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Today's launch of the Mega Man X Legacy Collection series is a biggie in the retro-anthology craze. At its best, Capcom's "X" fork of Mega Man puts a giant exclamation point at the end of the "action-platformer" genre. Basically, if you crave a brutally tough mix of high-speed jumps, pesky enemies, overcharged weapons, and incredible sprite artwork, this series' entries on SNES and PS1 are all you need.
Thus, the Legacy Collection seems like a no-brainer purchase, and I expected to type as much in a brief, "X gon' give it to you" reiteration of the series' classic status. Sadly, that's not quite the case. After testing the anthologies' multiple versions on four platforms, we're here to clarify if, and how, you should take the MMX plunge.
(Some of) X marks the spot

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