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Thread Title: And 1 Streetball

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    Default And 1 Streetball

    Cheat Codes

    Select Cheat at the Option menu then enter one of the following codes:

    Shot release text
    B, X, Y, Y, X, X, Y, B

    No I-Ball move timing restriction
    B, Y, X, X, Y, B, A, X

    All I-ball moves
    A, B, B, A, X, Y, A, X

    The OG Way
    B, Y, X, X, Y, B, A, X

    Play as Shane
    X, A, B, A, B, Y, B, A

    Play as Flash
    B, A(2), Y, A, B(2), X

    Y, B, X(2), B, Y, A, Y

    Never miss a shot (unless blocked)
    X, A, Y, X, A, Y, B(2)

    Always on fire
    X, B, A, B, X, A, X, Y

    All breakdowns
    A(2), Y, X(2), B, Y, B

    All characters
    B, X(2), Y, B, X, A(2)

    All movies
    X, A, X, B, Y, X, A(2)

    All messages
    B, X, Y, X, B, A, X, B

    All side Games
    Y, X, B, A(2), Y(2), X

    Master Code
    B(2), A(2), X, Y, X, Y

    Play as DJ Green Lantern
    Y(2), B, A, X, A, B, Y

    Play as Skip to My Lou
    Y, A, Y, X, B, A, Y, X

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    Find free Unofficial Cheats, Tips, Codes, Passwords, Hints, Secrets, Game Shark, and Game Genie codes And much more including Cheat Engine Tables here at Video Game Cheats.

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  3. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1995
    Adding video game cheat codes

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    Default And 1 Streetball

    Recommended 3-on-3 team

    One of the best 3-on-3 teams that you can have when you first start is Hot Sauce, Spyda, and J.K. Hot Sauce can do all of your tricks and alley-oops, Spyda can score a ton of points, and J.K. can hit 3-pointers. However, mostly J.K. can stuff the snuff out of people going for a dunk or lay-up.

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    Find free Unofficial Cheats, Tips, Codes, Passwords, Hints, Secrets, Game Shark, and Game Genie codes And much more including Cheat Engine Tables here at Video Game Cheats.

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