
  1. C

    [Request] ToeJam & Earl in Panic on Funkotron (Europe) (Genesis) Misc Codes

    Start with ?? Lives Start with ?? Funkitude Start with ?? Continues Start with ?? Coins Start with ?? Panic Button Underwater timer starts at ?? seconds
  2. C

    Toejam and Earl III dreamcast beta discovered

    See the thread on assemblergames Error | ASSEMbler - Home of the obscure Some pictures are available in the thread, I wasn't able to easily copy them over here.
  3. C

    ToeJam & Earl 3 Beta has been released!!!!!

    Error | ASSEMbler - Home of the obscure
  4. F

    Toejam and Earl Cheat Codes (for Sega Genesis)

    All spaceship parts except the last one During game play pause the game and press A+B+C at the same time. Then press right+A at the same time. Then press down+B at the same time and press left+C at the same time.Then un pause.
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