Final Fantasy V Advance (USA)

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final kaoss

Staff member
00FF - No Monster 0000 - Goblin 0001 - Killer Bee 0002 - Nutkin 0003 - Stray Cat 0004 - Steel Bat 0005 - Devil Crab 0006 - Stroper 0007 - Black Goblin 0008 - White Serpent 0009 - Moldwynd 000A - Mani Wizard 000B - Magic Pot 000C - Sucker 000D - Octokraken 000E - Gatling 000F - Big Horn 0010 - Tatou 0011 - Bandersnatch 0012 - Garula 0013 - Skeleton 0014 - Calcruthl 0015 - Undead Husk 0016 - Mindflusher 0017 - Rock Slug 0018 - Gaelicat 0019 - Cockatrice 001A - Headstone 001B - Elf Toad 001C - Ice Soldier 001D - Ricard Mage 001E - Wyvern 001F - Pas De Seul 0020 - Byblos 0021 - Aegir 0022 - Zu 0023 - Wild Nakk 0024 - Grass Tortoise 0025 - Silent Bee 0026 - Mythril Dragon 0027 - Ramuh 0028 - Crew Dust 0029 - Poltergeist 002A - Motor Trap 002B - Defeater 002C - Jackanapes 002D - Sergeant 002E - Sorcerer 002F - Cur Nakk 0030 - Gigas 0031 - Page 32 0032 - Page 64 0033 - Page 128 0034 - Page 256 0035 - Ifrit 0036 - Bomb 0037 - Doublizard 0038 - Bio Soldier 0039 - Harvester 003A - Black Flame 003B - Stone Golem 003C - Mini Dragon 003D - Prototype 003E - Dhorme Chimera 003F - Sandboil 0040 - Desert Killer 0041 - Sand Bear 0042 - Ra Mage 0043 - Ronkan Knight 0044 - Stone Mask 0045 - Enchanted Fan 0046 - Lamia 0047 - Archeotoad 0048 - Hydra 0049 - Ghidra 004A - Devilfish 004B - Treant 004C - Strapparer 004D - Tarantula 004E - Shell Bear 004F - Tunneler 0050 - Birostris 0051 - Fairy Orc 0052 - Devourer 0053 - Mandrake 0054 - Kuza Beast 0055 - Cactus 0056 - Sandcrawler 0057 - Shield Dragon 0058 - Blood Slime 0059 - Acrophies 005A - Moogle Eater 005B - Lesser Lopros 005C - Skull Eater 005D - Aquathorn 005E - Weresnake 005F - Kornago 0060 - Cursed Being 0061 - Undergrounder 0062 - Drippy 0063 - Lycaon 0064 - Bone Dragon 0065 - Poison Eagle 0066 - Zombie Dragon 0068 - Neon 0069 - Magnetite 006A - Reflect Knight 006B - Traveler 006C - Level Tricker 006D - Gravitator 006E - Ziggurat Gigas 006F - Cure Beast 0070 - Land Turtle 0071 - Dechirer 0072 - Catoblepas 0073 - Mini Magician 0074 - Galajelly 0075 - Mammon 0076 - Imp 0077 - Wyrm 0078 - Twin Lizard 0079 - Blind Wolf 007A - Hellraiser 007B - Reflect Mage 007C - Magic Dragon 007D - Black Warlock 007E - Adamantite Golem 007F - Bandercoeurl 0080 - Iron Fist 0081 - Blue Dragon 0082 - Red Dragon 0083 - Yellow Dragon 0084 - Sleepy 0085 - Trrifid 0086 - Hedgehog 0087 - Python 0088 - Shadow 0089 - Elm Gigas 008A - Pao 008B - Dark Aspic 008C - Metamorph 008D - Unknown (Fish) 008E - Desertpede 008F - Bulette 0090 - Sekhmet 0091 - Lamia Queen 0092 - Rajiformes 0093 - Ushabti 0094 - Archeosaur 0095 - Zephyrus 0096 - ExDeath's Soul 0097 - Slug 0098 - Gloom Widow 0099 - Mykale 009A - Executor 009B - Oiseaurare 009C - Shadow Dancer 009D - The Damned 009E - Numb Blade 009F - Tiny Mage 00A0 - Chrono Controller 00A2 - Flaremancer 00A3 - Dueling Knight 00A4 - Iron Muscles 00A5 - Berserker 00A7 - Druid 00A8 - Ironback 00A9 - Objet d'Art 00AA - Frost Bull 00AB - Istory Lythos 00AC - Spizzner 00AD - Unknown (Blob thingy) 00AE - Unknown (Insect) 00AF - Unknown (Fish, again) 00B0 - Unknown (Hanging Skeletons) 00B1 - Mercury Bat 00B2 - Coral 00B3 - Tonberry 00B4 - Aquagel 00B5 - Steel Fist 00B6 - Alchymia 00BA - Grenade 00BB - Sword Dancer 00BC - Baldanders 00BD - Death Dealer 00BE - Ankheg 00BF - Ammonite 00C0 - Landcrawler 00C1 - Lemure 00C2 - Parthenope 00C3 - Cherie 00C4 - White Flame 00C5 - Moss Fungus 00C6 - Orukat 00C7 - Iron Giant 00C8 - Death Claw 00C9 - King Behemoth 00CA - Farfarello 00CB - Necromancer 00CC - Ninja 00CD - Great Dragon 00CE - Dragon Aevis 00CF - Gorgimera 00D0 - Level Checker 00D1 - Mindflayer 00D2 - Fury 00D3 - Crystelle 00D4 - Mover 00D5 - Crystal 00D6 - Archelon 00D7 - Yojimbo 00D8 - Gilgamesh 00D9 - Sahagin 00DA - Thunder Anemone 00DB - Sea lbis 00DC - Corbett 00DD - Nix 00DE - Water Scorpion 00DF - Vilia 00E0 - Gel Fish 00E1 - Rukh 00E2 - Sea Devil 00E3 - Stingray 00E5 - Golem 00F6 - Tot Aevis 00F7 - Belphegor 00FB - Gobbledyook 00FC - Gil Turtle 00FD - Omega 0100 - Soul Eater 0101 - Exoray 0106 - Dark Elemental 0107 - Dark Elemental 0108 - Dark Elemental 0109 - Medusa 010A - Mini Satana 010B - Assassin 010D - Duelist 0112 - Ironclad 0113 - Claret Dragon 0114 - Dinozombie 0115 - Behemoth 0116 - Hades 0200 - Wing Raptor 0202 - Karlabos 0203 - Twintania 0204 - Siren 0206 - Forza 0207 - Magissa 0208 - Garula 0209 - Liquid Flame 020C - Ice Commander 020D - Sandworm 0210 - Adamantoise 0213 - ExDeath 0214 - Soul Cannon 0215 - Archeoaevis 021A - Manticore 021B - Titan 021C - Purobolos 021D - Abductor 021E - Gilgamesh 021F - Merrow 0220 - Flying Killer 0221 - Little Chariot 0222 - Neo Garula 0223 - Gilgamesh 0224 - Tyrannosaur 0225 - Shiva 0226 - Abductor 0227 - Dragon Grass 0228 - Dragon Flower 022D - Gilgamesh 022E - Enkidu 022F - Atmos 0230 - Crystal 0231 - Crystal 0232 - Crystal 0233 - Crystal 0234 - Carbuncle 0236 - Gilgamesh 0237 - ExDeath 0238 - Antlion 0239 - Mummy 023A - Aspis 023B - Mecha Head 023C - Melusine 023D - Melusine 023E - Melusine 023F - Melusine 0240 - Odin 0241 - Gargoyle 0242 - Triton 0243 - Nereid 0244 - Phobos 0245 - Omniscient 0246 - Minotaur 0247 - Leviathan 0248 - Wendigo 0249 - Famed Mimic Gogo 024A - Bahamut 024B - Jura Aevis 024C - Halicarnassus 024E - Neo ExDeath 0251 - Iron Claw 0254 - Cray Claw 0256 - Calofisteri 0257 - Azulmagia 0258 - Catastrophe 0259 - Necrophobe 025A - Twintania 025B - Launcher 1 025C - Launcher 2 025D - Gilgamesh 025F - Grand Mummy 0260 - Apanda 0261 - Alte Roite 0269 - Shinryu 026A - Barrier 026F - Gilgamesh 0280 - Grand Aevis 0282 - Omega Mk.II 0283 - Omega Mk.II 0284 - Omega Mk.II 0285 - Neo Shinryu 0286 - Guardian 0288 - Launcher (1) 0289 - Launcher (2) 028A - Wave Cannon 028B - Archeodemon 028C - Enuo
NOTE: A lot of these will not work as a value for the 'Caught Monster Modifier' codes as you weren't intended to catch a lot of these monsters. Try and use only what you can catch or risk crashing the game! These monsters are caught for certain one-time out-of-battle events, so they're here for convenience. 005F - Kornago (A "frog" someone wants) 0115 - Behemoth (Asked for by name)
TopMax AgilityCodejunkies
7CDAE507 76CB77D9
TopMax AttackCodejunkies
747F2565 BBCDB38E 661A5B16 56490F9D
TopMax DefenseCodejunkies
31D56999 68757CC0
TopMax EvasionCodejunkies
7CCA04C6 821FFAC7
TopMax MagicCodejunkies
A71CDE54 730284C6
TopMax Magic DefenseCodejunkies
TopMax StaminaCodejunkies
4AC5C23F 01793C3E
TopMax StrengthCodejunkies
45A0B82B 285895C5
TopMax/Infinite HPCodejunkies
B3AE8E10 60DFBB82
TopMax/Infinite MPCodejunkies
FBA95D13 83BC8207
TopQuick Level UpCodejunkies
79BEAC89 03ABA45C
TopMax AgilityCodejunkies
394D90BD A0B645BE
TopMax AttackCodejunkies
34227084 C3BF9B3E D7BA7359 2E1F570A
TopMax DefenseCodejunkies
995DCF77 D0F5D952
TopMax EvasionCodejunkies
20BD1FD1 A1BB96A3
TopMax MagicCodejunkies
9BA47392 C1BF0E32
TopMax Magic DefenseCodejunkies
DA139926 3E526DC2
TopMax StaminaCodejunkies
D38D3858 04BC47D2
TopMax StrengthCodejunkies
ECC27D55 C266A60C
TopMax/Infinite HPCodejunkies
F5EB22D7 773C6298
TopMax/Infinite MPCodejunkies
7954B68B 691B0191
TopQuick Level UpCodejunkies
9042A418 EC18D3C8
TopMax AgilityCodejunkies
BAD72901 35B9CB23
TopMax AttackCodejunkies
E8C87757 707D12CB FDA4D063 636C5CB1
TopMax DefenseCodejunkies
6ACB1BB5 7F7057BC
TopMax EvasionCodejunkies
C18874D1 A24C2D97
TopMax MagicCodejunkies
6BDA4546 2A3A3591
TopMax Magic DefenseCodejunkies
329ADBC1 BDC1578D
TopMax StaminaCodejunkies
0323FD97 516A5EBB
TopMax StrengthCodejunkies
A919E806 6F5223DD
TopMax/Infinite HPCodejunkies
6F7281A1 BEB62CF7
TopMax/Infinite MPCodejunkies
742B1835 8F7E8670
TopQuick Level UpCodejunkies
B41B088D D4BF5510
TopMax AgilityCodejunkies
B1CFC89A 203548A5
TopMax AttackCodejunkies
081B3983 5B3CAAAF 04179F08 36A5FB93
TopMax DefenseCodejunkies
93DA10FD D6DF1B80
TopMax EvasionCodejunkies
5F70B44C 005BD531
TopMax MagicCodejunkies
6FBD9E8B 96F3D306
TopMax Magic DefenseCodejunkies
B62A6315 A225958C
TopMax StaminaCodejunkies
3917ECB4 83A8E4B4
TopMax StrengthCodejunkies
36C7AEC4 A95D51C0
TopMax/Infinite HPCodejunkies
823F181F 0135614F
TopMax/Infinite MPCodejunkies
FF62DE3B 338A5D65
TopQuick Level UpCodejunkies
8DB523BF 9E4B7567
TopAccessory ModifierAce
3200DAD0 00??
TopAll Jobs MasteredAce
4200DF80 FFFF 00000019 0002
This code masters the abilities. The other ones make it only look as if the ability is mastered!
TopBard MasteredAce
TopBeastmaster MasteredAce
TopBerserker MasteredAce
TopBlack Mage MasteredAce
8200DF94 FFFF
TopBlue Mage MasteredAce
TopBody ModifierAce
3200DACE 00??
TopCannoneer MasteredAce
TopCaught Monster Modifier (In Battle)Ace
8201EE1A ????
TopCaught Monster Modifier (Out of Battle)Ace
8200DADA ????
TopCharacter Can Equip AnythingKingEdgar0
3200DB07 00FF 8200DB08 FFFF 3200DB0A 00FF
TopCharacter ModifierAce
3200DABC 00??
00 - Bartz 01 - Lenna 02 - Galuf 03 - Faris 04 - Krile
TopChemist MasteredAce
TopCurrent MPAce
8200DAC8 03E7
TopDancer MasteredAce
TopDragoon MasteredAce
8200DF86 FFFF
TopGeomancer MasteredAce
TopGladiator MasteredAce
TopHead ModifierAce
3200DACC 00??
TopInfinite HPAce
8200DAC4 270F
TopJob LevelAce
3200DB00 000?
TopJob ModifierAce
3200DABD 00??
Job Values 00 - Knight 01 - Monk 02 - Thief 03 - Dragoon 04 - Ninja 05 - Samurai 06 - Berserker 07 - Ranger 08 - Mystic Knight 09 - White Mage 0A - Black Mage 0B - Time Mage 0C - Summoner 0D - Blue Mage 0E - Red Mage 0F - Beastmaster 10 - Chemist 11 - Geomancer 12 - Bard 13 - Dancer 14 - Necromancer 15 - Oracle 16 - Cannoneer 17 - Gladiator 18 - Mime 19 - Freelancer
TopKnight MasteredAce
8200DF80 FFFF
TopLeft Hand ModifierAce
3200DAD2 00??
TopLevel ModifierAce
3200DABE 00??
63 represents Level 99.
TopMax AgilityAce
3200DAEF 00FF
TopMax Job PointsAce
8200DB02 03E7
TopMax Magic PowerAce
3200DAF1 00FF
TopMax StrengthAce
3200DAEE 00FF
TopMax VitalityAce
3200DAF0 00FF
TopMaximum HPAce
8200DAC6 270F
TopMaximum MPAce
8200DACA 03E7
TopMenu Option Modifier Slot 1Ace
3200DADC 00??
TopMenu Option Modifier Slot 2Ace
3200DADD 00??
TopMenu Option Modifier Slot 3Ace
3200DADE 00??
TopMenu Option Modifier Slot 4Ace
3200DADF 00??
TopMime MasteredAce
TopMonk MasteredAce
8200DF82 FFFF
TopMystic Knight MasteredAce
8200DF90 FFFF
TopNecromancer MasteredAce
TopNinja MasteredAce
8200DF88 FFFF
TopOracle MasteredAce
TopRanger MasteredAce
TopRed Mage MasteredAce
TopRight Hand ModifierAce
8200DAD4 00??
TopSamurai MasteredAce
TopStatus ModifierAce
3200DAE0 00??
08 - Best
TopSummoner MasteredAce
8200DF98 FFFF
TopThief MasteredAce
8200DF84 FFFF
TopTime Mage MasteredAce
8200DF96 FFFF
TopWhite Mage MasteredAce
8200DF92 FFFF
TopAccessory ModifierAce
3200DB96 00??
TopAll Jobs MasteredAce
4200DFB4 FFFF 00000019 0002
This code masters the abilities. The other ones make it only look as if the ability is mastered!
TopBard MasteredAce
TopBeastmaster MasteredAce
TopBerserker MasteredAce
TopBlack Mage MasteredAce
TopBlue Mage MasteredAce
TopBody ModifierAce
3200DB95 00??
TopCannoneer MasteredAce
TopCaught Monster Modifier (In Battle)Ace
8201EEAE ????
TopCaught Monster Modifier (Out of Battle)Ace
8200DB3E ????
TopCharacter Can Equip AnythingKingEdgar0
3200DB6B 00FF 8200DB6C FFFF 3200DB6E 00FF
TopCharacter ModifierAce
3200DB20 00??
TopChemist MasteredAce
TopCurrent MPAce
8200DB2C 03E7
TopDancer MasteredAce
TopDragoon MasteredAce
TopGeomancer MasteredAce
TopGladiator MasteredAce
TopHead ModifierAce
3200DB94 00??
TopInfinite HPAce
8200DB28 270F
TopJob LevelAce
3200DB64 000?
TopJob ModifierAce
3200DB21 00??
TopKnight MasteredAce
TopLeft Hand ModifierAce
3200DB97 00??
TopLevel ModifierAce
3200DB22 00??
TopMax AgilityAce
3200DB53 00FF
TopMax Job PointsAce
8200DB66 03E7
TopMax Magic PowerAce
3200DB55 00FF
TopMax StrengthAce
3200DB52 00FF
TopMax VitalityAce
3200DB54 00FF
TopMaximum HPAce
8200DB2A 270F
TopMaximum MPAce
8200DB2E 03E7
TopMenu Option Modifier Slot 1Ace
3200DB40 00??
TopMenu Option Modifier Slot 2Ace
3200DB41 00??
TopMenu Option Modifier Slot 3Ace
3200DB42 00??
TopMenu Option Modifier Slot 4Ace
3200DB43 00??
TopMime MasteredAce
TopMonk MasteredAce
TopMystic Knight MasteredAce
TopNecromancer MasteredAce
TopNinja MasteredAce
TopOracle MasteredAce
TopRanger MasteredAce
TopRed Mage MasteredAce
TopRight Hand ModifierAce
3200DB98 00??
TopSamurai MasteredAce
TopStatus ModifierAce
3200E124 00??
TopSummoner MasteredAce
TopThief MasteredAce
TopTime Mage MasteredAce
TopWhite Mage MasteredAce
TopAccessory ModifierAce
3200DBFA 00??
TopAll Jobs MasteredAce
4200DFE8 FFFF 00000019 0002
This code masters the abilities. The other ones make it only look as if the ability is mastered!
TopBard MasteredAce
8200E00C FFFF
TopBeastmaster MasteredAce
8200E006 FFFF
TopBerserker MasteredAce
TopBlack Mage MasteredAce
TopBlue Mage MasteredAce
8200E002 FFFF
TopBody ModifierAce
3200DBF9 00??
TopCannoneer MasteredAce
8200E014 FFFF
TopCaught Monster Modifier (In Battle)Ace
8201EF42 ????
TopCaught Monster Modifier (Out of Battle)Ace
8200DBA2 ????
TopCharacter Can Equip AnythingKingEdgar0
3200DBCF 00FF 8200DBD0 FFFF 3200DBD2 00FF
TopCharacter ModifierAce
3200DB84 00??
TopChemist MasteredAce
8200E008 FFFF
TopCurrent MPAce
8200DB90 03E7
TopDancer MasteredAce
8200E00E FFFF
TopDragoon MasteredAce
TopGeomancer MasteredAce
8200E00A FFFF
TopGladiator MasteredAce
8200E016 FFFF
TopHead ModifierAce
3200DBF8 00??
TopInfinite HPAce
8200DB8C 270F
TopJob LevelAce
3200DBC8 000?
TopJob ModifierAce
3200DB85 00??
TopKnight MasteredAce
TopLeft Hand ModifierAce
3200DBFB 00??
TopLevel ModifierAce
3200DB86 00??
TopMax AgilityAce
3200DBB7 00FF
TopMax Job PointsAce
8200DBCA 03E7
TopMax Magic PowerAce
3200DBB9 00FF
TopMax StrengthAce
3200DBB6 00FF
TopMax VitalityAce
3200DBB8 00FF
TopMaximum HPAce
8200DB8E 270F
TopMaximum MPAce
8200DB92 03E7
TopMenu Option Modifier Slot 1Ace
3200DBA4 00??
TopMenu Option Modifier Slot 2Ace
3200DBA5 00??
TopMenu Option Modifier Slot 3Ace
3200DBA6 00??
TopMenu Option Modifier Slot 4Ace
3200DBA7 00??
TopMime MasteredAce
8200E018 FFFF
TopMonk MasteredAce
TopMystic Knight MasteredAce
TopNecromancer MasteredAce
8200E010 FFFF
TopNinja MasteredAce
TopOracle MasteredAce
8200E012 FFFF
TopRanger MasteredAce
TopRed Mage MasteredAce
8200E004 FFFF
TopRight Hand ModifierAce
3200DBFC 00??
TopSamurai MasteredAce
TopStatus ModifierAce
3200E188 00??
TopSummoner MasteredAce
8200E000 FFFF
TopThief MasteredAce
TopTime Mage MasteredAce
TopWhite Mage MasteredAce
TopAccessory ModifierAce
3200DC5E 00??
TopAll Jobs MasteredAce
4200E01A FFFF 00000019 0002
This code masters the abilities. The other ones make it only look as if the ability is mastered!
TopBard MasteredAce
8200E03E FFFF
TopBeastmaster MasteredAce
8200E038 FFFF
TopBerserker MasteredAce
8200E026 FFFF
TopBlack Mage MasteredAce
8200E02E FFFF
TopBlue Mage MasteredAce
8200E034 FFFF
TopBody ModifierAce
3200DC5D 00??
TopCannoneer MasteredAce
8200E046 FFFF
TopCaught Monster Modifier (In Battle)Ace
8201EFD6 ????
TopCaught Monster Modifier (Out of Battle)Ace
8200DC06 ????
TopCharacter Can Equip AnythingKingEdgar0
3200DC33 00FF 8200DC34 FFFF 3200DC36 00FF
TopCharacter ModifierAce
3200DBE8 00??
TopChemist MasteredAce
8200E03A FFFF
TopCurrent MPAce
8200DBF4 03E7
TopDancer MasteredAce
8200E040 FFFF
TopDragoon MasteredAce
8200E020 FFFF
TopGeomancer MasteredAce
8200E03C FFFF
TopGladiator MasteredAce
8200E048 FFFF
TopHead ModifierAce
3200DC5C 00??
TopInfinite HPAce
8200DBF0 270F
TopJob LevelAce
3200DC2C 000?
TopJob ModifierAce
3200DBE9 00??
TopKnight MasteredAce
8200E01A FFFF
TopLeft Hand ModifierAce
3200DC5F 00??
TopLevel ModifierAce
3200DBEA 00??
TopMax AgilityAce
3200DC1B 00FF
TopMax Job PointsAce
8200DC2E 03E7
TopMax Magic PowerAce
3200DC1D 00FF
TopMax StrengthAce
3200DC1A 00FF
TopMax VitalityAce
3200DC1C 00FF
TopMaximum HPAce
8200DBF2 270F
TopMaximum MPAce
8200DBF6 03E7
TopMenu Option Modifier Slot 1Ace
3200DC08 00??
TopMenu Option Modifier Slot 2Ace
3200DC09 00??
TopMenu Option Modifier Slot 3Ace
3200DC0A 00??
TopMenu Option Modifier Slot 4Ace
3200DC0B 00??
TopMime MasteredAce
8200E04A FFFF
TopMonk MasteredAce
8200E01C FFFF
TopMystic Knight MasteredAce
8200E02A FFFF
TopNecromancer MasteredAce
8200E042 FFFF
TopNinja MasteredAce
8200E022 FFFF
TopOracle MasteredAce
8200E044 FFFF
TopRanger MasteredAce
8200E028 FFFF
TopRed Mage MasteredAce
8200E036 FFFF
TopRight Hand ModifierAce
3200DC60 00??
TopSamurai MasteredAce
8200E024 FFFF
TopStatus ModifierAce
3200E1EC 00??
TopSummoner MasteredAce
8200E032 FFFF
TopThief MasteredAce
8200E01E FFFF
TopTime Mage MasteredAce
8200E030 FFFF
TopWhite Mage MasteredAce
8200E02C FFFF
TopInfinite ABS Character Slot 1
8200DB02 03E7
TopInfinite ABS Character Slot 2
8200DB66 03E7
TopInfinite ABS Character Slot 3
8200DBCA 03E7
TopInfinite ABS Character Slot 4GameMasterZer0
8200DC2E 03E7
TopInfinite HP (Everyone)
4201E1A0 270F 00000004 0008
TopInfinite HP Slot 1GameMasterZer0
8201E1A0 270F
TopInfinite HP Slot 2GameMasterZer0
8201E1A8 270F
TopInfinite HP Slot 3GameMasterZer0
8201E1B0 270F
TopInfinite HP Slot 4GameMasterZer0
8201E1B8 270F
TopInfinite MP (Everyone)
4201E1A4 03E7 00000004 0008
TopInfinite MP Slot 1GameMasterZer0
8201E1A4 03E7
TopInfinite MP Slot 2GameMasterZer0
8201E1AC 03E7
TopInfinite MP Slot 3GameMasterZer0
8201E1B4 03E7
TopInfinite MP Slot 4GameMasterZer0
8201E1BC 03E7
TopInfinte ABS (Everyone)
4200DB02 03E7 00000004 0064
Jobs/Abilities Earned in 1 Battle
TopInfinite ABS (Everyone)GameMasterZer0
4200DB02 03E7 00000004 0064
All jobs and abilities are earned in a single battle.
TopInfinite ABS Character Slot 1GameMasterZer0
8200DB02 03E7
TopInfinite ABS Character Slot 2GameMasterZer0
8200DB66 03E7
TopInfinite ABS Character Slot 3GameMasterZer0
8200DBCA 03E7
TopInfinite ABS Character Slot 4GameMasterZer0
8200DC2E 03E7
TopInfinite HP (Everyone)GameMasterZer0
4201E1A0 270F 00000004 0008
TopInfinite HP Slot 1GameMasterZer0
8201E1A0 270F
TopInfinite HP Slot 2GameMasterZer0
8201E1A8 270F
TopInfinite HP Slot 3GameMasterZer0
8201E1B0 270F
TopInfinite HP Slot 4GameMasterZer0
8201E1B8 270F
TopInfinite MP (Everyone)GameMasterZer0
4201E1A4 03E7 00000004 0008
TopInfinite MP Slot 1GameMasterZer0
8201E1A4 03E7
TopInfinite MP Slot 2GameMasterZer0
8201E1AC 03E7
TopInfinite MP Slot 3GameMasterZer0
8201E1B4 03E7
TopInfinite MP Slot 4GameMasterZer0
8201E1BC 03E7
TopItem Slot 1Ace
82009708 ????
TopItem Slot 2Ace
8200970A ????
TopItem Slot 3Ace
8200970C ????
TopItem Slot 4Ace
8200970E ????
TopItem Slot 5Ace
82009710 ????
TopItem Slot 6Ace
82009712 ????
TopItem Slot 7Ace
82009714 ????
TopItem Slot 8Ace
82009716 ????
TopItem Slot 1Ace
82009708 ????
TopItem Slot 2Ace
8200970A ????
TopItem Slot 3Ace
8200970C ????
TopItem Slot 4Ace
8200970E ????
TopItem Slot 5Ace
82009710 ????
TopItem Slot 6Ace
82009712 ????
TopItem Slot 7Ace
82009714 ????
TopItem Slot 8Ace
82009716 ????
TopAir Ship flies higherAce
7200E2CC 9E18 3200E2CD 00BB
TopBattle BG Modifier
32009706 00??
00 - Grasslands 01 - Forest 02 - Desert 03 - Ruins 04 - Lake front 05 - Sunken ship 06 - Cave 07 - Flooded cave 08 - Temple 09 - Balcony 0A - Temple 2 0B - Castle floor 0C - Castle roof 0D - Library 0E - Cannon corridor 0F - Forest 2 10 - Cliff 11 - Pyramid 12 - High tech ship 13 - Dark forest 14 - X-Deaths castle 15 - Ship deck 16 - High tech hall way 17 - Crystals 18 - Temple 3 19 - Ship 1A - Castle on fire 1B - Temple wall 1C - Final Battle 1D - Melting Temple 1E - Desert with worm holes 1F - Space? N/X-Zone? 20 - Wilderness,Lakefront. 21 - Dark Grasslands
TopCharacter Graphics ModifierAce
3200E2B4 00??
?? Values 00 - Mini 01 - Frog 02 - Butz 03 - Lenna/Reina 04 - Gaulf 05 - Faris 06 - Kryle 07 - Chocobo 08 - Mog 09 - Boat 0A - Airship (Landing leaves the Airship at the coordinates you landed at!) 0B - Corrupt tent 0C - Cabin 0D - Female NPC Thanks go to LiquidManZero for going through these values.
TopChracter Graphics Modifier 2Ace
3200E2B6 00??
00 - No change/Default 01 - Chocobo 02 - Flying Chocobo 03 - Dragon 04 - Submarine 05 - Boat 06 - Airship This Graphics Modifier over-rides whatever graphic the first graphics modifier gives you. The only point in using this code over the other is that this one allows you to pick the Flying Chocobo..
TopEvent Activator and Modifier (L+R to activate)Ace
720095A8 0300 8200E2D6 0002 8200E2DA ????
This is a pretty cool code. Basically what this code does is processes whatever event you put in. ???? - Values 006A - The Credits* (Could be a story telling scene..) 0081 - Game Intro 0170 ~ 01F0 - Shops 0508 - Shop FF64 - Call Main Menu (Cursor is automatically FF68 - Call World Map FF70 - Name Your Character Menu FF7B - Name Your Character Menu FF7C - Name Your Character Menu FF8D - Shop (Crashes) FF8E - Call Main Menu (Can not do anything) FF8F - Call Main Menu (Cursor is automatically FF95 - Call Main Menu (closes) FFB4 - Call Main Menu (Cursor is automatically FFC1 - Call Main Menu (Can not do anything) FFC3 - Name Your Character Menu FFC6 - Name Your Character Menu FFCD - Call World Map FFCE - Name Your Character Menu FFE9 - Tilts the map forward, and then begins a boss battle FFEA - Tilts the map forward. This is pretty cool. FFEC - Name Your Character Menu FFFA - Calls Main Menu but crashes FFFE - Call Main Menu (Can not do anything) For a timer based event, add this to the above code: 8200E2D8 00?? Where ?? is, replace with a value for time. Note: Event will only process after the timer has expired.
TopInitiate Battle with ???? (Press Select to Activate)Ace
720095A8 0004 3200E334 0001 82009704 ????
Some values can be found in this thread:
TopMode ModifierDarkSerge
320096E0 00??
This code brings up different parts of the the sound test, etc here's a few of the noteworthy digits...the highest digit is 19h, after that the game resets itself 08h enables the Job menu's at the beginning of the game 0a-0bh is the back or surprise attack modes 0d is the sound test 0e renames the main character 13 haven't figured out what this menu is yet..I think its the item screen..not sure 17 brings up the game statistic box 18 acts as you beat the game, and saves it as such(you get all extras as you beaten the game Also I should note that the above code only works in game.
TopNever get attacked by Gil Turtle in cave near BalKingEdgar0
3200F06E 0000
The battles with Gil Turtle in the hidden part of the cave near Bal aren't handled the same way as normal random battles. This code will allow you to walk down the passage without getting attacked.
TopNumber of times Party has escaped from battleAce
3200E149 00??
Effects power of Chicken Knife and Brave Blade.
TopPress and hold L then select 'Attack' in battle to use Finisher! (All Characters)Ace
720095A8 0200 3201EE62 0062 3201EEF6 0062 3201EF8A 0062 3201F01E 0062
Note: This can interfere with other menu options. Only enable this code when you're using Attack. Note 2: To raise the chance of Finisher! using Elemental Attack, use the Job Mastery codes for Gladiator found on the Final Fantasy V code page.
TopRoom ModifierDarkSerge
8200E2AE ????
All that I can say about the above code is that a lot of rooms are used over and over again and went through all the way to 200h with no debug room. After that you hit a lot of maps that freeze the game.
TopShop Caller (Press L+Select to Activate)DarkSerge
720095A8 0204 820096E0 070F 320096ED 00??
Replace ?? With one of the values below: Shop (??) Values: 00 - Weapon Shop: Broadsword, Rod, Staff 01 - Armor Shop: Leather Shield, Leather Cap, Leather Armor 02 - Item Shop: Potion, Tent 03 - Magic Shop: Fire, Blizzard, Thunder, Cure, Libra, Poison 04 - Weapon Shop: Dagger, Long Sword, Rod, Staff 05 - Armor Shop: Bronze Shield, Bronze Helm, Bronze Armor, Copper Cuirass, Cotton Robe 06 - Item Shop: Potion, Antidote, Eye Drops, Maiden's Kiss, Mallet, Gold Needle, Phoenix Down, Tent 07 - Magic Shop: Fire, Blizzard, Thunder, Sleep, Cure, Poisona, Silence, Protect 08 - Weapon Shop: Battle Axe, Long Sword, Dagger 09 - Armor Shop: Iron Shield, Iron Helm, Iron Armor, Kenpo Gi, Cotton Robe 0A - Magic Shop: Slow, Regen, Mute, Haste, Chocobo, Sylph, Remora 0B - Weapon Shop: Mythril Knife, Mythril Sword, Mythril Hammer, Flame Rod, Frost Rod, Thunder Rod, Flail 0C - Weapon Shop: Mythril Spear, Kunai, Whip, Diamond Bell 0D - Armor Shop: Mythril Shield, Mythril Helm, Plumed Hat, Mythril Armor, Silver Plate, Silk Robe, Mythril Glove, Silver Armlet 0E - Item Shop: Potion, Antidote, Eye Drops, Maiden's Kiss, Mallet, Gold Needle, Phoenix Down, Tent 0F - Magic Shop: Fira, Blizzara, Thundara, Poison, sleep, Fire, Blizzard, Thunder 10 - Magic Shop: Cura, Raise, Confuse, Silence, Protect, Cura, Libra, Poisona 11 - Magic Shop: Gravity, Stop, Haste, Mute, Slow, Regen 12 - Weapon Shop: Flame Bow, Frost Bow, Thunder Bow, Silver Harp 13 - Armor Shop: Plumed Hat, Sage's Surplice 15 - Accessory Shop: Flame Ring, Coral Ring, Angel Ring 18 - Weapon Shop: Ogre Killer, Coral Sword, Mage Masher, Trident, Ashura, Silver Bow 19 - Armor Shop: Green Beret, Ninja Suit, Sage's Surplice 1A - Item Shop: Ether, Holy Water, Cottage, Goliath Tonic, Power Drink, Speed Shake, Iron Draft, Hero Cocktail 1B - Weapon/Item Shop: Kunai, Shuriken, Flame Scroll, Water Scroll, Lightning Scroll 1C - Armor Shop: Green Beret, Ninja Suit 1D - Magic Shop: Esuna 1E - Weapon Shop: Orichalcon Dirk, War Hammer, Ashura, Sleep Blade, Wind Spear, Dark Bow, Dream Harp, Chain Whip 1F - Armor Shop: Golden Shield, Golden Helm, Green Beret, Wizard's Hat, Golden Armor, Ninja Suit, Gaia Gear 20 - Item Shop: Hi-Potion, Potion, Phoenix Down, Gold Needle, Maiden's Kiss, Mallet, Eye Drops, Antidote 21 - Weapon Shop: Orichalcon Dirk, War Hammer, Ashura, Sleep Blade, Wind Spear, Dark Bow, Dream Harp, Chain Whip 22 - Armor Shop: Golden Shield, Golden Helm, Green Beret, Wizard's Hat, Golden Armor, Ninja Suit, Gaia Gear, Gauntlets 23 - Weapon/Item Shop: Kodachi, Killer Bow, Poison Rod, Shuriken, Flame Scroll, Water Scroll, Lightning Scroll 24 - Armor Shop: Twist Headband, Power Sash, Power Armlet 25 - Magic Shop: Blink, Shell, Esuna 26 - Magic Shop: Drain, Break Bio 27 - Magic Shop: Comet, Slowga, Return 28 - Weapon Shop: Great Sword, Heavy Lance, Osafune, Poison Axe 29 - Armor Shop: Golden Shield, Golden Helm, Twist Headband, Wizard's Hat, Golden Armor, Power Sash, Gaia Gear, Gauntlets 2A - Weapon Shop: Air Knife, Elven Bow 2B - Armor Shop: Diamond Shield, Diamond Helm, Tiger Mask, Sage's Miter, Diamond Armor, Diamond Plate, Luminous Robe, Diamond Armlet 2C - Magic Shop: Curaga, Reflect, Berserk, Blink, Shell, Esuna 2D - Magic Shop: Firaga, Blizzaga, Thundaga, Drain, Break, Bio 2E - Magic Shop: Graviga, Hastega, Old, Comet, Slowga, Return 31 - Item Shop: Ether, Potion, Antidote, Eye Drops, Mallet, Maiden's Kiss, Gold Needle, Tent 32 - Magic Shop: Arise, Dispel, Death, Osmose, Quick, Banish 33 - Weapon Shop: Gaia Hammer, Morning Star, Rune Bow, Kiku-ichimonji 34 - Armor Shop: Crystal Shield, Crystal Helm, Black Cowl, Circlet, Crystal Armor, Black Garb, Black Robe, White Robe 35 - Ammuntion Shop**?: Buckshot, Blastshot, Blitzshot 36 - Weapon Shop: Flametongue, Icebrand, Gaia Hammer, Morning Star, Kiku-ichimonji, Partisan 37 - Weapon Shop: Fuma Shuriken, Shuriken, Twin Lance, Moonring Blade, Flame Scroll, Water Scroll, Lightning Scroll 38 - Armor Shop: Crystal Shield, Crystal Helm, Black Cowl, Circlet, Crystal Armor, Black Garb, Black Robe, White Robe 39 - Accessory Shop: Hermes Sandals, Angel Ring, Flame Ring, Coral Ring, Lamia's Tiara, Angel Robe 3A - Magic Shop: Arise, Dispel, Death, Osmose, Quick, Banish 3B - Magic Shop: Mini, Toad, Speed, Float, Teleport, Chocobo, Sylph, Remora 3C - Item Shop: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down, Maiden's Kiss, Antidote, Eye Drops, Gold Needle, Mallet 3D - Item Shop: Elixir, Ether, Holy Water, Goliath Tonic, Power Drink, Speed Shake, Iron Draft, Hero Cocktail 3E - Weapon Shop: Mythril Knife, Mythril Sword, Mythril Hammer, Flame Rod, Frost Rod, Thunder Rod, Flail 3F - Armor Shop: Mythril Shield, Mythril Helm, Mythril Armor, Silver Plate, Silk Robe, Mythril Glove, Silver Armlet
TopMonster ModifierAce
8201FD56 ???? 8201E1EC ???? 820237A2 ????
Use the same value with each code. First address: Monster Graphic, Skills, Dropped Items. Second address: Name to be displayed during battle. Third address: Palette to be used for monster. 00FF - No Monster 0000 - Goblin 0001 - Killer Bee 0002 - Nutkin 0003 - Stray Cat 0004 - Steel Bat 0005 - Devil Crab 0006 - Stroper 0007 - Black Goblin 0008 - White Serpent 0009 - Moldwynd 000A - Mani Wizard 000B - Magic Pot 000C - Sucker 000D - Octokraken 000E - Gatling 000F - Big Horn 0010 - Tatou 0011 - Bandersnatch 0012 - Garula 0013 - Skeleton 0014 - Calcruthl 0015 - Undead Husk 0016 - Mindflusher 0017 - Rock Slug 0018 - Gaelicat 0019 - Cockatrice 001A - Headstone 001B - Elf Toad 001C - Ice Soldier 001D - Ricard Mage 001E - Wyvern 001F - Pas De Seul 0020 - Byblos 0021 - Aegir 0022 - Zu 0023 - Wild Nakk 0024 - Grass Tortoise 0025 - Silent Bee 0026 - Mythril Dragon 0027 - Ramuh 0028 - Crew Dust 0029 - Poltergeist 002A - Motor Trap 002B - Defeater 002C - Jackanapes 002D - Sergeant 002E - Sorcerer 002F - Cur Nakk 0030 - Gigas 0031 - Page 32 0032 - Page 64 0033 - Page 128 0034 - Page 256 0035 - Ifrit 0036 - Bomb 0037 - Doublizard 0038 - Bio Soldier 0039 - Harvester 003A - Black Flame 003B - Stone Golem 003C - Mini Dragon 003D - Prototype 003E - Dhorme Chimera 003F - Sandboil 0040 - Desert Killer 0041 - Sand Bear 0042 - Ra Mage 0043 - Ronkan Knight 0044 - Stone Mask 0045 - Enchanted Fan 0046 - Lamia 0047 - Archeotoad 0048 - Hydra 0049 - Ghidra 004A - Devilfish 004B - Treant 004C - Strapparer 004D - Tarantula 004E - Shell Bear 004F - Tunneler 0050 - Birostris 0051 - Fairy Orc 0052 - Devourer 0053 - Mandrake 0054 - Kuza Beast 0055 - Cactus 0056 - Sandcrawler 0057 - Shield Dragon 0058 - Blood Slime 0059 - Acrophies 005A - Moogle Eater 005B - Lesser Lopros 005C - Skull Eater 005D - Aquathorn 005E - Weresnake 005F - Kornago 0060 - Cursed Being 0061 - Undergrounder 0062 - Drippy 0063 - Lycaon 0064 - Bone Dragon 0065 - Poison Eagle 0066 - Zombie Dragon 0068 - Neon 0069 - Magnetite 006A - Reflect Knight 006B - Traveler 006C - Level Tricker 006D - Gravitator 006E - Ziggurat Gigas 006F - Cure Beast 0070 - Land Turtle 0071 - Dechirer 0072 - Catoblepas 0073 - Mini Magician 0074 - Galajelly 0075 - Mammon 0076 - Imp 0077 - Wyrm 0078 - Twin Lizard 0079 - Blind Wolf 007A - Hellraiser 007B - Reflect Mage 007C - Magic Dragon 007D - Black Warlock 007E - Adamantite Golem 007F - Bandercoeurl 0080 - Iron Fist 0081 - Blue Dragon 0082 - Red Dragon 0083 - Yellow Dragon 0084 - Sleepy 0085 - Trrifid 0086 - Hedgehog 0087 - Python 0088 - Shadow 0089 - Elm Gigas 008A - Pao 008B - Dark Aspic 008C - Metamorph 008D - Unknown (Fish) 008E - Desertpede 008F - Bulette 0090 - Sekhmet 0091 - Lamia Queen 0092 - Rajiformes 0093 - Ushabti 0094 - Archeosaur 0095 - Zephyrus 0096 - ExDeath's Soul 0097 - Slug 0098 - Gloom Widow 0099 - Mykale 009A - Executor 009B - Oiseaurare 009C - Shadow Dancer 009D - The Damned 009E - Numb Blade 009F - Tiny Mage 00A0 - Chrono Controller 00A2 - Flaremancer 00A3 - Dueling Knight 00A4 - Iron Muscles 00A5 - Berserker 00A7 - Druid 00A8 - Ironback 00A9 - Objet d'Art 00AA - Frost Bull 00AB - Istory Lythos 00AC - Spizzner 00AD - Unknown (Blob thingy) 00AE - Unknown (Insect) 00AF - Unknown (Fish, again) 00B0 - Unknown (Hanging Skeletons) 00B1 - Mercury Bat 00B2 - Coral 00B3 - Tonberry 00B4 - Aquagel 00B5 - Steel Fist 00B6 - Alchymia 00BA - Grenade 00BB - Sword Dancer 00BC - Baldanders 00BD - Death Dealer 00BE - Ankheg 00BF - Ammonite 00C0 - Landcrawler 00C1 - Lemure 00C2 - Parthenope 00C3 - Cherie 00C4 - White Flame 00C5 - Moss Fungus 00C6 - Orukat 00C7 - Iron Giant 00C8 - Death Claw 00C9 - King Behemoth 00CA - Farfarello 00CB - Necromancer 00CC - Ninja 00CD - Great Dragon 00CE - Dragon Aevis 00CF - Gorgimera 00D0 - Level Checker 00D1 - Mindflayer 00D2 - Fury 00D3 - Crystelle 00D4 - Mover 00D5 - Crystal 00D6 - Archelon 00D7 - Yojimbo 00D8 - Gilgamesh 00D9 - Sahagin 00DA - Thunder Anemone 00DB - Sea lbis 00DC - Corbett 00DD - Nix 00DE - Water Scorpion 00DF - Vilia 00E0 - Gel Fish 00E1 - Rukh 00E2 - Sea Devil 00E3 - Stingray 00E5 - Golem 00F6 - Tot Aevis 00F7 - Belphegor 00FB - Gobbledyook 00FC - Gil Turtle 00FD - Omega 0100 - Soul Eater 0101 - Exoray 0106 - Dark Elemental 0107 - Dark Elemental 0108 - Dark Elemental 0109 - Medusa 010A - Mini Satana 010B - Assassin 010D - Duelist 0112 - Ironclad 0113 - Claret Dragon 0114 - Dinozombie 0115 - Behemoth 0116 - Hades 0200 - Wing Raptor 0202 - Karlabos 0203 - Twintania 0204 - Siren 0206 - Forza 0207 - Magissa 0208 - Garula 0209 - Liquid Flame 020C - Ice Commander 020D - Sandworm 0210 - Adamantoise 0213 - ExDeath 0214 - Soul Cannon 0215 - Archeoaevis 021A - Manticore 021B - Titan 021C - Purobolos 021D - Abductor 021E - Gilgamesh 021F - Merrow 0220 - Flying Killer 0221 - Little Chariot 0222 - Neo Garula 0223 - Gilgamesh 0224 - Tyrannosaur 0225 - Shiva 0226 - Abductor 0227 - Dragon Grass 0228 - Dragon Flower 022D - Gilgamesh 022E - Enkidu 022F - Atmos 0230 - Crystal 0231 - Crystal 0232 - Crystal 0233 - Crystal 0234 - Carbuncle 0236 - Gilgamesh 0237 - ExDeath 0238 - Antlion 0239 - Mummy 023A - Aspis 023B - Mecha Head 023C - Melusine 023D - Melusine 023E - Melusine 023F - Melusine 0240 - Odin 0241 - Gargoyle 0242 - Triton 0243 - Nereid 0244 - Phobos 0245 - Omniscient 0246 - Minotaur 0247 - Leviathan 0248 - Wendigo 0249 - Famed Mimic Gogo 024A - Bahamut 024B - Jura Aevis 024C - Halicarnassus 024E - Neo ExDeath 0251 - Iron Claw 0254 - Cray Claw 0256 - Calofisteri 0257 - Azulmagia 0258 - Catastrophe 0259 - Necrophobe 025A - Twintania 025B - Launcher 1 025C - Launcher 2 025D - Gilgamesh 025F - Grand Mummy 0260 - Apanda 0261 - Alte Roite 0269 - Shinryu 026A - Barrier 026F - Gilgamesh 0280 - Grand Aevis 0282 - Omega Mk.II 0283 - Omega Mk.II 0284 - Omega Mk.II 0285 - Neo Shinryu 0286 - Guardian 0288 - Launcher (1) 0289 - Launcher (2) 028A - Wave Cannon 028B - Archeodemon 028C - Enuo
TopMonster Slot 1 Attack PowerAce
3201F09B 00?? 3201F0C2 00??
TopMonster Slot 1 Current HPAce
8201F054 ????
TopMonster Slot 1 Current MPAce
8201F058 ????
TopMonster Slot 1 Dropped GoldAce
8201F0CA ????
TopMonster Slot 1 ExperienceAce
8201F0C8 ????
TopMonster Slot 1 LevelAce
3201F04E 00??
TopMonster Slot 1 Maximum HPAce
8201F056 ????
TopMonster Slot 1 Maximum MPAce
8201F05A ????
TopMonster Slot 1 Status Modifier?Ace
3201F0D1 00??
TopMonster Slot 1 X or Y ModifierAce
8201FD36 XXYY
TopMonster Slot 2 Attack PowerAce
3201F12F 00?? 3201F0C2 00??
TopMonster Slot 2 Current HPAce
8201F0E8 ????
TopMonster Slot 2 Current MPAce
8201F0EC ????
TopMonster Slot 2 Dropped GoldAce
8201F15E ????
TopMonster Slot 2 ExperienceAce
8201F15C ????
TopMonster Slot 2 LevelAce
3201F0E2 00??
TopMonster Slot 2 Maximum HPAce
8201F0EA ????
TopMonster Slot 2 Maximum MPAce
8201F0EE ????
TopMonster Slot 2 Status ModifierAce
3201F165 00??
TopMonster Slot 3 Attack PowerAce
3201F1C3 00?? 3201F0C2 00??
TopMonster Slot 3 Current HPAce
8201F17C ????
TopMonster Slot 3 Current MPAce
8201F180 ????
TopMonster Slot 3 Dropped GoldAce
8201F1F2 ????
TopMonster Slot 3 ExperienceAce
8201F1F0 ????
TopMonster Slot 3 LevelAce
3201F176 00??
TopMonster Slot 3 Maximum HPAce
8201F17E ????
TopMonster Slot 3 Maximum MPAce
8201F182 ????
TopMonster Slot 3 Status ModifierAce
3201F1F9 00??
TopMonster Slot 4 Attack PowerAce
3201F257 00?? 3201F0C2 00??
TopMonster Slot 4 Current HPAce
8201F210 ????
TopMonster Slot 4 Current MPAce
8201F214 ????
TopMonster Slot 4 Dropped GoldAce
8201F286 ????
TopMonster Slot 4 ExperienceAce
8201F284 ????
TopMonster Slot 4 LevelAce
3201F20A 00??
TopMonster Slot 4 Maximum HPAce
8201F212 ????
TopMonster Slot 4 Maximum MPAce
8201F216 ????
TopMonster Slot 4 Status ModifierAce
3201F28D 00??
TopMonster Slot 5 Attack PowerAce
3201F2EB 00?? 3201F0C2 00??
TopMonster Slot 5 Current HPAce
8201F2A4 ????
TopMonster Slot 5 Current MPAce
8201F2A8 ????
TopMonster Slot 5 Dropped GoldAce
8201F31A ????
TopMonster Slot 5 ExperienceAce
8201F318 ????
TopMonster Slot 5 LevelAce
3201F29E 00??
TopMonster Slot 5 Maximum HPAce
8201F2A6 ????
TopMonster Slot 5 Maximum MPAce
8201F2AA ????
TopMonster Slot 5 Status ModifierAce
3201F321 00??
TopMonster Slot 6 Attack PowerAce
3201F37F 00?? 3201F0C2 00??
TopMonster Slot 6 Current HPAce
8201F338 ????
TopMonster Slot 6 Current MPAce
8201F33C ????
TopMonster Slot 6 Dropped GoldAce
8201F3AE ????
TopMonster Slot 6 ExperienceAce
8201F3AC ????
TopMonster Slot 6 LevelAce
3201F332 00??
TopMonster Slot 6 Maximum HPAce
8201F33A ????
TopMonster Slot 6 Maximum MPAce
8201F33E ????
TopMonster Slot 6 Status ModifierAce
3201F3B5 00??
TopMonster Slot 7 Attack PowerAce
3201F413 00?? 3201F0C2 00??
TopMonster Slot 7 Current HPAce
8201F3CC ????
TopMonster Slot 7 Current MPAce
8201F3D0 ????
TopMonster Slot 7 Dropped GoldAce
8201F442 ????
TopMonster Slot 7 ExperienceAce
8201F440 ????
TopMonster Slot 7 LevelAce
3201F3C6 00??
TopMonster Slot 7 Maximum HPAce
8201F3CE ????
TopMonster Slot 7 Maximum MPAce
8201F3D2 ????
TopMonster Slot 7 Status ModifierAce
3201F449 00??
TopMonster Slot 8 Attack PowerAce
3201F4A7 00?? 3201F0C2 00??
TopMonster Slot 8 Current HPAce
8201F460 ????
TopMonster Slot 8 Current MPAce
8201F464 ????
TopMonster Slot 8 Dropped GoldAce
8201F4D6 ????
TopMonster Slot 8 ExperienceAce
8201F4D4 ????
TopMonster Slot 8 LevelAce
3201F45A 00??
TopMonster Slot 8 Maximum HPAce
8201F462 ????
TopMonster Slot 8 Maximum MPAce
8201F466 ????
TopMonster Slot 8 Status ModifierAce
3201F4DD 00??
TopATB Gauge MaxedMadCatz
8E13F4E7640F 8505A1A490CF
TopInfinite HPMadCatz
8E13F4E7640F 72DE1F105B34
TopInfinite MPMadCatz
8E13F4E7640F 1B6D99CB2B24
TopMaximum HPMadCatz
8E13F4E7640F 76DE3E10DB35
TopMaximum MPMadCatz
8E13F4E7640F 1F6DB8CBAB25
TopMaximum StatsMadCatz
8E13F4E7640F 775C3C06BB2D 4617949C1A1C
TopATB Gauge MaxedMadCatz
8E13F4E7640F 914D90A4108E
TopInfinite HPMadCatz
8E13F4E7640F 40074BC053E8
TopInfinite MPMadCatz
8E13F4E7640F 39FCDD1B23B8
TopMaximum HPMadCatz
8E13F4E7640F 44076AC0D3E9
TopMaximum MPMadCatz
8E13F4E7640F 3DFCFC1BA3B9
TopMaximum StatsMadCatz
8E13F4E7640F 75CC7816B3B9 4617949C1A1C
TopATB Gauge MaxedMadCatz
8E13F4E7640F BB6CD04D1802
TopInfinite HPMadCatz
8E13F4E7640F 6AB20F395B54
TopInfinite MPMadCatz
8E13F4E7640F 0101C9E223C0
TopMaximum HPMadCatz
8E13F4E7640F 6EB22E39DB55
TopMaximum MPMadCatz
8E13F4E7640F 0501E8E2A3C1
TopMaximum StatsMadCatz
8E13F4E7640F 3C7AFC2FF389 4617949C1A1C
TopATB Gauge MaxedMadCatz
8E13F4E7640F 8D25A18D90CF
TopInfinite HPMadCatz
8E13F4E7640F 13499BC01B0C
TopInfinite MPMadCatz
8E13F4E7640F 6AB20D1B6B5C
TopMaximum HPMadCatz
8E13F4E7640F 1749BAC09B0D
TopMaximum MPMadCatz
8E13F4E7640F 6EB22C1BEB5D
TopMaximum StatsMadCatz
8E13F4E7640F 36CAB816FB1D 4617949C1A1C
Top(M) Must Be OnCodejunkies
F8E2E0A0 61B4ADD5 CC01D124 B05F1EC2
TopAccess Music Menu [Press Select+L+R]MadCatz
F7ECCAA6274A 9FC92BD9D177
TopAir Ship Flies HigherAce
7200E2CC 9E18 3200E2CD 00BB
TopAll Characters Have All Abilities (Exact)Ace
8200E050 7676 8200E052 7676 4200E054 FF41 00000004 0020 4200E056 BFFF 00000004 0020 4200E058 FF2F 00000004 0020 4200E05A FFFF 00000004 0020 4200E05C 3FFF 00000004 0020 4200E05E FF80 00000004 0020 4200E060 0007 00000004 0020 4200E064 FFFF 00000004 0020 4200E066 FFFF 00000004 0020 4200E068 007F 00000004 0020
This will give you the exact abilities setup of all characters having mastered all jobs. Only affects the ability menu listings, not job availability or job mastery
TopAll Characters Have All Abilities(Exact)Ace
8200E050 7676 8200E052 7676 4200E054 FF41 00000004 0020 4200E056 BFFF 00000004 0020 4200E058 FF2F 00000004 0020 4200E05A FFFF 00000004 0020 4200E05C 3FFF 00000004 0020 4200E05E FF80 00000004 0020 4200E060 0007 00000004 0020 4200E064 FFFF 00000004 0020 4200E066 FFFF 00000004 0020 4200E068 007F 00000004 0020
This will give you the exact abilities setup of all characters having mastered all jobs. Only affects the ability menu listings, not job availability or job mastery
TopAll Jobs MasteredMadCatz
CB354DE36B76 8B313DB5DA3F
TopAll Jobs MasteredCodejunkies
21AFDA85 1637547F
TopAll Jobs UnlockedCodejunkies
B65D7114 42EE4690
TopAlways RunMadCatz
TopATB Gauge Always Full (In-Battle)Hiei-YYH, obishawn
490047EF 957F655C 1B2B5D37 7A106BBD 99A24627 31EF8DF2 41CDFC83 0378F9E3 1B2B5D37 7A106BBD
TopAways Good Status In-BattleHiei-YYH, obishawn
918D01A6 48652FA1 B3BFD775 5ADF7A51 99A24627 31EF8DF2 8C0D45BE 9DDDE2DE B3BFD775 5ADF7A51 99A24627 31EF8DF2 6364246E CD9E6FF8 2B399647 6F1BAAA5 99A24627 31EF8DF2 03832412 3C6A8475 2B399647 6F1BAAA5 99A24627 31EF8DF2 08F64A00 5B44BFBD 2B399647 6F1BAAA5 99A24627 31EF8DF2 08EB4BAD 670559C8 2B399647 6F1BAAA5 99A24627 31EF8DF2 84F5EA43 B150484E 5981D06D A5A7E743 99A24627 31EF8DF2 62B5D174 94489A7B 5FFAE3C5 F4D39901
TopBattle BG ModifierAce
32009706 00??
00 - Grasslands 01 - Forest 02 - Desert 03 - Ruins 04 - Lake Front 05 - Sunken Ship 06 - Cave 07 - Flooded Cave 08 - Temple 09 - Balcony 0A - Temple 2 0B - Castle Floor 0C - Castle Roof 0D - Library 0E - Cannon Corridor 0F - Forest 2 10 - Cliff 11 - Pyramid 12 - High-Tech Ship 13 - Dark Forest 14 - X-Death's Castle 15 - Ship Deck 16 - High-Tech Hallway 17 - Crystals 18 - Temple 3 19 - Ship 1A - Castle On Fire 1B - Temple Wall 1C - Final Battle 1D - Melting Temple 1E - Desert With Wormholes 1F - Space? N/X-Zone? 20 - Wilderness, Lakefront 21 - Dark Grasslands
TopBestiary CompleteCodejunkies
6949A466 126C41DD
TopCaught Monster ModifierAce
8201EE1A ????
TopChange Hero Name [Press Select+R+Down]MadCatz
F77CCFB6375A 1BCD02D95254
TopCharacter Graphics ModifierAce
3200E2B4 00??
00 - Mini 01 - Frog 02 - Butz 03 - Lenna/Reina 04 - Gaulf 05 - Faris 06 - Kryle 07 - Chocobo 08 - Mog 09 - Boat 0A - Airship (Landing leaves the Airship at the coordinates you landed at!) 0B - Corrupt Tent 0C - Cabin 0D - Female NPC
TopCharacter Graphics Modifier 2Ace
3200E2B6 00??
This graphics modifier over-rides whatever graphic the first graphics modifier gives you. This graphics modifier allows you to pick the Flying Chocobo. 00 - No Change/Default 01 - Chocobo 02 - Flying Chocobo 03 - Dragon 04 - Submarine 05 - Boat 06 - Airship
TopComplete BestiaryMadCatz
0AA7D1DBB800 6616955C9A14
TopEarn 1000 ABP (Alt)MadCatz
7BE853776810 2B343573F815
TopEarn 25,000 Exp (Full Party)MadCatz
A4A2B07CD8D7 F55C3424508F 6216B55C9A15 A4A2B07CD8D7 FE5AFF599732 A4A2B07CD8D7 D9E9009BD6EE C483D88804AA
TopEarn 50,000 GilMadCatz
F04A0064B4D6 91DD85B490DE A924914D9086
TopEarn Maximum ABPMadCatz
A4A2B07CD8D7 B8EAC35F0296 40B4D5649201
TopEarn Maximum ABP (Fixed?)MadCatz
8E13F4E7640F CBA110BB2E42 401ED59C9219
This edit fixes the battle music issue
TopEarn Maximum ExpMadCatz
A4A2B07CD8D7 F55C3424508F 6216B55C9A15 A4A2B07CD8D7 FE5AFF599732 A4A2B07CD8D7 08379EABE7F0 C483D88804AA
TopEmpty Last Item SlotMadCatz
TopEnemies Don't Attack You (In-Battle)Hiei-YYH, obishawn
62DEA428 95B66792 F2AB38D1 12374680 99A24627 31EF8DF2 123174E5 D706D622 F2AB38D1 12374680 99A24627 31EF8DF2 9739C32A 1BB6D6D5 F2AB38D1 12374680 99A24627 31EF8DF2 72D4C527 D8AD6F59 F2AB38D1 12374680
TopEvent Activator and Modifier (Press L+R To Activate)Ace
720095A8 0300 8200E2D6 0002 8200E2DA ????
This code processes whatever event you put in. 006A - The Credits* (Could be a story telling scene..) 0081 - Game Intro 0170 ~ 01F0 - Shops 0508 - Shop FF64 - Call Main Menu (Cursor is automatically FF68 - Call World Map FF70 - Name Your Character Menu FF7B - Name Your Character Menu FF7C - Name Your Character Menu FF8D - Shop (Crashes) FF8E - Call Main Menu (Can not do anything) FF8F - Call Main Menu (Cursor is automatically FF95 - Call Main Menu (closes) FFB4 - Call Main Menu (Cursor is automatically FFC1 - Call Main Menu (Can not do anything) FFC3 - Name Your Character Menu FFC6 - Name Your Character Menu FFCD - Call World Map FFCE - Name Your Character Menu FFE9 - Tilts the map forward, and then begins a boss battle FFEA - Tilts the map forward. This is pretty cool. FFEC - Name Your Character Menu FFFA - Calls Main Menu but crashes FFFE - Call Main Menu (Can not do anything)
TopFor A Timer Based Event (Add This To The Above Code)Ace
8200E2D8 00??
Where ?? is, replace with a value for time. Event will only process after the timer has expired.
TopFull Beastiary (All seen)
4200F4C2 0063 000001FF 0002
Digits: xNNN x values 8 - not seen 0 - seen NNN - any number (above 0 for enable) There's 511(?) slots, but there are only 323 monsters? For some reason this works, but there's a lot of multiplied monster values. Has to be like this as the arrangement is really strange.
TopFull Beastiary (All Seen)LiquidManZero
4200F4C2 0063 000001FF 0002
Digits: xNNN x values 8 - Not Seen 0 - Seen NNN - Any Number (above 0 for enable) There's 511 (?) slots, but there are only 323 monsters. For some reason this works, but there's a lot of multiplied monster values. Has to be like this as the arrangement is really strange.
TopFull Beastiary (None seen)
4200F4C2 8063 000001FF 0002
Digits: xNNN x values 8 - not seen 0 - seen NNN - any number (above 0 for enable) There's 511(?) slots, but there are only 323 monsters? For some reason this works, but there's a lot of multiplied monster values. Has to be like this as the arrangement is really strange.
TopFull Beastiary (None Seen)LiquidManZero
4200F4C2 8063 000001FF 0002
These codes work for both (U) and (J).
TopHave 50,000 GilMadCatz
TopHave 99 of All Items
4200DE6C 6363 00000102 0001 3200DF6E 0063 4200DC4C 0001 00010103 0002
The 13 empty slots correspond with the Rare Items menu. They shouldn't be put in with the normal items, so they've been left out
TopHave 99 of All ItemsLiquidManZero
4200DE6C 6363 00000103 0002 4200DC4C 0001 00010103 0002
Note: There are technically 13 more possible items, but they displayed with garbage, and were removed. If these are really items, use this instead: 4200DE6C 6363 00000110 0002 4200DC4C 0001 00010110 0002
TopHave All AbilitesMadCatz
TopHave All AbilitiesAce
4200E054 FFFF 00000007 0002 4200E064 FFFF 00000003 0002 4200E074 FFFF 00000007 0002 4200E084 FFFF 00000003 0002 4200E094 FFFF 00000007 0002 4200E0A4 FFFF 00000003 0002 4200E0B4 FFFF 00000007 0002 4200E0C4 FFFF 00000003 0002
TopHave All AbilitiesAce
4200E054 FFFF 00000007 0002 4200E064 FFFF 00000003 0002
TopHave All AbilitiesCodejunkies
7BB8DAE4 5714105D 56872F5C 40FF8B70
TopHave All ItemsMadCatz
535D55CCDA00 A110755CD2B3 B8EA9931B5BE CE3394B51A3E 88A789F581D6 B158655CD2F3 325AD50EA828 CE3394B51A3E 925BDDEE7B02 397C6575D2D1
TopHave All JobsMadCatz
E2064B2A2F36 E6066A2AAF37
TopHave All Jobs (And unlock Job and Abilites menus)Ace
TopHave All Jobs (And Unlock Job And Abilites Menus)Ace
TopHave All MagicMadCatz
AE32BF6B6F5B 6416D45C1290
TopHave Maximum GilMadCatz
TopHave VehicleAce
72000008 0300 3200E2D0 0002 8200E2CC 00?? 8200E2CE XXYY
Press L+R to 'spawn' your chosen vehicle. To break it down: First address: Joker. Second address: Vehicle Enabler. Third Address: Vehicle Modifier. Fourth Address: Vehicle map coordinates ?? Values 51 - Boat 52 - Submarine 53 - Submarine (Submerged) 54 - Airship XXYY Good Airship Values 8358 - Outside of Tule Village XXYY Good Ship and Submarine Values 8459 - Offshore near Tule Village
TopHave VehicleAce
3200E2D0 0002 8200E2CC 00?? 8200E2CE XXYY
XXYY Good Airship Values 8358 - Outside of Tule Village XXYY Good Ship and Submarine Values 8459 - Offshore near Tule Village 51 - Boat 52 - Submarine 53 - Submarine (Submerged) 54 - Airship
TopInfinite HP (In-Battle)Hiei-YYH, obishawn
99A24627 31EF8DF2 8740891C 25333FF3 28F4DD5B 05E54950
TopInfinite MP (In-Battle)Hiei-YYH, obishawn
99A24627 31EF8DF2 FC7D28A9 6FD07DFA 8277766D FC8B67D8
TopInitiate Battle With ???? (Press Select To Activate)Ace
720095A8 0004 3200E334 0001 82009704 ????
TopInsane Enemy ModeHiei-YYH, obishawn
62DEA428 95B66792 1B2B5D37 7A106BBD 99A24627 31EF8DF2 123174E5 D706D622 1B2B5D37 7A106BBD 99A24627 31EF8DF2 9739C32A 1BB6D6D5 1B2B5D37 7A106BBD 99A24627 31EF8DF2 72D4C527 D8AD6F59 1B2B5D37 7A106BBD
Enemies constantly attack you (like a hard mode).
TopInstant win in battleAbsolute Empty
720095A8 0300 82020A08 0080
Press L+R to activate. If you use codes to make all enemies have 0 current HP, then you should also use this for the occasional battle that won't end when using 0 enemy HP codes
TopInstant Win In BattleAbsolute Empty
720095A8 0300 82020A08 0080
Press R+L to activate.
TopKill Enemies [Press L+R+Up]MadCatz
96EF4A624742 C51134A450AF E482D84804A2
TopLow Game TimeCodejunkies
210E379C 4001B3EC
TopMax/Infinite GilCodejunkies
B603583D 4982FCD2
TopMode ModifierDarkSerge
320096E0 00??
This code brings up different parts of the the sound test, etc here's a few of the noteworthy digits...the highest digit is 19h, after that the game resets itself. 08h - Enables the job menus at the beginning of the game 0A-0Bh The back or surprise attack modes 0D - Sound test 0E - Renames the main character 13 - Haven't figured out what this menu is yet..I think its the item screen..not sure 17 - Brings up the game statistic box 18 - Acts as you beat the game, and saves it as such (you get all extras as you have beaten the game). Also I should note that the above code only works in game.
TopNever Get Attacked By Gil Turtle In Cave Near BalKingEdgar0
3200F06E 0000
The battles with Gil Turtle in the hidden part of the cave near Bal aren't handled the same way as normal random battles. This code will allow you to walk down the passage without getting attacked.
TopNo Random BattlesKingEdgar0
3200E32E 0000 3200E334 0000 8200F070 0000
TopNo Random BattlesMadCatz
TopNo Random BattlesAce, KingEdgar0
3200E32E 0000 3200E334 0000 8200F070 0000
TopNo Random Battles (Alternative)Ace
3200E1E7 0080
TopNo Random Battles (Alternative)Ace
3200E1E7 0080
TopNumber of Times Party Has Escaped From BattleAce
3200E149 00??
Effects power of Chicken Knife and Brave Blad.
TopPress And Hold L Then Select 'Attack' In Battle To Use Finisher! (All Characters)Ace
720095A8 0200 3201EE62 0062 3201EEF6 0062 3201EF8A 0062 3201F01E 0062
This can interfere with other menu options. Only enable this code when you're using Attack. To raise the chance of Finisher! using Elemental Attack, use the Job Mastery codes for Gladiator found on the Final Fantasy V code page.
TopRoom ModifierDarkSerge
8200E2AE ????
All that I can say about the above code is that a lot of rooms are used over and over again and went through all the way to 200h with no debug room. After that you hit a lot of maps that freeze the game.
TopSave AnywhereAce
320096ED 0080
TopSave AnywhereMadCatz
TopSave AnywhereAce
320096ED 0080
TopShip Into AirshipMadCatz
A882987119B6 6C863171DA95
TopShop Caller (Press L+Select To Activate)Ace, DarkSerge
720095A8 0204 820096E0 070F 320096ED 00??
Replace ?? With one of the values below: 00 - Weapon Shop: Broadsword, Rod, Staff 01 - Armor Shop: Leather Shield, Leather Cap, Leather Armor 02 - Item Shop: Potion, Tent 03 - Magic Shop: Fire, Blizzard, Thunder, Cure, Libra, Poison 04 - Weapon Shop: Dagger, Long Sword, Rod, Staff 05 - Armor Shop: Bronze Shield, Bronze Helm, Bronze Armor, Copper Cuirass, Cotton Robe 06 - Item Shop: Potion, Antidote, Eye Drops, Maiden's Kiss, Mallet, Gold Needle, Phoenix Down, Tent 07 - Magic Shop: Fire, Blizzard, Thunder, Sleep, Cure, Poisona, Silence, Protect 08 - Weapon Shop: Battle Axe, Long Sword, Dagger 09 - Armor Shop: Iron Shield, Iron Helm, Iron Armor, Kenpo Gi, Cotton Robe 0A - Magic Shop: Slow, Regen, Mute, Haste, Chocobo, Sylph, Remora 0B - Weapon Shop: Mythril Knife, Mythril Sword, Mythril Hammer, Flame Rod, Frost Rod, Thunder Rod, Flail 0C - Weapon Shop: Mythril Spear, Kunai, Whip, Diamond Bell 0D - Armor Shop: Mythril Shield, Mythril Helm, Plumed Hat, Mythril Armor, Silver Plate, Silk Robe, Mythril Glove, Silver Armlet 0E - Item Shop: Potion, Antidote, Eye Drops, Maiden's Kiss, Mallet, Gold Needle, Phoenix Down, Tent 0F - Magic Shop: Fira, Blizzara, Thundara, Poison, sleep, Fire, Blizzard, Thunder 10 - Magic Shop: Cura, Raise, Confuse, Silence, Protect, Cura, Libra, Poisona 11 - Magic Shop: Gravity, Stop, Haste, Mute, Slow, Regen 12 - Weapon Shop: Flame Bow, Frost Bow, Thunder Bow, Silver Harp 13 - Armor Shop: Plumed Hat, Sage's Surplice 15 - Accessory Shop: Flame Ring, Coral Ring, Angel Ring 18 - Weapon Shop: Ogre Killer, Coral Sword, Mage Masher, Trident, Ashura, Silver Bow 19 - Armor Shop: Green Beret, Ninja Suit, Sage's Surplice 1A - Item Shop: Ether, Holy Water, Cottage, Goliath Tonic, Power Drink, Speed Shake, Iron Draft, Hero Cocktail 1B - Weapon/Item Shop: Kunai, Shuriken, Flame Scroll, Water Scroll, Lightning Scroll 1C - Armor Shop: Green Beret, Ninja Suit 1D - Magic Shop: Esuna 1E - Weapon Shop: Orichalcon Dirk, War Hammer, Ashura, Sleep Blade, Wind Spear, Dark Bow, Dream Harp, Chain Whip 1F - Armor Shop: Golden Shield, Golden Helm, Green Beret, Wizard's Hat, Golden Armor, Ninja Suit, Gaia Gear 20 - Item Shop: Hi-Potion, Potion, Phoenix Down, Gold Needle, Maiden's Kiss, Mallet, Eye Drops, Antidote 21 - Weapon Shop: Orichalcon Dirk, War Hammer, Ashura, Sleep Blade, Wind Spear, Dark Bow, Dream Harp, Chain Whip 22 - Armor Shop: Golden Shield, Golden Helm, Green Beret, Wizard's Hat, Golden Armor, Ninja Suit, Gaia Gear, Gauntlets 23 - Weapon/Item Shop: Kodachi, Killer Bow, Poison Rod, Shuriken, Flame Scroll, Water Scroll, Lightning Scroll 24 - Armor Shop: Twist Headband, Power Sash, Power Armlet 25 - Magic Shop: Blink, Shell, Esuna 26 - Magic Shop: Drain, Break Bio 27 - Magic Shop: Comet, Slowga, Return 28 - Weapon Shop: Great Sword, Heavy Lance, Osafune, Poison Axe 29 - Armor Shop: Golden Shield, Golden Helm, Twist Headband, Wizard's Hat, Golden Armor, Power Sash, Gaia Gear, Gauntlets 2A - Weapon Shop: Air Knife, Elven Bow 2B - Armor Shop: Diamond Shield, Diamond Helm, Tiger Mask, Sage's Miter, Diamond Armor, Diamond Plate, Luminous Robe, Diamond Armlet 2C - Magic Shop: Curaga, Reflect, Berserk, Blink, Shell, Esuna 2D - Magic Shop: Firaga, Blizzaga, Thundaga, Drain, Break, Bio 2E - Magic Shop: Graviga, Hastega, Old, Comet, Slowga, Return 31 - Item Shop: Ether, Potion, Antidote, Eye Drops, Mallet, Maiden's Kiss, Gold Needle, Tent 32 - Magic Shop: Arise, Dispel, Death, Osmose, Quick, Banish 33 - Weapon Shop: Gaia Hammer, Morning Star, Rune Bow, Kiku-ichimonji 34 - Armor Shop: Crystal Shield, Crystal Helm, Black Cowl, Circlet, Crystal Armor, Black Garb, Black Robe, White Robe 35 - Ammuntion Shop**?: Buckshot, Blastshot, Blitzshot 36 - Weapon Shop: Flametongue, Icebrand, Gaia Hammer, Morning Star, Kiku-ichimonji, Partisan 37 - Weapon Shop: Fuma Shuriken, Shuriken, Twin Lance, Moonring Blade, Flame Scroll, Water Scroll, Lightning Scroll 38 - Armor Shop: Crystal Shield, Crystal Helm, Black Cowl, Circlet, Crystal Armor, Black Garb, Black Robe, White Robe 39 - Accessory Shop: Hermes Sandals, Angel Ring, Flame Ring, Coral Ring, Lamia's Tiara, Angel Robe 3A - Magic Shop: Arise, Dispel, Death, Osmose, Quick, Banish 3B - Magic Shop: Mini, Toad, Speed, Float, Teleport, Chocobo, Sylph, Remora 3C - Item Shop: Potion, Hi-Potion, Phoenix Down, Maiden's Kiss, Antidote, Eye Drops, Gold Needle, Mallet 3D - Item Shop: Elixir, Ether, Holy Water, Goliath Tonic, Power Drink, Speed Shake, Iron Draft, Hero Cocktail 3E - Weapon Shop: Mythril Knife, Mythril Sword, Mythril Hammer, Flame Rod, Frost Rod, Thunder Rod, Flail 3F - Armor Shop: Mythril Shield, Mythril Helm, Mythril Armor, Silver Plate, Silk Robe, Mythril Glove, Silver Armlet
TopStop Detonation TimerMadCatz
96EBE898B773 3DFCE55F8089
TopStop Turn TimerMadCatz
19C9D8B71EB8 BBCC90771616 25A0E95E9EF1 95EDF19E9E9B
TopWeak EnemiesMadCatz
8E13F4E7640F 41151DA4D18C E482D84804A2
Top[M] Must Be OnMadCatz
928817FE881A 0B3576A55A09 C48399889B2E
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