Pokemon Colosseum (GCN/AR/NTSC)

Pro Action Replay & Gameshark codes for Gamecube titles.

final kaoss

Staff member
* Pokémon Colosseum NTSC Modifier & Offset Table *



4247ADB8 0038xxxx - Trainer Name, 1st Letter
4247ADB8 0039xxxx - Trainer Name, 2nd Letter
4247ADB8 003Axxxx - Trainer Name, 3rd Letter
4247ADB8 003Bxxxx - Trainer Name, 4th Letter
4247ADB8 003Cxxxx - Trainer Name, 5th Letter
4247ADB8 003Dxxxx - Trainer Name, 6th Letter
4247ADB8 003Exxxx - Trainer Name, 7th Letter
4247ADB8 003Fxxxx - Trainer Name, 8th Letter

0041 = 'A' ... 005A = 'Z' ... 0061 = 'a' ... 007A = 'z'

4247ADB8 004Exxxx - Trainer Secret ID
4247ADB8 004Fxxxx - Trainer ID

Pokemon 1

4247ADB8 0050xxxx - Pokemon Modifier

4247ADB8 0052xxxx - Pokemon ID (High) | Used for: Shiny, Gender,
4247ADB8 0053xxxx - Pokemon ID (Low) | Unown Shape and Nature

4047ADB8 0000A7xx - Gender

Different Pokemon have different ranges for gender:

No Gender = 00 ... FF
Always Female = 00 ... FF
Always Male = 00 ... FF

12.5% Female & 87.5% Male Female = 00 ... 1E Male = 1F ... FF
25% Female & 75% Male Female = 00 ... 3E Male = 3F ... FF
50% Female & 50% Male Female = 00 ... 7E Male = 7F ... FF
75% Female & 25% Male Female = 00 ... BE Male = BF ... FF

4047ADB8 0000A8xx - Came From (01 = Fire, 02 = Leaf ... 08 = Sapphire, 09 = Ruby, 0A = Emerald, 0B = Colosseum/XD)

4047ADB8 0000A9xx - Actual Region
4047ADB8 0000AAxx - Original Region
4047ADB8 0000ABxx - Original Font (01 = Japanese, 02 = English, 03 = German, 04 = French)

4047ADB8 0000ADxx - Location Caught
4047ADB8 0000AExx - Pokemon Level Met
4047ADB8 0000AFxx - Ball Caught With (01 = Master Ball ... 0C = Premier Ball)
4047ADB8 0000B0xx - Original Trainer Gender (00 = Male, 01 = Female)

4247ADB8 005Axxxx - Original Trainer Secret ID
4247ADB8 005Bxxxx - Original Trainer ID

4247ADB8 005Cxxxx - Original Trainer Name, 1st Letter
4247ADB8 005Dxxxx - Original Trainer Name, 2nd Letter
4247ADB8 005Exxxx - Original Trainer Name, 3rd Letter
4247ADB8 005Fxxxx - Original Trainer Name, 4th Letter
4247ADB8 0060xxxx - Original Trainer Name, 5th Letter
4247ADB8 0061xxxx - Original Trainer Name, 6th Letter
4247ADB8 0062xxxx - Original Trainer Name, 7th Letter
4247ADB8 0063xxxx - Original Trainer Name, 8th Letter

4247ADB8 0067xxxx - Pokemon Name, 1st Letter
4247ADB8 0068xxxx - Pokemon Name, 2nd Letter
4247ADB8 0069xxxx - Pokemon Name, 3rd Letter
4247ADB8 006Axxxx - Pokemon Name, 4th Letter
4247ADB8 006Bxxxx - Pokemon Name, 5th Letter
4247ADB8 006Cxxxx - Pokemon Name, 6th Letter
4247ADB8 006Dxxxx - Pokemon Name, 7th Letter
4247ADB8 006Exxxx - Pokemon Name, 8th Letter
4247ADB8 006Fxxxx - Pokemon Name, 9th Letter
4247ADB8 0070xxxx - Pokemon Name, 10th Letter

4247ADB8 0072xxxx - Original Pokemon Name, 1st Letter
4247ADB8 0073xxxx - Original Pokemon Name, 2nd Letter
4247ADB8 0074xxxx - Original Pokemon Name, 3rd Letter
4247ADB8 0075xxxx - Original Pokemon Name, 4th Letter
4247ADB8 0076xxxx - Original Pokemon Name, 5th Letter
4247ADB8 0077xxxx - Original Pokemon Name, 6th Letter
4247ADB8 0078xxxx - Original Pokemon Name, 7th Letter
4247ADB8 0079xxxx - Original Pokemon Name, 8th Letter
4247ADB8 007Axxxx - Original Pokemon Name, 9th Letter
4247ADB8 007Bxxxx - Original Pokemon Name, 10th Letter

4247ADB8 007Exxxx - EXP Point Modifier (High)
4247ADB8 007Fxxxx - EXP Point Modifier (Low)

4047ADB8 000100xx - Pokemon Level (Actual)

4047ADB8 000105xx - Status

4247ADB8 008Cxxxx - 1st Move Modifier
4247ADB8 008Dxxxx - 1st Move PP Modifier (High-Byte = PPs, Low-Byte = PPups Used)
4247ADB8 008Exxxx - 2nd Move Modifier
4247ADB8 008Fxxxx - 2nd Move PP Modifier
4247ADB8 0090xxxx - 3rd Move Modifier
4247ADB8 0091xxxx - 3rd Move PP Modifier
4247ADB8 0092xxxx - 4th Move Modifier
4247ADB8 0093xxxx - 4th Move PP Modifier

4247ADB8 0094xxxx - Item Held

4247ADB8 0095xxxx - Hit Points (Actual)
4247ADB8 0096xxxx - Hit Points (Max)
4247ADB8 0097xxxx - Attack
4247ADB8 0098xxxx - Defence
4247ADB8 0099xxxx - Special Attack
4247ADB8 009Axxxx - Special Defence
4247ADB8 009Bxxxx - Speed

4247ADB8 009Cxxxx - EV Hit Points (0000 ... 00FF)
4247ADB8 009Dxxxx - EV Attack (0000 ... 00FF)
4247ADB8 009Exxxx - EV Defence (0000 ... 00FF)
4247ADB8 009Fxxxx - EV Special Attack (0000 ... 00FF)
4247ADB8 00A0xxxx - EV Special Defence (0000 ... 00FF)
4247ADB8 00A1xxxx - EV Speed (0000 ... 00FF)

4047ADB8 000145xx - DV Hit Points (00 ... 1F)
4047ADB8 000147xx - DV Attack (00 ... 1F)
4047ADB8 000149xx - DV Defence (00 ... 1F)
4047ADB8 00014Bxx - DV Special Attack (00 ... 1F)
4047ADB8 00014Dxx - DV Special Defence (00 ... 1F)
4047ADB8 00014Fxx - DV Speed (00 ... 1F)

4247ADB8 00A8xxxx - Happiness (0000 = Bad ... 00FF = Good)

4047ADB8 000152xx - CV Cool (00 ... FF)
4047ADB8 000153xx - CV Beauty (00 ... FF)
4047ADB8 000154xx - CV Cute (00 ... FF)
4047ADB8 000155xx - CV Smart (00 ... FF)
4047ADB8 000156xx - CV Tough (00 ... FF)

4047ADB8 000157xx - Cool Ribbons (01 = Normal, 02 = Super, 03 = Hyper, 04 = Master)
4047ADB8 000158xx - Beauty Ribbons
4047ADB8 000159xx - Cute Ribbons
4047ADB8 00015Axx - Smart Ribbons
4047ADB8 00015Bxx - Tough Ribbons

4047ADB8 00015Cxx - CV Luster (00 ... FF)

4047ADB8 00015Dxx - Hall of Fame Member Ribbon (01 = Ribbon)
4047ADB8 00015Exx - Ribbon for clearing Lv 50 at the Battle Tower
4047ADB8 00015Fxx - Ribbon for clearing Lv 100 at the Battle Tower
4047ADB8 000160xx - Ribbon for becoming the model of a painting
4047ADB8 000161xx - Ribbon awarded for being a hard worker
4047ADB8 000162xx - Special Ribbon 1
4047ADB8 000163xx - Special Ribbon 2
4047ADB8 000164xx - Special Ribbon 3
4047ADB8 000165xx - Special Ribbon 4
4047ADB8 000166xx - Special Ribbon 5 (Colosseum/Ribbon awarded for clearing all difficulties)
4047ADB8 000167xx - Special Ribbon 6 (XD/100-Straight Win Commemorative Ribbon)
4047ADB8 000168xx - Special Ribbon 7

4047ADB8 00016Axx - Pokerus (00 = Never Had, 01 ... 0F = Still Has, 10 ... FF = Is Over)
4047ADB8 00016Cxx - Ability Used (00 = First, 01 = Second)
4047ADB8 00016Fxx - Marks (01 = Circle, 02 = Square, 04 = Triangle, 08 = Heart)

4247ADB8 00BCxxxx - Shadow Pokemon Identifier (0007 = Shadow Pokemon)
4247ADB8 00BExxxx - Purification Counter (High)
4247ADB8 00BFxxxx - Purification Counter (Low)

4047ADB8 00019Bxx - Obedient (01 = Obedient)

Pokemon 2

4247ADB8 00ECxxxx - Pokemon Modifier

4047ADB8 0001E6xx - Pokemon Level Met

Pokemon 3

4247ADB8 0188xxxx - Pokemon Modifier

Pokemon 6

4247ADB8 035Cxxxx - Pokemon Modifier

Box 1 Pokemon 1

4247ADB8 05CExxxx - Pokemon Modifier

4047ADB8 000BAAxx - Pokemon Level Met

Box 1 Pokemon 2

4247ADB8 066Axxxx - Pokemon Modifier

4047ADB8 000CE2xx - Pokemon Level Met

Box 1 Pokemon 30

4247ADB8 177Axxxx - Pokemon Modifier

4047ADB8 002F02xx - Pokemon Level Met

Box 2 Pokemon 1

4247ADB8 1820xxxx - Pokemon Modifier

4047ADB8 00304Exx - Pokemon Level Met

Box 3 Pokemon 1

4247ADB8 2A72xxxx - Pokemon Modifier

4047ADB8 0054F2xx - Pokemon Level Met

Box 3 Pokemon 30

4247ADB8 3C1Exxxx - Pokemon Modifier


4247ADB8 057Axxxx - Money (High) | 00000000 ... 0098967F
4247ADB8 057Bxxxx - Money (Low) | (Max 9,999,999 dec)


4247ADB8 057Cxxxx - PokeCoupons (High) | 00000000 ... 000F423F
4247ADB8 057Dxxxx - PokeCoupons (Low) | (Max 999,999 dec)


Slot 1
4247ADB8 3CBAxxxx - Item Modifier
4247ADB8 3CBBxxxx - Quantity (0000 ... 03E7)

Slot 2
4247ADB8 3CBCxxxx
4247ADB8 3CBDxxxx


Strategy Memo

4247ADB8 4154xxxx - Number of Entries

4247ADB8 4156xxxx - 1st Entry (Full Info = Pokemon Number, Limited Info = Pokemon Number & 8000)
4247ADB8 415Cxxxx - 2nd Entry
4247ADB8 4162xxxx - 3rd Entry


4247ADB8 4A5Cxxxx - 386th Entry



Pokemon 1

0246E928 0000xxxx - Pokemon Modifier
0446E984 xxxxxxxx - EXP Point Modifier
0046E988 000000xx - Pokemon Level (Actual)

0046E98D 000000xx - Status

00 = Normal
03 = Poison (Constant Damage)
04 = Poison (Increasing Damage)
05 = Paralyze
06 = Burn
07 = Freeze
08 = Sleep

0246E9A0 0000xxxx - 1st Move Modifier
0246E9A2 0000xxxx - 1st Move PP Modifier
0246E9A4 0000xxxx - 2nd Move Modifier
0246E9A6 0000xxxx - 2nd Move PP Modifier
0246E9A8 0000xxxx - 3rd Move Modifier
0246E9AA 0000xxxx - 3rd Move PP Modifier
0246E9AC 0000xxxx - 4th Move Modifier
0246E9AE 0000xxxx - 4th Move PP Modifier
0246E9B0 0000xxxx - Item Held
0246E9B2 0000xxxx - Hit Points (Actual)
0246E9B4 0000xxxx - Hit Points (Max)
0246E9B6 0000xxxx - Attack
0246E9B8 0000xxxx - Defence
0246E9BA 0000xxxx - Special Attack
0246E9BC 0000xxxx - Special Defence
0246E9BE 0000xxxx - Speed
0246E9D8 0000xxxx - Happiness

Pokemon 2

0246EA7C 0000xxxx - Pokemon Modifier
0446EAD8 xxxxxxxx - EXP Point Modifier
0246EB2C 0000xxxx - Happiness


Pokemon 1

02473B70 0000xxxx - Pokemon Modifier
04473BCC xxxxxxxx - EXP Point Modifier
02473C48 0000xxxx - Shadow Pokemon Identifier
04473C4C xxxxxxxx - Purification Counter

Pokemon 2

02473CC4 0000xxxx - Pokemon Modifier
04473D20 xxxxxxxx - EXP Point Modifier
02473D9C 0000xxxx - Shadow Pokemon Identifier
04473DA0 xxxxxxxx - Purification Counter


Joker Address

80401C28 xxxx - Buttons

0001 = DPad Left
0002 = DPad Right
0004 = DPad Down
0008 = DPad Up
0010 = Z
0020 = R
0040 = L
0100 = A
0200 = B
0400 = X
0800 = Y
1000 = Start
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