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Thread Title: Rumor: Microsoft's internal studios behind, courted Respawn for exclusive

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    Default Rumor: Microsoft's internal studios behind, courted Respawn for exclusive


    Here's a few bits about the Respawn deal:

    "The long-awaited first game from Respawn Entertainment—the studio helmed by the creators of Call of Duty—will be exclusive to the next-gen Xbox, according to two unrelated sources familiar with the game. One of our sources indicates that there will also be an Xbox 360 version, but no versions for rival PlayStation and Nintendo consoles."

    "An Xbox-only Respawn game would be a coup for Microsoft and a fascinating twist to a number of significant sagas. It has implications for publisher EA's rivalry with Call of Duty publisher Activision; for Microsoft's competition with Sony and, less directly with Nintendo; as well as for the ongoing debate about always-online gaming. Two sources have told us that this new game is, in fact, always-online."

    "The new Respawn game, one of our sources tells us, is made on a modified version of Valve's Source engine, not on internal EA tech. The source believes the game looks very good on Durango but not as good as EA's internally-made Battlefield 4. That source also says that Respawn is only working on the Durango version of the game and is hand-picking a studio to make the 360 edition."

    "While we can safely assume that we'll all see Respawn's game at E3, the source that shared the most specifics of the game with us said we shouldn't expect to play the game until some time next year. They expect it to be a full-sized, boxed retail game."


    And Microsoft's internal devs:

    "We've heard from other sources that Microsoft is not where they want to be at this point in the pre-launch development of Durango. A reliable source—one who was not part of our reporting about the Respawn game—tells us that Microsoft is as much as six months behind in producing content for the new console, despite an expected late-2013 launch. Another tells us that Microsoft recently cancelled several internal next-gen projects because they were not coming together as hoped. These sources have told us that, comparatively, Sony is in better shape and further along with hardware and software development for PlayStation 4."

    "We'd also heard from an industry insider that Microsoft was aggressively trying to sign exclusive games for Durango. Given the lack of internal development at Microsoft—their internal studios, while talented, are outnumbered by those of Sony and Nintendo—and given some of the apparent recent stumbles and slowdowns internally, signing an exclusive Respawn-EA game would suit the Durango quite well."

    There's more details about the game itself in the link. Think this post is already long enough as it is.

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    Terrible. Pales compare to UEFA CL on the 360. Physics on PS2 are robotic and scoring is super easy. I say save your cash and invest n next gen. Its all about the physics

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    Definitely awesome news Will they also expand in game parties with this? For example allow us to queue up with more people in Halo Big Team Battle or something?

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