round is 60 seconds
    16. 4DAE-1D6D 2nd bonus round is 20 seconds
    17. DD05-7F04 Infinite time
    18. DDF1-7D60 Some special moves can be performed in the air--DON'T DO VEGA(tm)'S WALL LEAP(tm)
    19. 891F-84AD Most attacks do no damage (throws still work)
    20. C734-7405 Throws do no damage
    21. F034-7405 1st throws do more damage (if you have enough energy), others do less damage
    22. DD3F-EFAD Players can walk through each other
    23. DD18-570D 1st hit of any kind defeats opponent
    24. DF04-5DAF Winner of 2nd round wins the battle
    25. ADFC-E40D + F9FC-E46D Allows you to select up to 10 stars instead of 4 for Turbo mode
    26. D071-E460 No charging required for special moves--EXCEPT BALROG(tm)'S TURN PUNCH POWER
    27. DD75-8460 Hard special moves become light
    28. D475-8461 Hard special moves become medium
    29. D675-8462 Hard special moves become disabled
    30. 8ED2-87A9 Invisible players
    31. C933-7DA9 Most special moves go nowhere
    32. C9B8-77A5 Fireballs go nowhere
    33. D039-14AD Hard Hurricane Kicks(tm) go faster and farther--TO THE RIGHT ONLY

    Ryu(tm) Codes
    34. DF30-1DAD Ryu's hard Dragon Punch(tm) doesn't go as far
    35. D630-1DAD Ryu's hard Dragon Punch goes farther
    36. DF30-1D0D Ryu's medium Dragon Punch doesn't go as far
    37. D630-1D0D Ryu's medium Dragon Punch goes farther
    38. D637-17AD Ryu's light Dragon Punch goes farther
    39. D526-1DAF Ryu jumps backward farther
    40. E525-14AF Ryu jumps forward farther

    Ken(tm) Codes
    41. D52D-CDAF Ken jumps backward farther
    42. E52E-14AF Ken jumps forward farther
    43. DF30-17AD Ken's hard Dragon Punch doesn't go as far
    44. D330-17AD Ken's hard Dragon Punch goes farther
    45. DF30-170D Ken's medium Dragon Punch doesn't go as far
    46. D830-170D Ken's medium Dragon Punch goes farther
    47. D630-14AD Ken's light Dragon Punch goes farther

    48. 3E31-37AD Hard projectiles go faster
    49. EE31-37AD Hard projectiles go slower
    50. 3E31-370D Medium projectiles go faster
    51. EE31-370D Medium projectiles go slower
    52. 3E31-34AD Light projectiles go faster
    53. EE31-34AD Light projectiles go slower

    Edmond Honda(tm) Codes
    54. DE35-1FAD Edmond Honda's hard Sumo Head Butts(tm) are faster
    55. DF35-1FAD Edmond Honda's hard Sumo Head Butts are slower
    56. DE35-1F0D Edmond Honda's medium Sumo Head Butts are faster
    57. DF35-1F0D Edmond Honda's medium Sumo Head Butts are slower
    58. DE35-1DAD Edmond Honda's light Sumo Head Butts are faster
    59. DF35-1DAD Edmond Honda's light Sumo Head Butts are slower
    60. F436-1DDD Edmond Honda's hard Sumo Smashes(tm) are faster
    61. F435-176D Edmond Honda's medium Sumo Smashes are faster
    62. F435-17DD Edmond Honda's light Sumo Smashes are faster

    Sagat(tm) Codes
    63. D63B-C70D Sagat's hard Tiger Uppercut(tm) goes farther
    64. D63B-C4AD Sagat's medium Tiger Uppercut goes farther
    65. D63B-C40D Sagat's light Tiger Uppercut goes farther
    66. D439-340D Sagat's high Tiger Shots(tm) are disabled--you can still do the move but no projectile comes out
    67. D838-CF0D Sagat's hard Tiger Knee(tm) goes farther
    68. D83C-C70D Sagat's medium Tiger Knee goes farther
    69. D83C-CF0D Sagat's light Tiger Knee goes farther

    Bison(tm) Codes
    70. DF39-C40D M. Bison's hard Psycho Crusher(tm) goes slower
    71. DC39-C40D M. Bison's hard Psycho Crusher goes faster
    72. DF39-CFAD M. Bison's medium Psycho Crusher goes slower
    73. DC39-CFAD M. Bison's medium Psycho Crusher goes faster
    74. DF39-CF0D M. Bison's light Psycho Crusher goes slower
    75. DC39-CF0D M. Bison's light Psycho Crusher goes faster

    76. DF31-CD6D M. Bison's hard Scissor Kick(tm) goes slower
    77. DC31-CD6D M. Bison's hard Scissor Kick goes faster
    78. DF31-CDDD M. Bison's medium Scissor Kick goes slower
    79. DC31-CDDD M. Bison's medium Scissor Kick goes faster
    80. DF39-C76D M. Bison's light Scissor Kick goes slower
    81. DC39-C76D M. Bison's light Scissor Kick goes faster

    Balrog(tm) Codes
    82. DF69-7DD1 Balrog's first Dash Punch(tm) goes slower
    83. D869-7DD1 Balrog's first Dash Punch goes faster
    84. D432-CF0D Balrog's first Turn Punch(tm) goes slower (& a little backward)
    85. DC32-CF0D Balrog's first Turn Punch goes faster

    Chun Li(tm) Codes
    86. DC38-1F6D Chun Li's hard Whirlwind Kick goes farther
    87. DF38-1FDD Chun Li's medium Whirlwind Kick doesn't go as far
    88. DC38-1FDD Chun Li's medium Whirlwind Kick goes farther
    89. DF38-1D6D Chun Li's light Whirlwind Kick doesn't go as far
    90. DC38-1D6D Chun Li's light Whirlwind Kick goes farther

    Blanka(tm) Codes
    91. DF3B-14DD Blanka's hard Rolling Attack(tm) goes slower
    92. DC3B-14DD Blanka's hard Rolling Attack goes faster
    93. DF3B-1F6D Blanka's medium Rolling Attack goes slower
    94. DC3B-1F6D Blanka's medium Rolling Attack goes faster
    95. DF3B-1FDD Blanka's light Rolling Attack goes slower
    96. DC3B-1FDD Blanka's light Rolling Attack goes faster
    97. DF3C-1D0D Blanka's hard Vertical Rolling Attack(tm) doesn't go as far
    98. DA3C-1D0D Blanka's hard Vertical Rolling Attack goes out farther
    99. DF3B-17AD Blanka's medium Vertical Rolling Attack doesn't go as far
    100. DA3B-17AD Blanka's medium Vertical Rolling Attack goes out farther
    101. DF3B-170D Blanka's light Vertical Rolling Attack doesn't go as far
    102. DA3B-170D Blanka's light Vertical Rolling Attack goes out farther

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    Default Street Fighter 2 Turbo: Hyper Fighting game genie codes

    Super NES Game Genie codes - Street Fighter 2 Turbo: Hyper Fighting

    BDA3-176D Start with 90 seconds instead of 99
    5DA3-176D Start with 70 seconds
    9DA3-176D Start with 50 seconds
    7DA3-176D Start with 30 seconds
    FDA3-176D Start with 10 seconds
    6091-E76D Start with 3/4 energy
    9691-E76D Start with 1/2 energy
    4A91-E76D Start with 1/4 energy
    BBAE-1DDD 1st bonus round is 99 seconds instead of 40
    6DAE-1DDD 1st bonus round is 80 seconds
    1DAE-1DDD 1st bonus round is 60 seconds
    4DAE-1DDD 1st bonus round is 20 seconds
    BBAE-1D6D 2nd bonus round is 99 seconds
    6DAE-1D6D 2nd bonus round is 80 seconds
    1DAE-1D6D 2nd bonus round is 60 seconds
    4DAE-1D6D 2nd bonus round is 20 seconds
    DD05-7F04 Infinite time
    DDF1-7D60 Some special moves can be performed in the air--Don't do Vega's Wall Leap
    891F-84AD Most attacks do no damage (throws still work)
    C734-7405 Throws do no damage
    F034-7405 1st throws do more damage (if you have enough energy), others do less damage
    DD3F-EFAD Players can walk through each other
    DD18-570D 1st hit of any kind defeats opponent
    DF04-5DAF Winner of 2nd round wins the battle
    ADFC-E40D + F9FC-E46D Allows you to select up to 10 stars instead of 4 for Turbo mode
    D071-E460 No charging required for special moves--Except Balrog's turn punch power
    DD75-8460 Hard special moves become light
    D475-8461 Hard special moves become medium
    D675-8462 Hard special moves become disabled
    8ED2-87A9 Invisible players
    C933-7DA9 Most special moves go nowhere
    C9B8-77A5 Fireballs go nowhere
    D039-14AD Hard Hurricane Kicks go faster and farther --To the right only


    DF30-1DAD Ryu's hard Dragon Punch doesn't go as far
    D630-1DAD Ryu's hard Dragon Punch goes farther
    DF30-1D0D Ryu's medium Dragon Punch doesn't go as far
    D630-1D0D Ryu's medium Dragon Punch goes farther
    D637-17AD Ryu's light Dragon Punch goes farther
    D526-1DAF Ryu jumps backward farther
    E525-14AF Ryu jumps forward farther


    D52D-CDAF Ken jumps backward farther
    E52E-14AF Ken jumps forward farther
    DF30-17AD Ken's hard Dragon Punch doesn't go as far
    D330-17AD Ken's hard Dragon Punch goes farther
    DF30-170D Ken's medium Dragon Punch doesn't go as far

    Except Tiger Shots for the next 12 codes
    D830-170D Ken's medium Dragon Punch goes farther
    D630-14AD Ken's light Dragon Punch goes farther
    3E31-37AD Hard projectiles go faster
    EE31-37AD Hard projectiles go slower
    3E31-370D Medium projectiles go faster
    EE31-370D Medium projectiles go slower
    3E31-34AD Light projectiles go faster
    EE31-34AD Light projectiles go slower

    Edmond Honda

    DE35-1FAD Edmond Honda's hard Sumo Head Butts are faster
    DF35-1FAD Edmond Honda's hard Sumo Head Butts are slower
    DE35-1F0D Edmond Honda's medium Sumo Head Butts are faster
    DF35-1F0D Edmond Honda's medium Sumo Head Butts are slower
    DE35-1DAD Edmond Honda's light Sumo Head Butts are faster
    DF35-1DAD Edmond Honda's light Sumo Head Butts are slower
    F436-1DDD Edmond Honda's hard Sumo Smashes are faster
    F435-176D Edmond Honda's medium Sumo Smashes are faster
    F435-17DD Edmond Honda's light Sumo Smashes are faster Sagat Codes
    D63B-C70D Sagat's hard Tiger Uppercut goes farther
    D63B-C4AD Sagat's medium Tiger Uppercut goes farther
    D63B-C40D Sagat's light Tiger Uppercut goes farther
    D439-340D Sagat's high Tiger Shots are disabled-- you can still do the move
    but no projectile comes out
    D838-CF0D Sagat's hard Tiger Knee goes farther
    D83C-C70D Sagat's medium Tiger Knee goes farther
    D83C-CF0D Sagat's light Tiger Knee goes farther


    DF39-C40D M. Bison's hard Psycho Crusher goes slower
    DC39-C40D M. Bison's hard Psycho Crusher goes faster
    DF39-CFAD M. Bison's medium Psycho Crusher goes slower
    DC39-CFAD M. Bison's medium Psycho Crusher goes faster

    Not in normal mode for the next six codes
    DF39-CF0D M. Bison's light Psycho Crusher goes slower
    DC39-CF0D M. Bison's light Psycho Crusher goes faster
    DF31-CD6D M. Bison's hard Scissor Kick goes slower
    DC31-CD6D M. Bison's hard Scissor Kick goes faster
    DF31-CDDD M. Bison's medium Scissor Kick goes slower
    DC31-CDDD M. Bison's medium Scissor Kick goes faster
    DF39-C76D M. Bison's light Scissor Kick goes slower
    DC39-C76D M. Bison's light Scissor Kick goes faster


    D869-7DD1 Balrog's first Dash Punch goes faster
    D432-CF0D Balrog's first Turn Punch goes slower (& a little backward)
    DC32-CF0D Balrog's first Turn Punch goes faster

    Chun Li

    DC38-1F6D Chun Li's hard Whirlwind Kick goes farther
    DF38-1FDD Chun Li's medium Whirlwind Kick doesn't go as far
    DC38-1FDD Chun Li's medium Whirlwind Kick goes farther
    DF38-1D6D Chun Li's light Whirlwind Kick doesn't go as far
    DC38-1D6D Chun Li's light Whirlwind Kick goes farther


    DF3B-14DD Blanka's hard Rolling Attack goes slower
    DC3B-14DD Blanka's hard Rolling Attack goes faster
    DF3B-1F6D Blanka's medium Rolling Attack goes slower
    DC3B-1F6D Blanka's medium Rolling Attack goes faster
    DF3B-1FDD Blanka's light Rolling Attack goes slower
    DC3B-1FDD Blanka's light Rolling Attack goes faster
    DF3C-1D0D Blanka's hard Vertical Rolling Attack doesn't go as far
    DA3C-1D0D Blanka's hard Vertical Rolling Attack goes out farther
    DF3B-17AD Blanka's medium Vertical Rolling Attack doesn't go as far
    DA3B-17AD Blanka's medium Vertical Rolling Attack goes out farther
    DF3B-170D Blanka's light Vertical Rolling Attack doesn't go as far
    DA3B-170D Blanka's light Vertical Rolling Attack goes out farther

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