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    Bit.Trip Saga

    Various Nintendo 3DS Achievements Achievement How to unlock Bit.tripper Register a high score on the leaderboards. Bonus.get Complete a bonus challenge. Burger.mouth Burger mouth. Repel 100 Beats. Endure Complete a level in one sitting. Flawless.impetus Get a PERFECT score...
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    E-40 Speaks in Bars

    E-40 Speaks in Bars
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    Vertical video sheds its black bars on YouTube, Android app adds dark mode

    The YouTube desktop site was designed for 16:9 video, with videos in any other aspect ratio—most commonly 4:3 for old TV material or 9:16 for vertical smartphone video—padded with black bars until they fit the 16:9 box. In a change that Google is currently rolling out, those black bars are now...
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