
  1. F

    Final Fantasy Type-0

    Darkness of Suzaku - Maximum Gil Exploits Darkness of Suzaku appear in the second playthrough after Chapter 6 has been cleared. In the Chapter 7, if you absorb any phantoma from defeating any enemies, you will have a small percentage to make him appear. When he appear in the world map, any...
  2. C

    Fast Striker Bullet Collision

    Hey, just got Fast striker a little while ago with my copy of Sturmwind. I got a question about the bullet collision in this game, sometimes I feel i'm floating through the bullets without taking any damage. Is that because what difficulty setting I'm on? Or is there issues with the bullet...
  3. C

    Take the Bullet Beta GD-ROMs Found! + More!

    Exciting news! Tom from the Dreamcast Junkyard just posted this image on Twitter showing beta GD-ROMs of the unreleased Take the Bullet. Apparently they were given to him by an ex-Sega employee. He says a review of the game will be posted on the Junkyard soon. Hopefully the game will be ripped...
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