
  1. F

    NFL Blitz 2003

    Cheat Mode Press L2, R2, and X (Juke, Turbo, and Hurdle) to change the icons below the helmets on the versus screen. The numbers in the following list indicate the number of times each button is pressed. After the icons have been changed, press the D-pad in the indicated direction to enable the...
  2. C

    has anyone tried this d-pad mod?

    http://ufighterx.com/guides/videogame/pspdpadfix/pspdpadfix.htm since i couldn't find anything that would fix my sunken d-pad off dealextreme i'm considering doing this mod. would also like to know if there are any other alternatives, just in case.
  3. C

    D-Pad is Shot

    I accidentally spilled a little bit of water/soup on my PSP last night, which I immediately wiped. All seemed well, all the buttons worked fine I played my music and everything. However in the morning I turned on my PSP to see what time it was and my XMB immediately went all the way to the right...
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