Netflix Witcher Release Date Leaked

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Witcher enthusiast website Redanian Intelligence reports that a post on Netflix Netherlands Facebook and Twitter accounts detailed the release dates of 10 upcoming shows, with The Witcher among them. The dates were revealed by a “how many sleeps until…” format, with The Witcher listed at 97 sleeps to go.

By that count, The Witcher seems to be due for release on Netflix on December 17[SUP]th[/SUP], 2019. The posts have now been deleted – potentially because of inaccurate information, or just because Netflix is not ready to reveal such information yet. As such, take this leak as a potential indication of release date, rather than solid confirmation.

When asked for comment on the report, Netflix told IGN that "the release date for The Witcher is not yet confirmed." It's worth noting that Netflix's biggest releases generally drop on a Friday, so it would be surprising for the streaming service to debut a major tent pole on a random Tuesday in December.

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