
  1. F

    Metal Slug 4 & 5

    Gallery (Metal Slug 4) Complete the game with a character to unlock her/his picture in the gallery.
  2. C

    Google responds to Pixel 4 rumors by… posting a picture of the Pixel 4

    Google's first official picture of the Pixel 4. So you want some Pixel 4 news, do you? After rumors started flying that the Pixel 4 would support Project Soli, Google's radar-based gesture chip, Google has offered an official response. It's, uh, a picture of...
  3. C

    Avatar/profile picture size limitations.

    The size limitations for avatars is quite measly; but maybe large images take up too much space/memory on the forum? Just saying, because I have noticed that many people don't have avatars, possibly because it's hard to find such small images, in particular if you are looking for a particular...
  4. C

    Psp Picture Viewer

    Any homebrew app that open picture in my psp. psp filer is sometimes hangs when i view my pictures.
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