
  1. F

    Legend of Zelda: Tri Force Heroes

    Ball Pop Game While in the connection room to the Drablands, if you do a Pegasus dash (L1/R1) and the walls or pillars, a ball will fall from the ceiling. If you slash it, it will pop up in the air and you can keep hitting it to keep it in the air. Depending on how long you keep it up, you will...
  2. F

    Fire Mage: Wolcen Gameplay - Hack and Slash aRPG (Alpha - 2018)

    Will Wolcen be the game to take on Path of Exile, Diablo 3, and eventually Diablo 4? This aRPG shows a lot of promise. Here is some Wolcen gameplay, showing a fire mage build.
  3. C

    Hack & Slash Games on the Dreamcast

    I was curious to what exculusives on the Dreamcast where Hack & Slash type games. (If the game came out on PC but had a good Dreamcast port you can count it)
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