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Thread Title: Excitebots Trick Racing [RX3E01]

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    Default Excitebots Trick Racing [RX3E01]

    Excitebots Trick Racing [RX3E01]

    Have all Icons
    077D8010 00000010
    3960FFFF 91680000
    80E80000 4ABA100C
    04379024 4945EFEC

    Have all Dioramas
    077D8020 00000014
    396000C8 7D64012E
    7D63012E 7C84002E
    4A844240 00000000
    0401C26C 497BBDB4

    View all Statues
    0401C33C 3960000A
    0401C340 917B0070

    Spend to Increase Stars
    04378688 7C001A14

    Stars worth 20
    20540CB4 00000000
    041B3194 38C00014
    E0000000 80008000
    20540CB4 00000001
    041B3194 7E469378
    E0000000 80008000

    Infinite Turbo
    20540CB4 00000000
    0423FE10 60000000
    E0000000 80008000
    20540CB4 00000001
    0423FE10 D3C3077C
    E0000000 80008000

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    Default Re: Excitebots Trick Racing [RX3E01]

    free run mode toggle ++-
    284FDB00 00001010
    04208318 909F005C
    041D733C 806DAAE0
    CC000000 00000001
    04208318 60000000
    041D733C 806D0778
    205A8758 00000000
    045A8758 0000016A
    E0000000 80008000
    disables the functional lap counter and freezes the time (activate before the final lap begins or you'll finish)

    instant red bar release
    48000000 80580E0C
    DE000000 81008180
    3000009C 00000001
    1400009C 0000000B
    E0000000 80008000

    Press A+B for endless leg mode
    284FDB00 00000C00
    045A2AC4 00000001
    E0000000 80008000
    Press A to get out of leg mode

    hyper mode toggle ++A
    284FDB00 00000810
    041DB80C 808DAAE0
    CC000000 00000001
    041DB80C 60000000
    E0000000 80008000
    makes everything fast and jerkey

    crash to go on autopilot toggle -+A
    284FDB00 00001800
    041EBA58 C02DAAE4
    CC000000 00000001
    041EBA58 60000000
    E0000000 80008000

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  4. #3
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    Default Re: Excitebots Trick Racing [RX3E01]

    escape boundaries toggle -+2
    284FDB00 00001100
    045A8638 00000000
    CC000000 00000000
    045A8638 3ECD0147
    E0000000 80008000
    This lets you drive through those invisible walls with the moving arrows

    go your own way toggle -+1
    284FDB00 00001200
    041EBE0C 981E002C
    041EBEA0 981E002C
    04208B74 901D0004
    CC000000 00000000
    041EBE0C 60000000
    041EBEA0 60000000
    04208B74 60000000
    E0000000 80008000
    with this code no way is the wrong way
    If you turn it on while already going the wrong way you will have to turn around to make the message go away, but it won't reappear when you turn around again

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