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    Boosting HPC capacity with lower emissions at Shell’s Houston data center

    Boosting HPC capacity with lower emissions at Shell’s Houston data center
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    Need to replace lower buttons of a PSP 1000

    The only thing wrong with my old PSP-1000 is the buttons right below the screen. So I want to get a replacement part, but I don't know what I'll need exactly. Do I need to replace the entire screen, or can I find a replacement for just those buttons? Because it seems as if those buttons are...
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    Lower the voltage on a psp charger

    Sup guys. PSP charger has 5V and 2000mA and I badly(and I mean really BADly) need to have it output to 2.5 and 1000mA so I want to lower the voltage to half. DO you guys know a way to do that. My life depends on it. Thank you.
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    can i downgrade 6.35 proB to any lower version in my psp2000 non hackable

    hi seniors plz help me im newbie can i downgrade 6.35 proB to any lower version in my psp2000 non hackable plz guide me
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