
  1. F

    Minecraft: New Nintendo 3DS Edition

    Infinite Seeds In the dark [Without Sufficient Lighting], use a dirt block and hoe it / till it, making it a farmland block. Grab a seed [any kind, you only need one], and attempt to plant it. Normally, what would happen is the seed should plant and immediately fall off, but they never made it...
  2. F

    Farming Simulator 2012

    Seed level never decreases Fill the feeder that is used to plant the corn, wheat, etc. Before planting the seeds in the field, select the steering wheel to allow the CPU to plant the seeds in the field. You will find out that the level never goes down unless you plant the feed yourself.
  3. F

    RS3 POST GAME JAM AND MERCH UPDATE - THIS WEEK IN RUNESCAPE We've got just some of the fruits of last week's Game Jam to show you, plus exciting merchandise updates and more! Game Jam Showcase Jam-a-lamb It's back! Game Jam is a reoccurring event...
  4. W

    Red Seeds Profile - jap

    health modific original pattern 3C 00 42 C8 91 23 00 10 90 03 00 14 91 23 00 00 91 23 00 04 91 23 00 08 91 23 00 0C 4E 80 00 20 60 00 00 00 39 20 00 00 3C 00 42 C8 91 23 00 10 90 03 00 14 91 23 00 04 91 23 00 08 91 23 00 0C 4E 80 00 20 81 23 00 04 2F 89 00 00 code pattern 3C 00 xx xx 91 23...
  5. F

    Turok 2: Seeds of Evil

    All CodesTo unlock all cheats enter BEWAREOBLIVIONISATHAND at the code entry screen.
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    Turok 2: Seeds of Evil GameShark Codes

    You must have Game Shark version 2.2 or higher to use this code. 1. Have all cheats a. 8111AADC07FF b. 8111AADEFFFF 2. 0163A9C1 Infinite Energy 3. 010AABC1 Infinite Lives
  7. F

    Turok 2: Seeds of Evil Instruction Manual

    Turok 2: Seeds of Evil Typed out by Greg Minder Controls Expert Controls Arcade Controls Up - Look/Aim down Forwards Down - Look/Aim up Backwards Left - Look/Face left Rotate Left Right - Look/Face right Rotate Right C up - Forwards Look Up C down - Backwards Look Down C left - Strafe Left...
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