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    Never Stop Sneakin’ is a brilliant send-up of ’90s stealth games

    Enlarge / Hummingbird is just one of many unlockable, playable characters. (credit: Humble Hearts) Nostalgia is a tricky thing. We all feel it at one time or another, and it often seems nothing gets butts in the proverbial seats as reliably as the promise of remembering everything as it was...
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    'There are downsides to being this good': Why gamers hate me for being brilliant at games

    Samantha Brick has it easy... Steve Hogarty feels like he's the only person on the planet who can relate to the sort of soul-crushing discrimination poor Samantha Brick faces on a daily basis. While her agonising physical beauty manifests itself as a living femme-hell, Steve's unusual gift for...
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