
  1. C

    Wind & Water Puzzle Battles Sells out on Play-Asia

    Our new game has sold out on You can still pick it up on Fight the Power! :lol:
  2. C

    Gunlord Available for Pre-Order on Play-Asia

    So I got an e-mail from Play-Asia today telling me that Gunlord is available for pre-order, they even include a release date of June 4th. I don't know how accurate that is, but its awesome if its true. Collector's Edition...
  3. C

    Restock of Sturmwind @ Play-Asia

    Sorry if this has been posted somewhere else on the forum... Play-Asia have some more new copies of Sturmwind due for arrival tomorrow I believe if anyone is interested in picking up a copy. They have the L.E. coming in too...
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