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Thread Title: Super Smash Brothers Brawl RSBE01 USA

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  1. #1
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    Default Super Smash Brothers Brawl RSBE01 USA

    Unlock all Characters [eric]
    42000000 90000000
    0417B640 FFFFFFFF
    0417B644 FFFFFFFF

    Unlock all Stages [eric]
    42000000 90000000
    0417B658 FFFFFFFF

    Have all Trophies [eric]
    42000000 90000000
    0817BE80 80638063
    21100004 00000000

    Have all Stickers [eric]
    42000000 90000000
    0817C398 80638063
    215D0004 00000000

    Have all Challenge Data [eric]
    42000000 90000000
    0817CB68 02020202
    201F0004 00000000

    Stage Editor - Place Overlapping Objects [pizzaboy]
    4A000000 81000000
    10521D58 00000001
    4A000000 80000000
    Note - If you place a large object that completely covers a smaller object, you will not be able to ever delete the smaller object. I don't know if I can make a fix for this, I haven't tried yet.

    Stage Editor Unlimited Parts [pizzaboy]
    4A000000 81000000
    14529E5E 00000000
    4A000000 80000000

    Stage Editor Edge Code [pizzaboy]
    4A000000 804F7880
    38000000 00000810
    4A000000 81000000
    32529F8C 3F800000
    92210000 00529F8C
    94210000 00529F78
    14529F8C 3F800000
    E2000001 00000000
    32529F90 3F800000
    92210001 00529F90
    94210001 00529F7C
    14529F90 3F800000
    E2000002 00000000
    4A000000 804F7880
    38000000 00001800
    4A000000 81000000
    32529F78 00000000
    92210000 00529F78
    94210000 00529F8C
    14529F78 00000000
    E2000001 00000000
    32529F7C 00000000
    92210001 00529F7C
    94210001 00529F90
    14529F7C 00000000
    E2000002 00000000
    4A000000 80000000
    Hold the object you want to overlap the edge of the level and press A and + on the wiimote.
    Move it where you want, press A and -, and then place it.
    Please save before using this code, and check your level for spawn issues by dying once in the testing area. You may also potentially encounter freezing after placing an object with this code.

    Infinite Coin Launcher Coins [James0x57]
    04103D14 38602710

    Nearly Invincible HRC Force Field On/Off (1/2) and + [James0x57]
    284F7880 00000210
    05158C78 60000000
    284F7881 00000110
    05158C78 D0440000
    E0000000 80008000
    Use the first-connected Wii Remote. Must re-enable it if you change characters.
    I tested many many times it and the location never changed. If the code does not work for you, please let me know!

    Enable/Disable HRC Timer: A, B and (U/D) [James0x57]
    284F7880 00000C08
    04959364 41820738
    284F7881 00000C04
    04959364 48000738
    E0000000 80008000
    Use the first-connected Wii Remote. Only have it disabled durring the HRC.

    Disable HRC Timer: Down and A to Finish [James0x57]
    20959364 41820738
    04959360 2C070001
    04959364 40820738
    284F7881 00000804
    04959360 2C1B0000
    04959364 41820738
    E0000000 80008000
    Use the first-connected Wii Remote.

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  3. #2
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    Default Re: Super Smash Brothers Brawl RSBE01 USA

    I have a somewhat unfinished list (Mostly translated from the Japanese one)
    00 Assist Trophy
    01 Franklin Badge
    02 Banana Peel
    03 Barrel
    04 Beam Sword
    05 Bill
    06 Bob-Ombs
    07 Crate
    08 Bumper
    09 Capsule
    0A Rolling Crate
    0B CD
    0C Sticky Bomb
    0D Cracker Launcher
    0E Cracker Launcher Shot
    0F Coin
    10 Superspicy Curry
    12 Deku Nut
    13 Mr. Saturn
    14 Dragoon Parts (Random picked)
    15 Dragoon Part Final
    16 Dragoon Part (Useless Target Spawn that can be gotten with Final)
    17 Trophies
    18 Fire Flower
    19 Fire Flower fire?
    1A Freezie
    1B Golden Hammer
    1C Green Shell
    1D Hammer
    1E Hammer Head
    1F Fan
    20 Heart Container
    21 Homerun Bat
    22 Party Ball
    23 Unknown 1.
    24 Maxim Tomato
    25 Poison Mushroom
    26 Super Mushroom
    27 Metal Box
    28 Hot Head
    29 Pitfall
    2A Pokeball
    2B Box of Explosives
    2C Ray Gun
    2E Lipstick
    2F Lipstick Flower
    31 Sandbag
    32 Screw Attack
    33 Sticker
    34 Motion-Sensor Bomb
    35 Timer
    36 Smart Bomb
    37 Smash Ball
    38 Smoke Ball
    39 Spring
    3A Star Rod
    3C Soccer Ball
    3D Superscope
    3F Star
    40 Apple
    41 Team Healer
    42 Lightning
    43 Urina
    44 Bunny Hood
    45 Warpstar
    48 Trophy Stand
    4F Sandbag
    53 Snake Box
    54 Diddy Peanut
    55 Link's Bomb 06
    56 Peach's Vegetable 02
    57 Blank Item
    58 Diddy Nut
    59 Snake Grenage 0D
    5B Toon Link's Bomb 06
    5C Freeze
    5D ?
    5E Invisible Item (Level-specific?)
    5F Invisible Item (Level-specific?)
    60 Invisible Item (Level-specific?)
    61 Invisible Item (Level-specific?)
    62 Invisible Item (Level-specific?)
    6E Pokemon (Ho-oh)
    6F Pokemon (?)
    70 Pokemon (?)
    71 Pokemon (Snorlax)
    72 Pokemon (Bellossom)
    73 Pokemon (?)
    74 Pokemon (?)
    75 Pokemon (Lats)
    76 Pokemon (Active Lat Grab)
    77 Pokemon (Lugia Attack)
    78 Pokemon (?)
    79 Pokemon (Weavile)
    7A Pokemon (Electrode)
    7B Pokemon (?)
    7C Pokemon (?)
    7D Pokemon (?)
    7E Pokemon (?)
    7F Pokemon (Piplup)
    80 Pokemon (Togepi)
    81 Pokemon (Goldeen)
    82 Pokemon (Gardevoir)
    83 Pokemon (Wobba)
    84 Pokemon (?)
    85 Pokemon (Bonsly)
    86 Assist Trophy/Pokemon (?)
    87 Assist Trophy/Pokemon (?)
    88 Assist Trophy/Pokemon (?)
    89 Assist Trophy (Gray Fox)
    8A Assist Trophy (RayII)
    8B Assist Trophy (Attack of RayII)
    8C Assist Trophy (Attack of RayII)
    8D Assist Trophy (Hi-yama Guy w/ Sword and Muscles)
    8E Assist Trophy (?)
    8F Assist Trophy (Bike Guy)
    9D Assist Trophy (Boxer Guy)
    9E+ ?

    (I made this list before the codes came out by manually poking what Peach pulls as a turnip, since it hasn't been converted to work with English Brawl yet to my knowledge. Reason some of them are unknown is because pulling them doesn't always work with Peach.)

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  4. #3
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    Default Re: Super Smash Brothers Brawl RSBE01 USA

    Custom Stages On Wifi Test
    4A000000 81000000
    3253CDDC 01010101
    305E25C4 00000036
    E2000001 00000000
    145E25D8 00000035
    E2000002 80008000

    Instructions (READ THESE!!!!!)
    All players do not need the code. However, the game chooses a player randomly to select a stage, so to have 100% chance of playing the custom stage, all players need the code.

    All players must have the stage. Before going online, all players must play a normal brawl on the custom stage you wish to use online. Failure to play the stage before going online may result in freezing, disconnects, or desyncs.

    To activate the code, select the "Random" button on the level select screen. You will see it pick a level at random, but it will really choose the last custom stage you played on.

    This code should not work when playing "With Anyone."

    This code, as labeled, is a test, meaning it may not work. Please report back here with the results of using this code.

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    Find free Unofficial Cheats, Tips, Codes, Passwords, Hints, Secrets, Game Shark, and Game Genie codes And much more including Cheat Engine Tables here at Video Game Cheats.

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