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Thread Title: Aeon Flux

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    Default Aeon Flux

    Cheat Codes

    Enter the Extras screen from the main menu, then select the Cheats option to display a military-style alphabet code entry screen (Alpha for A, Bravo for B, Charlie for C, etc.). Select the proper words to spell one of the following codes. If you entered the code correctly, the message Cheat Unlocked will appear. To activate the cheats, pause the game and select the Cheats option:

    Enter TRIROX as a code.

    Refill health
    Enter HEALME as a code.

    Infinite health
    Enter CLONE as a code.

    Infinite power strikes
    Enter LCVG as a code.

    Infinite ammunition
    Enter FUG as a code.

    One-hit kills
    Enter BUCKFST as a code.

    Free fatalities
    Enter CUTIONE as a code.

    Action movies
    Enter BAGMAN or UKGAMER as a code to unlock the corresponding Action movie while playing a game.

    All slide shows
    Enter PIXES as a code to unlock all slide shows at the Extras screen.

    All Replay episodes
    Enter BAYOU as a code to unlock all Replay episodes at the Extras screen.

    Bomber Jacket costume
    Enter JACKET as a code to unlock the Bomber Jacket costume at the Extras screen.

    Fame costume
    Enter GRAY as a code to unlock the Fame costume at the Extras screen.

    Fashion Una, Hostess Judy, Monican Freya, and Una costumes
    Enter CLOTHES as a code to unlock the Fashion Una, Hostess Judy, Monican Freya, and Una costumes at the Extras screen.

    Mrs. Goodchild costumes
    Enter WHITE as a code to unlock the Mrs. Goodchild costumes at the Extras screen.

    Revelation costumes
    Enter ARMS as a code to unlock the Revelation costumes at the Extras screen.

    War costumes
    Enter BLUR as a code to unlock the War costumes at the Extras screen.

    Seed costumes
    Enter MOVIE or URBAN as a code to unlock the corresponding Seed costumes at the Extras screen.

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    Find free Unofficial Cheats, Tips, Codes, Passwords, Hints, Secrets, Game Shark, and Game Genie codes And much more including Cheat Engine Tables here at Video Game Cheats.

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  3. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 1995
    Adding video game cheat codes

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    Default Aeon Flux

    God Mode

    Select Enter Cheat from the Extras menu and enter BRAVO UNIFORM CHARLIE KILO FOXTROT SIERRA TANGO. Pause the game and select Cheats to access the code.

    0 Not allowed! Not allowed!

    Find free Unofficial Cheats, Tips, Codes, Passwords, Hints, Secrets, Game Shark, and Game Genie codes And much more including Cheat Engine Tables here at Video Game Cheats.

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Thread Title: Aeon Flux

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