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Thread Title: Guitar Hero World Tour [SXAE52]

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    Default Guitar Hero World Tour [SXAE52]

    Game ID: SXAE52

    Instant Rock Rank 50 [SMGPlayer]
    42000000 90000000
    040A7A80 000E9278
    E0000000 80008000

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    Default Re: Guitar Hero World Tour [SXAE52]

    Always Full Multiplier [SMGPlayer]
    42000000 90000000
    04084000 0000001E
    E0000000 80008000

    It works perfectly for guitar and bass. I can't test drums because I don't have the drum set. If anyone has it and can test it, tell me if it works. Vocals are a bit strange. I think if you get a multiplier at all it will give you a full multiplier.
    I also haven't extensively tested this so tell me if there are any problems.

    Okay, now I also have an infinite money code. This code and my rock rank code seem to work sometimes and sometimes not. I tried to find a pointer but I couldn't... I will look more into this.

    Infinite Money [SMGPlayer]
    42000000 90000000
    040A7A70 3B9ACA00
    E0000000 80008000

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  4. #3
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    Default Re: Guitar Hero World Tour [SXAE52]

    Infinite Star Power [SMGPlayer]
    42000000 90000000
    02083FA0 000042C8
    E0000000 80008000

    Works perfectly for guitar, bass, and vocals. Don't have the drums but I venture to say that it should work, too. Keep in mind that I only test my codes in single player, so if someone can tell me how they work in multiplier tell me.

    Edit: Hooray, just did a full rock meter code!

    Full Rock Meter [SMGPlayer]
    42000000 90000000
    020848D0 00003FFF
    E0000000 80008000

    And here is a version if you want your rock meter to not have a color.

    Full Rock Meter (No Color) [SMGPlayer]
    42000000 90000000
    020848D0 0000FFFF
    E0000000 80008000

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  5. #4
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    Default Re: Guitar Hero World Tour [SXAE52]

    Anyway, I got a new code, no boss battle fail.

    No Boss Battle Fail [SMGPlayer]
    42000000 90000000
    020F26A4 00000000
    E0000000 80008000

    In a normal song, it makes your rock meter go to the bottom, going to try to find a fix.

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