Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

final kaoss

Staff member
if you want to play with your friends only or if you want to boots. ITS SOO EASY.. 4 steps thats all..

1.Search for free for all and invite 3 or more player
2.once all players have joined because your the host you back out
3.Someone needs to invite you back to the game before the match starts once you get invite join quick
4.Now your lobby is locked and its invite only

Now You Can Boost with your buddies. or quick scope online..
Officail Shotgun Jump Tutorial (MW2)

***************** GAME SETUP ***************

How to setup a game lobby for shotgun jumps :

1st . Choose Team Deathmatch as Game Mode..
2nd . Go to Game Settings and Change the Friendly Fire > Shared

--Tip-- : When Setting the Friendly Fire to Shared it helps both players to do the jump all you need to do is shoot the player who already did the jump and jump at the same time so you can reach the other player(s)!

3rd . You need to change the Max Health > Double

* 4th . You need to set the time limit and score limit to Unlimited !

** 5th . Set the Health Regeneration > Fast!
Before Setting Up Your Classes.
If you're Level 45 + .. Do The whole Class Setup Process!
If you're Level 45 - .. Ignore Class 1 Setup + Perks

----------- CLASS SETUP -----------

* You need to have 2 Classes (Recommended) (For Lv.45+)
CLASS 1 SETUP (Level 45 +)

MP5K (Primary)
Tactical Insertion (Equipment)
CLASS 2 SETUP (All Levels)
MP5K (Primary)
Spas12 *grip recommended* (Secondary)
Tactical Insertion (Equipment)
---------- Recommended Perks --------

* For Class 1 Setup (Level 45 +)
One Man Army (Perk 1) *
LightWeight Pro (Perk 2) *
Commando Pro (Perk 3) *

* For Class 2 Setup (All Levels)
Marathon Pro (Perk1)
LightWeight Pro (Perk2)
Commando Pro (Perk3)

--Tip-- : Commando Pro is important! you'll have to jump from ontop of a building sometimes without taking Fall Damage!

Hope this helps!

Modern Warefare 2 - Bypassing Clan Tag Censorship Tutorial

This is how you put letters or words that are not aloud in your clan.

1) Go on mw2 press clan tag

2) Type in a word that is not aloud but do not click enter yet!

3) So once you have that word turn off your modem or router. I think if you have a lagswitch you can turn that on and wait couple of seconds.

4) Now once you turned off your modem or router click enter.

5) It should sign you out.

6) Sign back it and there you go you will have it

I hoped this helps some of you.This works on all cods.
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