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    NG.DEV.TEAM announces Gunlord for NeoGeo and Dreamcast!

    I was browsing and saw they posted news about this, so credit goes to our amigos there for the news first! GUNLORD - Welcome to Gunlords World This looks to be in the same vein as Metal Slug or Contra and other side scrolling run and jump shooters on classic systems. I am...
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    Gunlord Available for Pre-Order on Play-Asia

    So I got an e-mail from Play-Asia today telling me that Gunlord is available for pre-order, they even include a release date of June 4th. I don't know how accurate that is, but its awesome if its true. Collector's Edition...
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    CGR 2012 Summary of GunLord Game

    Thx to dcultra for letting me know about this and other games : And a recap for a game last year called Fast Striker :
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    Anyone still playing Gunlord? Anyone beaten it?

    I just played Gunlord again for the first time in a few weeks. I appreciate the game, the graphics and artwork are cool, and controlling the character is about how you would expect. But I'm getting really sick of the first 3 levels. Levels 1 and 3 are so long and since you have to play through...
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    Gunlord, fast striker & last hope: pink bullets rereleased

    All the games are for sale on NG Dev teams website for those who are interested.
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