Apple to stop selling 2015 MacBook Pro with old-style keyboard, legacy ports

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Enlarge / The 15-inch 2015 MacBook Pro. (credit: Andrew Cunningham)

Apple doesn't waste time consolidating its product lineups—after announcing new MacBook Pro models today, the 2015 MacBook Pro has been removed from the Mac section of Apple's website.
Beloved by many, the 2015 MacBook Pro had a number of features that have since been changed or have disappeared entirely from new MacBook Pro models. Arguably the most polarizing among these tweaks is the butterfly keyboard—the 2015 MacBook Pro predates that mechanism, making its traditional keyboard a preferred alternative for many users.
The newly announced MacBook Pros still have butterfly keyboards, but they've been updated. Ars' Samuel Axon found that the keys are quieter than those on previous MacBook Pros, and they have a less click-y feel that nods to those pre-2016 models. However, the new models still use a butterfly keyboard, and those who find them uncomfortable to type on will likely be sad to learn of the retirement of the only non-butterfly MacBook Pro option.

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