
  1. C

    How Do You Solve a Problem That’s Never Been Solved Before?

    How Do You Solve a Problem That’s Never Been Solved Before? View:
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    Anyone else still thinking about that BGC Mac? 😍

    Anyone else still thinking about that BGC Mac? 😍 View:
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    Thinking of selling my BBA - anyone interested?

    Well due to a few money complictions I need to sell a few things to raise some money! One thing I think I'll be selling is my BBA (broadband adaptor) -anyone here be interested before I post it on ebay/other forums? Can come with a copy of PSO if needed - I also have boxed a copy of the last...
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    It's STILL Thinking...

    Not sure where this should go... 2005 was one of the worst years of my life. After moving in with my Dad, I was forced to change schools. For me, that was extremely difficult as I'm EXTREMELY anti-social. It took me years to finally make friends, and I really only had two (I don't count friends...
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    Thinking about getting back into DC

    Thinking about getting back into DC only I seem to have run into a problem. I have a old DC that worked back fine back in the day. I finally started to get some new games for it, Sonic Adventure, PSO and Skies of Arcadia. The only problem is Skies of Arcadia wont read -_- The discs are in pretty...
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    So I'm thinking about driving to Missouri

    storybreak stars<\/title><path d="M5.146 9.01l-.19-3.623 3.057 1.985.693-1.197-3.213-1.67 3.213-1.638-.693-1.197-3.056 1.953L5.147 0H3.76l.158 3.623L.893 1.67.2 2.867l3.214 1.638L.2 6.175l.693 1.197 3.025-1.985L3.76 9.01m21.386 0l-.19-3.623 3.057 1.985.693-1.197-3.213-1.67...
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    Thinking About Getting Seaman...

    I've always wanted to talk to a fish, just for it to say something back. This has always been a fantasy to me...until I heard about "Seaman" for the Sega Dreamcast. Since I own a Dreamcast, I thought it would be a good thing to spend my Christmas money on. I am currently trying to hunt down...
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    thinking about updating

    i have gen 5.50 D3 on my psp 1001 right now i was wondering if i should update to a newer cfw and which one and if you could point me in the right direction on how to...i havent done anything to it since i hacked it like two years ago so i am pretty much a noob again because i completly forgot...
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    So now I am thinking of upgrading my PSP to 6.39.

    Now that 6.39 TN-A HEN has been released, I have a few questions: 1) I have 6.20 and I use TN HEN for it. Should I upgrade to 6.39 so I can gain the advantages of the latest firmware update while being able to enjoy homebrew or should I just stick with 6.20? 2) I have had some problems with...
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    Thinking about getting a psp.

    Hello and I'm glad I found what seems to be such a great community of PSP users. I know almost nothing on hacking and although I use to own a PSP I didn't do any modding or hacking on it. I always saw and heard about all the PSP could do and although we don't have alot of money me and my wife...
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