Final Fantasy Cheat Codes (for NES)

Cheat codes, tips guides & hints for games on the Nintendo Entertainment System or NES.

final kaoss

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Class change tip

When you get the class change, a whole new world of options opens up: Tons of new Weapons, Armor, Magic. But there is a drawback. Your level ups become much less effective. For Example, I played and got the class change at Level 15. At the end, my knight had 754 Max HP. But, I got a Fighter up to Level 50 with no class change in another game, and he had 998 HP!!! This also applies to many other stats, such as Strength, Agility, etc.
RE: Final Fantasy

Power magic

What is the best magic in the game? Some people would say: Definitely Nuke and LIF2. However, these are not the best spells in the game. Let's say you have 2 Knights and 2 Black Wizards. If the Knights would attack and the Black Wizards would use Nuke, you would get about 300 damage from each of the Knights and 300 from each of the Nukes. Thats 1200 damage. But say you had 2 Red Wizards instead. Now, cast FAST on both the Knights, and they now do 600 a shot. That's 1200 right there. Now, you can still keep doing as much damage and 2 Black Wizards casting NUKE, but now you can heal your party, cast other spells, and your knights are still doing as much damage as NUKE would have!!! WOW, don't underestimate FAST or overestimate NUKE!

Some people would also say that LIF2 is the best spell. However, that doesn't even work in battle, what are you going to do now? Well, FOG2 and INV2 are better spells. Now, your guys probably won't even GET killed because you can raise your defense and evade with INV2 and magic defense with FOG2. Add in ARUB and you're practically invincible! Now, get a Red Wizard to combine this with fast, and you can take on ANYTHING!!!
RE: Final Fantasy

Group tip

A lot of people claim to have the best group (which usually consists of 3 fighters and a white mage, or something crappy like that) but all of these people are wrong. With this group, you can kill Chaos in 3-4 hits, or even in 2 hits if your characters have FAST on them. Here's the group: 2 Black Belts and 2 Black mages. Almost immediately in the game, the black belts no longer need weapons, and then later don't need armor. However, you must always have plenty of heal potions handy, as you have no healers. However, the cost of heal potions is a tiny price to pay, considering the massive destructive power of this group. If you equip a Masamune to an adult Black Belt, it will actually LOWER his attack power (yes, lower). If you have this group at level 50, it is actually possible to kill Chaos in 2 hits.
RE: Final Fantasy

Fighting Tiamat

Tiamat is a tough opponent but there's a way to beat him easily both times. The first time you fight him, cast bane or use the bane sword to kill him instantly. It doesn't always work so make sure you have a backup plan. In the temple of fiends cast stop on him and you should be able to beat him before he recovers. Like before, this doesn't always work so be prepared.
RE: Final Fantasy

Tip on swords

If you have the Nintendo guide on Final Fantasy, it tells you that certain weapons give more damage to certain enemies, like the Rune sword, Coral sword, Sun Sword, Giant Sword, Flame Sword, and Ice Sword. THIS IS ALL FALSE! Weapon power is based entirely on how it is shown on your status subscreen. This means that the flame sword doesn't take anymore damage from ice monsters than the ice sword does. Actually it takes less! Still the strongest swords you can have against any enemy are the Xcaliber and of course, the Masmune. However, Elemental armor does give you better protection against some spells and attacks.
RE: Final Fantasy

Black Belt tip

If you have a Black Belt in your party, their absorb strength start to match their experience level around level 11 or 12 after every level up bonus they get. This will last as long as you don't look at your armor subscreen. This tip may not be too useful in the beginning but in the end, you may want to drop or sell some armor to make room or get cash. This way you can sell your Black Belts armor and still have a good defense power if your levels are high enough. You can do this all the way to level 50.
RE: Final Fantasy

HEL2 spell tip

If you have a White mage you should know that there is a glitch in this game that causes the HEL2 spell to have the effect of HEL3! If you have enough openings you can by both of them, but they are actually the same thing.
RE: Final Fantasy

Houses tip

Another glitch that I have found in this game is that Houses do not save any restored energy or magic along with the game. This means that if you save your game using a house, and all of your characters have 1 HP, the game will be saved but your party will still have 1 HP each. You should always use a tent or a cabin after using a house.
RE: Final Fantasy

Where is the Adamant

Go to the 2nd floor of the wind castle (Not the tower, but from the transporter). In the below right of the floor, you will find a room with some treasure boxes. Get the Adamant from them, cast EXIT, and go to the dwarf cave. Smith will give you the Xcaliber, the 2nd greatest weapon in the game.
RE: Final Fantasy

Geting the rats tail and visit Bahamut

Instead of going straight to the fire fiend and taking care of that, you can go get the rats tail and visit Bahamut. All you have to do is get in your ship, but you need the canoe, and go to a spot were the river is above the port which leads to the Volcano. Go to the ice cave, grab the floater, get your airship, go(sail) to the castle were you get the rats tail, (south of the Elf Village) and visit Bahamut, which by that time, your probably decked out, rich, and can use better spells and equipment, plus if you use Masters (Black Belts), which are really nice, they can waste the Fire fiend in a couple rounds, at Level 19 they were hitting about four times of 250-400 damage.
RE: Final Fantasy

Lots of gold

When trying to buy the silver sword for a Fighter (which you should do before going to the Marsh Cave), build up on the water rather than land. Less dangerous and the monsters (Kyzoku?) that give incredible amounts of gold are there.
RE: Final Fantasy

Volcano tip

Get the floater before killing Kary. This goes against the recommendations of every source I know, but with the ice armor and weapons you will slay the volcano easily.
RE: Final Fantasy

Ice Cave tip

Class Change before going into the volcano! With the floater you can get the airship, and Bahamut's puzzle isn't that hard. Use the fire sword from the Ice Cave.
RE: Final Fantasy

Ribbons tip

Give Ribbons to your main Fighter, and whoever has the Masmune (White or Red Mage, probably). The RUB attack is 75% of the time directed at the first person in the order, so keep that in mind as well.
RE: Final Fantasy

Final temple tip

In the final temple, you can not run from the elements (earth, fire, water, air) so do not even bother trying. Magic is generally not very effective either.
RE: Final Fantasy

Gold and experience gain trick

When you need money to buy all the stuff at Elfland but you're not at a high enough level to do the Pravoka trick, I have found a cool semi-quick gold and experience gain place. If you go to that small plain east of Elf Land and then go as high as you can go, then go as far northeast as you can, up to those three terrain squares that form a right angle and are adjacent to the mountains. Walk on these squares and you can fight Green Ogres from the Gurgu Volcano region.
RE: Final Fantasy

What conditions must be met for your characters to advance to the Adult stage

You must go and talk to Bahamut in the Cardia Islands and he will tell you to go to the castle of ordeal north east of the Islands, and you'll see the castle but you cant land next to them you must land on the pinnisal north west of the castle, or use the seaship to dock at the mouth of the river which is faster than the pinnisal. Then as you enter the castle a sage will tell you to sit on the throne and you will enter a maze which is easy but make sure to get the Zues's Gauntlet then on the next floor of the castle look out for Medusa they are extremely hard to beat and they can stone you make sure you pick up the healing staff it will help you with the end boss of this level, the Zombie dragon finish picking up the treasure chestson this floor they will help you a lot the Zombie Dragon has two many weak points, fire, and harm. Open the treasure chest be him and go on to the throne and you'll be worped out of the castle go back to Bahamut and he well make you adult the class changes are,

Fighter TO Knight

Thief TO Ninja

Black belt TO Master

Red Mage TO Red Wizard

White Mage TO White Wizard

Black Mage TO Black Wizard
RE: Final Fantasy

Fighting tips

When fighting undead foes use the mage staff. It will do from 30-150 points of damage. If fighting an Ice use fire 2. If fighting a fire use ice 2. When fighting Waters use lightning 2.
RE: Final Fantasy

Experience and gold tip

Everyone's always talking about where the best place to power up your party is in later levels. My conclusion is obviously the Warmech, and anything along that line, but not at levels like 25 through 30 or 35. At this point I head over to the Ice Cave, where you can make your way to where you originally found the Floater. Here you find the eye in front of the chest. He's really easy to defeat (one hit from Xcalibur), and he gives everyone in the party 802 exp. points, almost as much as 2 giants. Just keep walking back and forth in front of the chest and killing this eye, who's only attack is XXXX, easily protected with a ProRing, and you'll be ready to fight non-stop Warmechs in no time!!
RE: Final Fantasy

Item tip

You should always take 99 heal points when going into a cave and when you are on a mission to restore an orb you will always have to go into a cave or some sort of hole so take 99 heal drinks and use fast on your fighters and knight it works really good, also if you find the light axe use it as an item because it works real good on the undead it casts harm2. The mage staff works good on the undead also it casts fire2.
RE: Final Fantasy


To defeat Warmech and keep everyone alive stay outside and fight Giants at the Earth Cave until you are at levels 37 to 41. You should know every best spell. Go back to bridge and on the way fight all enemies you run into. If you have the Xcaliber Equip it on the Knight. Equip every best weapon you have. Once you are on the bridge walk across and walk back until you face Warmech. Best party to have is a Knight, Ninja, White Wizard, and Black Wizard.

Warmech can be found on the bridge to Tiamat's inner sanctum, but you only have a 1 in 64 chance of finding him. He takes around 1,000 Hit Points, but gives you 8,000 experiencs points per person.
RE: Final Fantasy

Character selection tip

The best party you can have is a Fighter (Knight) with Xcaliber, Dragon Armor, Heal Helmet, Power Gauntlet, and the Ageis Shield. A White Mage (White Wizard) with Thor's Hammer, White Shirt, Ribbon, and Protection Ring. A Black Mage (Black Wizard) with Cat Claw, Black Shirt, Ribbon, and the Protection Ring. And a Red Mage (Red Wizard) with Masmune, Gold Braclet, Protection Cape, Zeus Gauntlet and Ribbon. If you get another Protection Cape, just put it on the White Wizard and put the Red Wizards Protection Cape on the Black Wizard and equip the Red Wizard with Buckler.

The reason I put in a Red Wizard is because he can use the spells the Black and White Wizards can't, so you can practically get almost every spell.
RE: Final Fantasy

Weapons and armor tip

Only keep the weapons that you can equip and the Weapons that cast something, like the Mage Staff casts FIR2. Same thing for the Armor. If you have something equipped but can also cast something like the Black Shirt casts ICE2, great! Here is a listing of Weapons and Armor that do something:

Defence: RUSE
Thor's Hammer: LIT3
Mage Staff: FIR2
Wizard Staff: CONF
Bane Sword: BANE
Heal Staff: HEL2

Power Gauntlet: SABR
Zeus Gauntlet: LIT2
Black Shirt: ICE2
White Shirt: INV2
Heal Helmet: HEAL
RE: Final Fantasy

Enemy chart

Enemy EXP.Points gold HP Weakness

Agama 2472 1200 296 ice
Air 1614 807 358 none
Auklyo 2610 1 352 none
Arachnid 141 50 64 none
Asp 123 50 56 none
Astos 2250 2000 168 none
Badman 1263 1800 260 none
Big Eye 3591 3591 304 lit
Blue Dragon 3274 2000 454 fire
Bone 9 3 10 fire
Bull 489 489 164 none
Caribe 240 20 92 lit
Catman 780 780 160 none
Cerebus 1182 600 192 ice
Chimera 2064 2500 300 ice
Cobra 165 50 80 none
Coctrice 186 200 50 none
Crawl 186 200 84 none
Creep 63 15 56 fire
Earth 1536 768 288 fire
Evilman 2700 3000 190 none
Eye 3225 3225 162 none
Fighter 3420 3420 200 none
Fire 1620 800 276 ice
Frost Dragon 1701 2000 200 fire
Frost Gator 1890 2000 142 lit
Frost Giant 1752 1752 336 fire
Frost Wolf 402 200 93 fire
Gargoyle 132 80 80 none
Garland 130 250 106 none
Gas dragon 4068 5000 352 ice
Gator 816 900 184 lit
Geist 117 117 56 fire
Ghost 990 990 180 fire
Ghoul 93 50 48 fire
Giant 93 50 320 none
Great Pede 2244 1000 48 ice, fire
Green Medusa 1218 1218 68 fire
Green Ogre 282 300 132 none
GreyImp 18 18 16 none
Grey Naga 3489 4000 420 none
Grey Shark 2361 600 344 lit
Grey Wolf 93 93 72 none
Grey Worm 107 400 280 ice
Gaurd 1224 400 200 none
Hydra 912 150 212 none
Hyena 288 72 120 none
Iguana 153 50 92 none
Image 231 231 86 fire
Imp 6 6 8 none
Iron Gollem 6717 3000 304 none
Jimera 4589 5000 350 ice
Kyzoku 60 120 50 none
Lobster 639 300 148 lit
Mad Pony 63 15 64 none
Mage 1095 1095 105 none
Man Cat 603 800 110 none
Manticor 1317 650 164 none
Medusa 699 699 68 none
Muck 266 70 76 lit
Mud Gollem 1257 800 176 none
Mummy 300 300 80 fire
Naga 2355 2355 350 lit
Naocho 3189 500 344 none
Nitemare 1272 700 200 ice
Ocho 1224 102 208 lit
Oddeye 42 10 10 lit
Ogre 195 195 100 none
Ooze 252 70 76 ice, fire
Pede 1194 300 222 none
Perilisk 423 500 44 ice
Phantom 1 1 360 fire
Pirate 40 40 6 none
Red Anklyo 1428 300 256 none
Red Bone 378 378 144 fire
Red Caribe 546 46 172 none
Red Dragon 2904 4000 248 ice, bane, brak
Rock Gollem 2385 1000 200 none
Red Giant 1506 1506 300 ice
Red Hydra 1215 400 182 ice
Red Gargoyle 387 387 94 none
Red Seahag 105 105 64 lit
Saber Tooth Tiger 843 500 200 none
Seahag 30 30 28 lit
Sand Worm 2683 900 200 none
Sauria 1977 658 196 none
Scorpian 225 70 84 none
Scum 84 20 24 ice, fire
Sea Snake 927 600 244 lit
Sea Troll 852 852 216 lit
Sentry 4000 2000 400 lit
Shadow 90 45 50 fire
Shark 66 66 120 lit
Slime 1101 900 120 none
Sorcerror 822 999 112 none
Specter 150 150 52 fire
Sphinx 1160 1160 228 none
Spider 30 8 20 none
Tiger 438 108 132 none
T-Rex 7200 600 800 none
Troll 621 621 184 fire
Tyro 3387 502 408 none
Vampire 1200 2000 156 fire
Warmech 3200 3200 1000 none
Water 1962 800 300 ice
Were Wolf 135 67 68 none
Wizard 276 300 84 none
Wizard Mummy 984 1000 188 fire
Wizard Ogre 723 723 144 none
Wizard Seahag 882 882 204 lit
Wizard Vampire 2385 3000 300 fire
Wolf 24 6 20 none
Worm 4344 1000 448 none
Wraith 432 432 114 fire
Wyrm 1218 502 260 none
Wyvern 1173 50 212 none
Zombie 24 12 20 fire
Zombull 1050 1050 224 none
Zombie Dragon 2331 999 268 fire


Lich 2200 3000 400 fire
Kary 2475 3000 600 stun, slep
Kraken 4245 5000 800 lit
Tiamat 5496 6000 1000 Plus
Chaos 0 0 2000 Plus
RE: Final Fantasy

Finding the Masamune

I found a better sword than the Excalibur. You can only find it close to the end of the game when you fight Tiamat a second time. On the way to him go all the way southwest of where he is and you will find a secret way to a treasure chest that contains the Masamune. Once acquired, leave without fighting Tiamat via Exit spell and save it equipped to the Knight and save the Exclibur sword for another person in your party to use it, if not keep it. With the Masamune sword equipped you can defeat the enemies that await you at the end. Secret tip: Use the black mages Fast and Temper spells on the Knight and he will do way more damage than you can imagine.
RE: Final Fantasy

Going to the Castle of Ordeal

When going to the "Castle of Ordeal" instead of parking the airship far way and hicking the long distance, go get the ship and sail to the river by it (get out using the canoe), and only make a short hike.
RE: Final Fantasy

Invisible man

There is a invisible man in the first castle! He is located in the room where a monk guy is standing above where the queens chamber is.
RE: Final Fantasy

Be in Chapter 1 and fight enemies from Chapter 7

You can be in Chapter 1 and fight enemies from Chapter 7. From Pravoka, go south, then east, then all the way north. Then walk left and right to fight monsters like Tyro, Zombull, and the Giant. I don't go there until I am at Level 8. It's a great way to get a TON of experience points and gold extremly early in the game.
RE: Final Fantasy

Geting lots of gold and experience

Chapter 3, in the Earth Cave, from where you come in, go all the way to the left, then when you go down, you will fight Giants at every step and get lots of experience and gold.
RE: Final Fantasy

Airship location

Chapter 4, use the Floater in the desert to get the Air Ship.
Entering the Submarine

Chapter 6, you can get the Bottle for 50,000 gold at the north part of the desert. In Gaia go to the Fairies Spring and let the fairy go, to get the Oxyail so you can go into the Submarine.
Finding the magic Life 2 and Nuke

Chapter 7, in Lefein, walk past the buildings all the way to the right, to buy the magic, Life 2 and Nuke.
Talking to people in Lefein

To be able to talk to the people in Lefein, you must get the slab, and take it to Dr. Unne to learn there language.
Chime location

You can get the Chime in Lefein, it opens the door to the Mirage Tower.
Play a game

Any time when you are on the ship, You can press A and B at the same time 55 times to find a game. Press B to leave.
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