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Thread Title: Alien Syndrome

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    Default Alien Syndrome

    • Checkpoint advantage

    When you reach a check point ( a cross on your map) you can save (using the + menu). After you save click + again and select reload from last checkpoint it should load where you just saved you will now have full health.

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    Default Re: Alien Syndrome

    • Duplicating and trading items

    Note: This trick requires two Wiimotes and Nunchucks. By using this glitch you can duplicate any desired then scrap for more resource points or whatever. You can also give high powered equipment found by one advanced character to a lower level chracater you may have on a different file. Load the saved game file of the character with items you wish to duplicate. Get to the load game screen where you must press A to chose how many players there are going to be. Once there, press A player one's Wiimote to activate player one. This is the player with the characters that has the items to be duplicated. Then with player two's Wiimote, choose "Import Character". Select the same saved game file you just loaded and choose the same character with the player two's Wiimote. You now have two of the same characters. Once you are in the game, drop all the items on player two's character and pick it up with player one. Save the game then reload it again, this time without activating player two. You can now get two of everything you can drop. You can also buy all kinds of ammo and such from your SCARAB with player two's character and drop it, thus not spending any resource points on your main player one character. If you do this often sometimes it may wipe out all the items that can be made by your SCARAB and the screen will appear blank. To fix this, just play the game normally for a while, scrap a few random things, and it will all return to normal.

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  4. #3
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    Default Re: Alien Syndrome

    • Recommended character

    If you want to stay alive, start out as a Seal, and use laser weapons so that you will never run out of ammunition.

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    Default Re: Alien Syndrome

    • Unlock Expert Difficulty

    Beat the game on Hard Difficulty.

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  6. #5
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    Default Re: Alien Syndrome

    • Unlock Hard Difficulty

    Beat the game on Normal Difficulty.

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