
  1. C

    OnePlus 6 Review—A series of downgrades is saved by the low price

    Ron Amadeo OnePlus might not be a perfect Android device maker, with fairly regular controversies involving its security mistakes, bad advertising decisions, and lack of a concrete support policy. But OnePlus is really good at making high-end hardware at a low...
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    Trying to get DDFFP012 to work with saved DDFF012 data on Gen-d3

    I'm trying to get a 100 % game completion for PDDFF012 and my already saved DDFF012 data to run on my psp phat. I've been able to use the D3 Error Fix for Gen-d3 to succfessfully get PDDFF012 to load, but at the cost of getting my already saved 012FF game data. Following the instructions in the...
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