Final Fantasy VI Advance (USA)

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final kaoss

Staff member
TopInf Health Slot1GameMasterZer0
82002E78 270F
TopInf Health Slot2GameMasterZer0
82002E7A 270F
TopInf Health Slot3GameMasterZer0
82002E7C 270F
TopInf Health Slot4GameMasterZer0
82002E7E 270F
TopInfinite Health Everyone [In-Battle Only]GameMasterZer0
42002E78 270F 00000004 0002
TopMap modifier
74000130 02FF 82001F64 ???? 74000130 02FF 82000082 ????
TopMonster Group Modifier
820011E0 ????
TopShop Modifier
32000201 00??
TopComplete Beastiary
42039800 0063 000001A3 0002
TopEnabler Code
0000F914 000A 10133444 0007
TopEnabler Code Alt
0000F914 000A 100F4F6C 0007
TopEnabler Code Alt2
0000F914 000A 100F4F6E 0007
TopHave All Items
42039131 6363 000000FF 0001 42039010 0100 010100FF 0001
TopHave All Key Items
82001EBA FFFF 32001EBC 0009
TopHave All Magicite
82039000 FFFF 82039002 7FFF
It's possible to have 2 more pieces, but the last 2 spaces on the list are supposed to be blank for unequipping any magicite, and the two that can fill these spaces are buggy
TopInfinite High Gil
32001862 0097
TopInfinite Maximum Gil
82001860 967F 32001862 0098
TopMorph Time Maxed For Every Battle
32001CF6 00FF
Morph must be enabled for this code to be useful. You can use morph for the maximum amount of time with this code enabled, but it can still run out during battle. The benefit is that you don't have to get it charged up for the next usage
TopMove Faster, and No Random Battles
320011DF 0022
Have Sprint Shoes and Moogle Charm effects. If you turn off the code, enter and exit the menu to end the effects of either of the items you don't have equipped
TopNo random battles (world map only)
82001F6E 0000
TopPress down + select at the status screen to change that character's commands as if they were gogo.
74000130 037B 32020C2E 0003
TopPress Down + Select at the Status Screen to Enable All Abilities For Selection
74000130 037B 4202625E 0201 0202000F 0002 3202627C 001F
Gogo, or people you use the Gogo code on, can select all abilities from the menu
TopPress L + A at main menu to enter party select menu
74000130 01FE 32020C34 000D
TopSave Anywhere
32001EB7 0080
TopSave Game as Beaten
3203900A 0001
Enables Sound Test. Save the game to a slot and reset, then pick the last option on the list to access available bestiary info, and the sound test. I'm not sure of what affect this could have on the game, so you may want to leave a save in slot 3 until you really do beat the game
Final Fantasy VI Advance Codebreaker Codes

1.0 Table of Contents

1.0 Table of Contents
2.0 Character Codes
2.1 Terra
2.2 Locke
2.3 Cyan
2.4 Shadow
2.5 Edgar
2.6 Sabin
2.7 Celes
2.8 Strago
2.9 Relm
2.10 Setzer
2.11 Mog
2.12 Gau
2.13 Gogo
2.14 Umaro
2.15 Leo/Banon/Wedge
2.16 Kefka/Biggs
3.0 Character Positions
4.0 Miscellaneous Codes
5.0 Modifier Codes
5.1 Characters
5.2 Name
5.3 Battle Commands
5.4 Espers
5.5 Equipment (Weapons)
5.6 Equipment (Shields)
5.7 Equipment (Headgear)
5.8 Equipment (Armor)
5.9 Equipment (Relics)
5.10 Positions

2.0 Character Codes

2.1 Terra


32001600 00??
32001601 00??

- Note: Use the same modifier code for both lines


32001602 00??
32001603 00??
32001604 00??
32001605 00??
32001606 00??
32001607 00??

Level 99

32001608 0063

- Note: Does not modify HP, MP, statistics or available abilities

HP 9,999

32001609 000F
3200160A 0027
3200160B 000F
3200160C 0027

- Note: Current and Maximum HP

MP 999

3200160D 00E7
3200160E 0003
3200160F 00E7
32001610 0003

- Note: Current and Maximum MP

EXP 5,000,000

32001611 0040
32001612 004B
32001613 004C

No Negative Status Ailments

32001614 0000

- Note: Allows normal commands when wearing Magitek armor

Permanent Float Status

32001615 00FF

Command List

32001616 00??
32001617 00??
32001618 00??
32001619 00??

- Note: Not all commands are available at all times

Max Statistics

3200161A 0080
3200161B 0080
3200161C 0080
3200161D 0080


3200161E 00??

Right Hand

3200161F 00??

Left Hand

32001620 00??


32001621 00??


32001622 00??

Relic 1

32001623 00??

Relic 2

32001624 00??

2.2 Locke


32001625 00??
32001626 00??

- Note: Use the same modifier code for both lines


32001627 00??
32001628 00??
32001629 00??
3200162A 00??
3200162B 00??
3200162C 00??

Level 99

3200162D 0063

- Note: Does not modify HP, MP, statistics or available abilities

HP 9,999

3200162E 000F
3200162F 0027
32001630 000F
32001631 0027

- Note: Current and Maximum HP

MP 999

32001632 00E7
32001633 0003
32001634 00E7
32001635 0003

- Note: Current and Maximum MP

EXP 5,000,000

32001636 0040
32001637 004B
32001638 004C

No Negative Status Ailments

32001639 0000

- Note: Allows normal commands when wearing Magitek armor

Permanent Float Status

3200163A 00FF

Command List

3200163B 00??
3200163C 00??
3200163D 00??
3200163E 00??

- Note: Not all commands are available at all times

Max Statistics

3200163F 0080
32001640 0080
32001641 0080
32001642 0080


32001643 00??

Right Hand

32001644 00??

Left Hand

32001645 00??


32001646 00??


32001647 00??

Relic 1

32001648 00??

Relic 2

32001649 00??

2.3 Cyan


3200164A 00??
3200164B 00??

- Note: Use the same modifier code for both lines


3200164C 00??
3200164D 00??
3200164E 00??
3200164F 00??
32001650 00??
32001651 00??

Level 99

32001652 0063

- Note: Does not modify HP, MP, statistics or available abilities

HP 9,999

32001653 000F
32001654 0027
32001655 000F
32001656 0027

- Note: Current and Maximum HP

MP 999

32001657 00E7
32001658 0003
32001659 00E7
3200165A 0003

- Note: Current and Maximum MP

EXP 5,000,000

3200165B 0040
3200165C 004B
3200165D 004C

No Negative Status Ailments

3200165E 0000

- Note: Allows normal commands when wearing Magitek armor

Permanent Float Status

3200165F 00FF

Command List

32001660 00??
32001661 00??
32001662 00??
32001663 00??

- Note: Not all commands are available at all times

Max Statistics

32001664 0080
32001665 0080
32001666 0080
32001667 0080


32001668 00??

Right Hand

32001669 00??

Left Hand

3200166A 00??


3200166B 00??


3200166C 00??

Relic 1

3200166D 00??

Relic 2

3200166E 00??

2.4 Shadow


3200166F 00??
32001670 00??

- Note: Use the same modifier code for both lines


32001671 00??
32001672 00??
32001673 00??
32001674 00??
32001675 00??
32001676 00??

Level 99

32001677 0063

- Note: Does not modify HP, MP, statistics or available abilities

HP 9,999

32001678 000F
32001679 0027
3200167A 000F
3200167B 0027

- Note: Current and Maximum HP

MP 999

3200167C 00E7
3200167D 0003
3200167E 00E7
3200167F 0003

- Note: Current and Maximum MP

EXP 5,000,000

32001680 0040
32001681 004B
32001682 004C

No Negative Status Ailments

32001683 0000

- Note: Allows normal commands when wearing Magitek armor

Permanent Float Status

32001684 00FF

Command List

32001685 00??
32001686 00??
32001687 00??
32001688 00??

- Note: Not all commands are available at all times

Max Statistics

32001689 0080
3200168A 0080
3200168B 0080
3200168C 0080


3200168D 00??

Right Hand

3200168E 00??

Left Hand

3200168F 00??


32001690 00??


32001691 00??

Relic 1

32001692 00??

Relic 2

32001693 00??

2.5 Edgar


32001694 00??
32001695 00??

- Note: Use the same modifier code for both lines


32001696 00??
32001697 00??
32001698 00??
32001699 00??
3200169A 00??
3200169B 00??

Level 99

3200169C 0063

- Note: Does not modify HP, MP, statistics or available abilities

HP 9,999

3200169D 000F
3200169E 0027
3200169F 000F
320016A0 0027

- Note: Current and Maximum HP

MP 999

320016A1 00E7
320016A2 0003
320016A3 00E7
320016A4 0003

- Note: Current and Maximum MP

EXP 5,000,000

320016A5 0040
320016A6 004B
320016A7 004C

No Negative Status Ailments

320016A8 0000

- Note: Allows normal commands when wearing Magitek armor

Permanent Float Status

320016A9 00FF

Command List

320016AA 00??
320016AB 00??
320016AC 00??
320016AD 00??

- Note: Not all commands are available at all times

Max Statistics

320016AE 0080
320016AF 0080
320016B0 0080
320016B1 0080


320016B2 00??

Right Hand

320016B3 00??

Left Hand

320016B4 00??


320016B5 00??


320016B6 00??

Relic 1

320016B7 00??

Relic 2

320016B8 00??

2.6 Sabin


320016B9 00??
320016BA 00??

- Note: Use the same modifier code for both lines


320016BB 00??
320016BC 00??
320016BD 00??
320016BE 00??
320016BF 00??
320016C0 00??

Level 99

320016C1 0063

- Note: Does not modify HP, MP, statistics or available abilities

HP 9,999

320016C2 000F
320016C3 0027
320016C4 000F
320016C5 0027

- Note: Current and Maximum HP

MP 999

320016C6 00E7
320016C7 0003
320016C8 00E7
320016C9 0003

- Note: Current and Maximum MP

EXP 5,000,000

320016CA 0040
320016CB 004B
320016CC 004C

No Negative Status Ailments

320016CD 0000

- Note: Allows normal commands when wearing Magitek armor

Permanent Float Status

320016CE 00FF

Command List

320016CF 00??
320016D0 00??
320016D1 00??
320016D2 00??

- Note: Not all commands are available at all times

Max Statistics

320016D3 0080
320016D4 0080
320016D5 0080
320016D6 0080


320016D7 00??

Right Hand

320016D8 00??

Left Hand

320016D9 00??


320016DA 00??


320016DB 00??

Relic 1

320016DC 00??

Relic 2

320016DD 00??

2.7 Celes


320016DE 00??
320016DF 00??

- Note: Use the same modifier code for both lines


320016E0 00??
320016E1 00??
320016E2 00??
320016E3 00??
320016E4 00??
320016E5 00??

Level 99

320016E6 0063

- Note: Does not modify HP, MP, statistics or available abilities

HP 9,999

320016E7 000F
320016E8 0027
320016E9 000F
320016EA 0027

- Note: Current and Maximum HP

MP 999

320016EB 00E7
320016EC 0003
320016ED 00E7
320016EE 0003

- Note: Current and Maximum MP

EXP 5,000,000

320016EF 0040
320016F0 004B
320016F1 004C

No Negative Status Ailments

320016F2 0000

- Note: Allows normal commands when wearing Magitek armor

Permanent Float Status

320016F3 00FF

Command List

320016F4 00??
320016F5 00??
320016F6 00??
320016F7 00??

- Note: Not all commands are available at all times

Max Statistics

320016F8 0080
320016F9 0080
320016FA 0080
320016FB 0080


320016FC 00??

Right Hand

320016FD 00??

Left Hand

320016FE 00??


320016FF 00??


32001700 00??

Relic 1

32001701 00??

Relic 2

32001702 00??

2.8 Strago


32001703 00??
32001704 00??

- Note: Use the same modifier code for both lines


32001705 00??
32001706 00??
32001707 00??
32001708 00??
32001709 00??
3200170A 00??

Level 99

3200170B 0063

- Note: Does not modify HP, MP, statistics or available abilities

HP 9,999

3200170C 000F
3200170D 0027
3200170E 000F
3200170F 0027

- Note: Current and Maximum HP

MP 999

32001710 00E7
32001711 0003
32001712 00E7
32001713 0003

- Note: Current and Maximum MP

EXP 5,000,000

32001714 0040
32001715 004B
32001716 004C

No Negative Status Ailments

32001717 0000

- Note: Allows normal commands when wearing Magitek armor

Permanent Float Status

32001718 00FF

Command List

32001719 00??
3200171A 00??
3200171B 00??
3200171C 00??

- Note: Not all commands are available at all times

Max Statistics

3200171D 0080
3200171E 0080
3200171F 0080
32001720 0080


32001721 00??

Right Hand

32001722 00??

Left Hand

32001723 00??


32001724 00??


32001725 00??

Relic 1

32001726 00??

Relic 2

32001727 00??

2.9 Relm


32001728 00??
32001729 00??

- Note: Use the same modifier code for both lines


3200172A 00??
3200172B 00??
3200172C 00??
3200172D 00??
3200172E 00??
3200172F 00??

Level 99

32001730 0063

- Note: Does not modify HP, MP, statistics or available abilities

HP 9,999

32001731 000F
32001732 0027
32001733 000F
32001734 0027

- Note: Current and Maximum HP

MP 999

32001735 00E7
32001736 0003
32001737 00E7
32001738 0003

- Note: Current and Maximum MP

EXP 5,000,000

32001739 0040
3200173A 004B
3200173B 004C

No Negative Status Ailments

3200173C 0000

- Note: Allows normal commands when wearing Magitek armor

Permanent Float Status

3200173D 00FF

Command List

3200173E 00??
3200173F 00??
32001740 00??
32001741 00??

- Note: Not all commands are available at all times

Max Statistics

32001742 0080
32001743 0080
32001744 0080
32001745 0080


32001746 00??

Right Hand

32001747 00??

Left Hand

32001748 00??


32001749 00??


3200174A 00??

Relic 1

3200174B 00??

Relic 2

3200174C 00??

2.10 Setzer


3200174D 00??
3200174E 00??

- Note: Use the same modifier code for both lines


3200174F 00??
32001750 00??
32001751 00??
32001752 00??
32001753 00??
32001754 00??

Level 99

32001755 0063

- Note: Does not modify HP, MP, statistics or available abilities

HP 9,999

32001756 000F
32001757 0027
32001758 000F
32001759 0027

- Note: Current and Maximum HP

MP 999

3200175A 00E7
3200175B 0003
3200175C 00E7
3200175D 0003

- Note: Current and Maximum MP

EXP 5,000,000

3200175E 0040
3200175F 004B
32001760 004C

No Negative Status Ailments

32001761 0000

- Note: Allows normal commands when wearing Magitek armor

Permanent Float Status

32001762 00FF

Command List

32001763 00??
32001764 00??
32001765 00??
32001766 00??

- Note: Not all commands are available at all times

Max Statistics

32001767 0080
32001768 0080
32001769 0080
3200176A 0080


3200176B 00??

Right Hand

3200176C 00??

Left Hand

3200176D 00??


3200176E 00??


3200176F 00??

Relic 1

32001770 00??

Relic 2

32001771 00??

2.11 Mog


32001772 00??
32001773 00??

- Note: Use the same modifier code for both lines


32001774 00??
32001775 00??
32001776 00??
32001777 00??
32001778 00??
32001779 00??

Level 99

3200177A 0063

- Note: Does not modify HP, MP, statistics or available abilities

HP 9,999

3200177B 000F
3200177C 0027
3200177D 000F
3200177E 0027

- Note: Current and Maximum HP

MP 999

3200177F 00E7
32001780 0003
32001781 00E7
32001782 0003

- Note: Current and Maximum MP

EXP 5,000,000

32001783 0040
32001784 004B
32001785 004C

No Negative Status Ailments

32001786 0000

- Note: Allows normal commands when wearing Magitek armor

Permanent Float Status

32001787 00FF

Command List

32001788 00??
32001789 00??
3200178A 00??
3200178B 00??

- Note: Not all commands are available at all times

Max Statistics

3200178C 0080
3200178D 0080
3200178E 0080
3200178F 0080


32001790 00??

Right Hand

32001791 00??

Left Hand

32001792 00??


32001793 00??


32001794 00??

Relic 1

32001795 00??

Relic 2

32001796 00??

2.12 Gau


32001797 00??
32001798 00??

- Note: Use the same modifier code for both lines


32001799 00??
3200179A 00??
3200179B 00??
3200179C 00??
3200179D 00??
3200179E 00??

Level 99

3200179F 0063

- Note: Does not modify HP, MP, statistics or available abilities

HP 9,999

320017A0 000F
320017A1 0027
320017A2 000F
320017A3 0027

- Note: Current and Maximum HP

MP 999

320017A4 00E7
320017A5 0003
320017A6 00E7
320017A7 0003

- Note: Current and Maximum MP

EXP 5,000,000

320017A8 0040
320017A9 004B
320017AA 004C

No Negative Status Ailments

320017AB 0000

- Note: Allows normal commands when wearing Magitek armor

Permanent Float Status

320017AC 00FF

Command List

320017AD 00??
320017AE 00??
320017AF 00??
320017B0 00??

- Note: Not all commands are available at all times

Max Statistics

320017B1 0080
320017B2 0080
320017B3 0080
320017B4 0080


320017B5 00??

Right Hand

320017B6 00??

Left Hand

320017B7 00??


320017B8 00??


320017B9 00??

Relic 1

320017BA 00??

Relic 2

320017BB 00??

2.13 Gogo


320017BC 00??
320017BD 00??

- Note: Use the same modifier code for both lines


320017BE 00??
320017BF 00??
320017C0 00??
320017C1 00??
320017C2 00??
320017C4 00??

Level 99

320017C4 0063

- Note: Does not modify HP, MP, statistics or available abilities

HP 9,999

320017C5 000F
320017C6 0027
320017C7 000F
320017C8 0027

- Note: Current and Maximum HP

MP 999

320017C9 00E7
320017CA 0003
320017CB 00E7
320017CC 0003

- Note: Current and Maximum MP

EXP 5,000,000

320017CD 0040
320017CE 004B
320017CF 004C

No Negative Status Ailments

320017D0 0000

- Note: Allows normal commands when wearing Magitek armor

Permanent Float Status

320017D1 00FF

Command List

320017D2 00??
320017D3 00??
320017D4 00??
320017D5 00??

- Note: Not all commands are available at all times

Max Statistics

320017D6 0080
320017D7 0080
320017D8 0080
320017D9 0080


320017DA 00??

Right Hand

320017DB 00??

Left Hand

320017DC 00??


320017DD 00??


320017DE 00??

Relic 1

320017DF 00??

Relic 2

320017E0 00??

2.14 Umaro


320017E1 00??
320017E2 00??

- Note: Use the same modifier code for both lines


320017E3 00??
320017E4 00??
320017E5 00??
320017E6 00??
320017E7 00??
320017E8 00??

Level 99

320017E9 0063

- Note: Does not modify HP, MP, statistics or available abilities

HP 9,999

320017EA 000F
320017EB 0027
320017EC 000F
320017ED 0027

- Note: Current and Maximum HP

MP 999

320017EE 00E7
320017EF 0003
320017F0 00E7
320017F1 0003

- Note: Current and Maximum MP

EXP 5,000,000

320017F2 0040
320017F3 004B
320017F4 004C

No Negative Status Ailments

320017F5 0000

- Note: Allows normal commands when wearing Magitek armor

Permanent Float Status

320017F6 00FF

Command List

320017F7 00??
320017F8 00??
320017F9 00??
320017FA 00??

- Note: Not all commands are available at all times

Max Statistics

320017FB 0080
320017FC 0080
320017FD 0080
320017FE 0080


320017FF 00??

Right Hand

32001800 00??

Left Hand

32001801 00??


32001802 00??


32001803 00??

Relic 1

32001804 00??

Relic 2

32001805 00??

2.15 Leo/Banon/Wedge


32001806 00??
32001807 00??

- Note: Use the same modifier code for both lines


32001808 00??
32001809 00??
3200180A 00??
3200180B 00??
3200180C 00??
3200180D 00??

Level 99

3200180E 0063

- Note: Does not modify HP, MP, statistics or available abilities

HP 9,999

3200180F 000F
32001810 0027
32001811 000F
32001812 0027

- Note: Current and Maximum HP

MP 999

32001813 00E7
32001814 0003
32001815 00E7
32001816 0003

- Note: Current and Maximum MP

EXP 5,000,000

32001817 0040
32001818 004B
32001819 004C

No Negative Status Ailments

3200181A 0000

- Note: Allows normal commands when wearing Magitek armor

Permanent Float Status

3200181B 00FF

Command List

3200181C 00??
3200181D 00??
3200181E 00??
3200181F 00??

- Note: Not all commands are available at all times

Max Statistics

32001820 0080
32001821 0080
32001822 0080
32001823 0080


32001824 00??

Right Hand

32001825 00??

Left Hand

32001826 00??


32001827 00??


32001828 00??

Relic 1

32001829 00??

Relic 2

3200182A 00??

2.16 Kefka/Biggs


3200182B 00??
3200182C 00??

- Note: Use the same modifier code for both lines


3200182D 00??
3200182E 00??
3200182F 00??
32001830 00??
32001831 00??
32001832 00??

Level 99

32001833 0063

- Note: Does not modify HP, MP, statistics or available abilities

HP 9,999

32001834 000F
32001835 0027
32001836 000F
32001837 0027

- Note: Current and Maximum HP

MP 999

32001838 00E7
32001839 0003
3200183A 00E7
3200183B 0003

- Note: Current and Maximum MP

EXP 5,000,000

3200183C 0040
3200183D 004B
3200183E 004C

No Negative Status Ailments

3200183F 0000

- Note: Allows normal commands when wearing Magitek armor

Permanent Float Status

32001840 00FF

Command List

32001841 00??
32001842 00??
32001843 00??
32001844 00??

- Note: Not all commands are available at all times

Max Statistics

32001845 0080
32001846 0080
32001847 0080
32001848 0080


32001849 00??

Right Hand

3200184A 00??

Left Hand

3200184B 00??


3200184C 00??


3200184D 00??

Relic 1

3200184E 00??

Relic 2

3200184F 00??

3.0 Character Positions


32001850 00??


32001851 00??


32001852 00??


32001853 00??


32001854 00??


32001855 00??


32001856 00??


32001857 00??


32001858 00??


32001859 00??


3200185A 00??


3200185B 00??


3200185C 00??


3200185D 00??


3200185E 00??


3200185F 00??

4.0 Miscellaneous

Max Gil

32001860 007F
32001861 0096
32001862 0098

Max Steps

32001866 007F
32001867 0096
32001868 0098

Reset Time

3200021B 0000
3200021C 0000

Max EXP After Battle

32002F37 00FF

All Espers

82039000 FFFF
82039002 7FFF

99 Pieces of Coral

32001FD0 0063

All Items (Part 1)

82039010 0001
82039012 0203
82039014 0405
82039016 0607
82039018 0809
8203901A 0A0B
8203901C 0C0D
8203901E 0E0F
82039020 1011
82039022 1213
82039024 1415
82039026 1617
82039028 1819
8203902A 1A1B
8203902C 1C1D
8203902E 1E1F
82039030 2021
82039032 2223
82039034 2425
82039036 2627
82039038 2829
8203903A 2A2B
8203903C 2C2D
8203903E 2E2F
82039040 3031
82039042 3233
82039044 3435
82039046 3637
82039048 3839
8203904A 3A3B
8203904C 3C3D
8203904E 3E3F
82039130 6363
82039132 6363
82039134 6363
82039136 6363
82039138 6363
8203913A 6363
8203913C 6363
8203913E 6363
82039140 6363
82039142 6363
82039144 6363
82039146 6363
82039148 6363
8203914A 6363
8203914C 6363
8203914E 6363
82039150 6363
82039152 6363
82039154 6363
82039156 6363
82039158 6363
8203915A 6363
8203915C 6363
8203915E 6363
82039160 6363
82039162 6363
82039164 6363
82039166 6363
82039168 6363
8203916A 6363
8203916C 6363
8203916E 6363

All Items (Part 2)

82039050 4041
82039052 4243
82039054 4445
82039056 4647
82039058 4849
8203905A 4A4B
8203905C 4C4D
8203905E 4E4F
82039060 5051
82039062 5253
82039064 5455
82039066 5657
82039068 5859
8203906A 5A5B
8203906C 5C5D
8203906E 5E5F
82039070 6061
82039072 6263
82039074 6465
82039076 6667
82039078 6869
8203907A 6A6B
8203907C 6C6D
8203907E 6E6F
82039080 7071
82039082 7273
82039084 7475
82039086 7677
82039088 7879
8203908A 7A7B
8203908C 7C7D
8203908E 7E7F
82039170 6363
82039172 6363
82039174 6363
82039176 6363
82039178 6363
8203917A 6363
8203917C 6363
8203917E 6363
82039180 6363
82039182 6363
82039184 6363
82039186 6363
82039188 6363
8203918A 6363
8203918C 6363
8203918E 6363
82039190 6363
82039192 6363
82039194 6363
82039196 6363
82039198 6363
8203919A 6363
8203919C 6363
8203919E 6363
820391A0 6363
820391A2 6363
820391A4 6363
820391A6 6363
820391A8 6363
820391AA 6363
820391AC 6363
820391AE 6363

All Items (Part 3)

82039090 8081
82039092 8283
82039094 8485
82039096 8687
82039098 8889
8203909A 8A8B
8203909C 8C8D
8203909E 8E8F
820390A0 9091
820390A2 9293
820390A4 9495
820390A6 9697
820390A8 9899
820390AA 9A9B
820390AC 9C9D
820390AE 9E9F
820390B0 A0A1
820390B2 A2A3
820390B4 A4A5
820390B6 A6A7
820390B8 A8A9
820390BA AAAB
820390BC ACAD
820390BE AEAF
820390C0 B0B1
820390C2 B2B3
820390C4 B4B5
820390C6 B6B7
820390C8 B8B9
820390CA BABB
820390CC BCBD
820390CE BEBF
820391B0 6363
820391B2 6363
820391B4 6363
820391B6 6363
820391B8 6363
820391BA 6363
820391BC 6363
820391BE 6363
820391C0 6363
820391C2 6363
820391C4 6363
820391C6 6363
820391C8 6363
820391CA 6363
820391CC 6363
820391CE 6363
820391D0 6363
820391D2 6363
820391D4 6363
820391D6 6363
820391D8 6363
820391DA 6363
820391DC 6363
820391DE 6363
820391E0 6363
820391E2 6363
820391E4 6363
820391E6 6363
820391E8 6363
820391EA 6363
820391EC 6363
820391EE 6363

All Items (Part 4)

820390D0 C0C1
820390D2 C2C3
820390D4 C4C5
820390D6 C6C7
820390D8 C8C9
820390DA CACB
820390DC CCCD
820390DE CECF
820390E0 D0D1
820390E2 D2D3
820390E4 D4D5
820390E6 D6D7
820390E8 D8D9
820390EA DADB
820390EC DCDD
820390EE DEDF
820390F0 E0E1
820390F2 E2E3
820390F4 E4E5
820390F6 E6E7
820390F8 E8E9
820390FA EAEB
820390FC ECED
820390FE EEEF
82039100 F0F1
82039102 F2F3
82039104 F4F5
82039106 F6F7
82039108 F8F9
8203910A FAFB
8203910C FCFD
8203910E FE00
820391F0 6363
820391F2 6363
820391F4 6363
820391F6 6363
820391F8 6363
820391FA 6363
820391FC 6363
820391FE 6363
82039200 6363
82039202 6363
82039204 6363
82039206 6363
82039208 6363
8203920A 6363
8203920C 6363
8203920E 6363
82039210 6363
82039212 6363
82039214 6363
82039216 6363
82039218 6363
8203921A 6363
8203921C 6363
8203921E 6363
82039220 6363
82039222 6363
82039224 6363
82039226 6363
82039228 6363
8203922A 6363
8203922C 6363
8203922E 63E3

All Items (Part 5)

82039110 0102
82039112 0304
82039114 0506
82039116 0708
82039118 090A
8203911A 0B0C
8203911C 0D0E
82039230 E3E3
82039232 E3E3
82039234 E3E3
82039236 E3E3
82039238 E3E3
8203923A E3E3
8203923C E3E3

5.0 Modifier Codes

5.1 Characters

00 - Terra
01 - Locke
02 - Cyan
03 - Shadow
04 - Edgar
05 - Sabin
06 - Celes
07 - Strago
08 - Relm
09 - Setzer
0A - Mog
0B - Gau
0C - Gogo
0D - Umaro

5.2 Name

20 - A 2D - N 3A - a 47 - n
21 - B 2E - O 3B - b 48 - o
22 - C 2F - P 3C - c 49 - p
23 - D 30 - Q 3D - d 4A - q
24 - E 31 - R 3E - e 4B - r
25 - F 32 - S 3F - f 4C - s
26 - G 33 - T 40 - g 4D - t
27 - H 34 - U 41 - h 4E - u
28 - I 35 - V 42 - i 4F - v
29 - J 36 - W 43 - j 50 - w
2A - K 37 - X 44 - k 51 - x
2B - L 38 - Y 45 - l 52 - y
2C - M 39 - Z 46 - m 53 - z

5.3 Battle Commands

00 - Attack
01 - Items
02 - Magic
03 - Trance
04 - Revert
05 - Steal
06 - Mug
07 - Bushido
08 - Throw
09 - Tools
0A - Blitz
0B - Runic
0C - Lore
0D - Sketch
0E - Control
0F - Slots
10 - Rage
11 - (No Command)
12 - Mimic
13 - Dance
14 - Row
15 - Defend
16 - Jump
17 - Dualcast
18 - Gil Toss
19 - Summon
1A - Pray
1B - Shock
1C - Possess
1D - Magitek

5.4 Espers

00 - Ramuh
01 - Ifrit
02 - Shiva
03 - Siren
04 - Midgardsormr
05 - Catoblepas
06 - Maduin
07 - Bismarck
08 - Cait Sith
09 - Quetzalli
0A - Valigarmanda
0B - Odin
0C - Raiden
0D - Bahamut
0E - Alexander
0F - Crusader
10 - Ragnarok
11 - Kirin
12 - Zona Seeker
13 - Carbuncle
14 - Phantom
15 - Seraph
16 - Golem
17 - Unicorn
18 - Fenrir
19 - Lakshmi
1A - Phoenix
1B - Leviathan
1C - Cactuar
1D - Diabolos
1E - Gilgamesh

5.5 Equipment (Weapons)

00 - Dagger
01 - Mythril Knife
02 - Main Gauche
03 - Air Knife
04 - Thief's Knife
05 - Assassin's Dagger
06 - Man-Eater
07 - Swordbreaker
08 - Gladius
09 - Valiant Knife
0A - Mythril Sword
0B - Great Sword
0C - Rune Blade
0D - Flametongue
0E - Icebrand
0F - Thunder Blade
10 - Bastard Sword
11 - Stoneblade
12 - Blood Sword
13 - Enhancer
14 - Crystal Sword
15 - Falchion
16 - Soul Sabre
17 - Organyx
18 - Excalibur
19 - Zantetsuken
1A - Lightbringer
1B - Ragnarok
1C - Ultima Weapon
1D - Mythril Spear
1E - Trident
1F - Heavy Lance
20 - Partisan
21 - Holy Lance
22 - Golden Spear
23 - Radiant Lance
24 - Impartisan
25 - Kunai
26 - Kodachi
27 - Sakura
28 - Sasuke
29 - Ichigeki
2A - Kagenui
2B - Ashura
2C - Kotetsu
2D - Kiku-ichimonji
2E - Kazekiri
2F - Murasame
30 - Masamune
31 - Murakumo
32 - Nutsunokami
33 - Healing Rod
34 - Mythril Rod
35 - Flame Rod
36 - Ice Rod
37 - Thunder Rod
38 - Poison Rod
39 - Holy Rod
3A - Gravity Rod
3B - Punisher
3C - Magus Rod
3D - Chocobo Brush
3E - Da Vinci Brush
3F - Magical Brush
40 - Rainbow Brush
44 - Chain Flail
45 - Moonring Blade
46 - Morning Star
47 - Boomerang
48 - Rising Sun
49 - Hawkeye
4A - Bone Club
4B - Sniper
4C - Wing Edge
4D - Cards
4E - Darts
4F - Death Tarot
50 - Viper Darts
51 - Dice
52 - Fixed Dice
53 - Metal Knuckles
54 - Mythril Claws
55 - Kaiser Knuckles
56 - Venom Claws
57 - Burning Fist
58 - Dragon Claws
59 - Tigerfang
E7 - Apocalypse
E8 - Zwill Crossblade
E9 - Zanmato
EA - Oborozuki
EB - Longinus
EC - Godhand
ED - Save the Queen
EE - Stardust Rod
EF - Angel Brush
F0 - Final Trump
F1 - Gungir
F2 - Dueling Mask
F3 - Scorpion Tail
F4 - Bone Wrist
F5 - Excalipoor

5.6 Equipment (Shields)

5A - Buckler
5B - Heavy Shield
5C - Mythril Shield
5D - Golden Shield
5E - Aegis Shield
5F - Diamond Shield
60 - Flame Shield
61 - Ice Shield
62 - Thunder Shield
63 - Crystal Shield
64 - Genji Shield
65 - Tortoise Shield
66 - Cursed Shield
67 - Paladin's Shield
68 - Force Shield

5.7 Equipment (Headgear)

69 - Leather Cap
6A - Hairband
6B - Plumed Hat
6C - Beret
6D - Magus Hat
6E - Bandana
6F - Iron Helm
70 - Hypno Crown
71 - Priest's Miter
72 - Green Beret
73 - Twist Headband
74 - Mythril Helm
75 - Tiara
76 - Golden Helm
77 - Tiger Mask
78 - Red Cap
79 - Mystery Veil
7A - Circlet
7B - Royal Crown
7C - Diamond Helm
7D - Black Cowl
7E - Crystal Helm
7F - Oath Veil
80 - Cat-Ear Hood
81 - Genji Helm
82 - Thornlet
83 - Saucer

5.8 Equipment (Armor)

84 - Leather Armor
85 - Cotton Robe
86 - Kenpo Gi
87 - Iron Armor
88 - Silk Robe
89 - Mythril Vest
8A - Ninja Gear
8B - White Dress
8C - Mythril Mail
8D - Gaia Gear
8E - Mirage Vest
8F - Golden Armor
90 - Power Sash
91 - Luminous Robe
92 - Diamond Vest
93 - Red Jacket
94 - Force Armor
95 - Diamond Armor
96 - Black Garb
97 - Magus Robe
98 - Crystal Mail
99 - Regal Gown
9A - Genji Armor
9B - Reed Cloak
9C - Minerva Bustier
9D - Tabby Suit
9E - Chocobo Suit
9F - Moogle Suit
A0 - Nutkin Suit
A1 - Behemoth Suit
A2 - Snow Scarf

5.9 Equipment (Relics)

B0 - Silver Spectacles
B1 - Star Pendant
B2 - Peace Ring
B3 - Amulet
B4 - White Cape
B5 - Jeweled Ring
B6 - Fairy Ring
B7 - Barrier Ring
B8 - Mythril Glove
B9 - Protect Ring
BA - Hermes Sandals
BB - Reflect Ring
BC - Angel Wings
BD - Angel Ring
BE - Knight's Code
BF - Dragoon Boots
C0 - Zephyr Cloak
C1 - Princess Ring
C2 - Cursed Ring
C3 - Earring
C4 - Gigas Glove
C5 - Blizzard Orb
C6 - Berserker Ring
C7 - Thief's Bracer
C8 - Guard Bracelet
C9 - Hero's Ring
CA - Ribbon
CB - Muscle Belt
CC - Crystal Orb
CD - Gold Hairpin
CE - Celestriad
CF - Brigand's Glove
D0 - Gauntlet
D1 - Genji Glove
D2 - Hyper Wrist
D3 - Master's Scroll
D4 - Prayer Beads
D5 - Black Belt
D6 - Heiji's Jitte
D7 - Fake Mustache
D8 - Soul of Thamasa
D9 - Dragon Horn
DA - Merit Award
DB - Memento Ring
DC - Safety Bit
DD - Lich Ring
DE - Molulu's Charm
DF - Ward Bangle
E0 - Miracle Shoes
E1 - Alarm Earring
E2 - Gale Hairpin
E3 - Sniper Eye
E4 - Growth Egg
E5 - Tintinnabulum
E6 - Sprint Shoes

5.10 Positions

41 - First
49 - Second
51 - Third
59 - Fourth

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