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    A Blind Legend

    Various Steam AchievementsComplete the indicated task to unlock the achievement. Achievement How to unlock First blood You have eliminated your first threat. The first in a long series. Free-running It was the wrong time to step outside. Gee up! You have managed to flee your...
  2. C

    Teen goes blind from 7 year diet of french fries, white bread and ham slices

    An extreme case of "fussy eating" caused blindness in a United Kingdom teenager, according to a report published Monday in the Annals of Internal Medicine. When Denize Atan, the study’s lead author, met the 17 year old boy at Bristol Eye Hospital, his eyesight had been deteriorating for two...
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    Microsoft patented a braille-displaying controller accessory for the blind

    Those rows of dots would display in-game text as finger-readable braille dots. Last year, Microsoft released its highly customizable Adaptive Controller as a way to further engage with gamers facing a variety of "limited mobility" disabilities. But a newly...
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