Pokemon Yellow GameShark Codes

final kaoss

Staff member
1. 01FBA5CF All Pokemon have enough experience to level up to Level 245-254. They just have to fight to level up.

You don’t learn skills when you level up with the code, you just get
tons of HP, Attack, Defense, Speed, and Special. Also some Pokemon
might make the game freeze when they are about to level up with the
code. If that happens, just change FB to F8, F9, or FA.
Re: Pokemon Yellow

2. 01??6BD1 HP Modifier (Larger)
3. 01??6CD1 HP Modifier (Smaller)
4. 01FF87D1 Infinite PP (1st Position)
5. 01FF88D1 Infinite PP (2nd Position)
6. 01FF89D1 Infinite PP (3rd Position)
7. 01FF8AD1 Infinite PP (4th Position)
8. 01??8BD1 Level Modifier
9. 01??8CD1 Max HP Modifier (Larger)
10. 01??8DD1 Max HP Modifier (Smaller)
11. 01??8ED1 Max Attack Modifier (Larger)
12. 01??8FD1 Max Attack Modifier (Smaller)
13. 01??90D1 Max Defense Modifier (Larger)
14. 01??91D1 Max Defense Modifier (Smaller)
15. 01??92D1 Max Speed Modifier (Larger)
16. 01??93D1 Max Speed Modifier (Smaller)
17. 01??94D1 Max Special Modifier (Larger)
18. 01??95D1 Max Special Modifier (Smaller)
19. 01FF55D3 Have All Badges
20. 010017D0 Protect Status
21. 01FFD5CF Never Miss & Have More Criticals
22. 01??7BCF Buy Item At Store Modifier (Slot 1)
23. 01??7DCF Buy Item At Store Modifier (Slot 2)
24. 01033BD1 No Random Battles
25. 01??1ED1 Start With A Pokemon Modifier
26. 01F00DD7 Infinite Time (Safari Zone)
27. 016446DA Infinite Safari Balls
28. 010A13D7 Float On Air
29. 01631ED3 Infinite Quantity 1st Position
30. 016320D3 Infinite Quantity 2nd Position
31. 016322D3 Infinite Quantity 3rd Position
32. 016324D3 Infinite Quantity 4th Position
33. 016326D3 Infinite Quantity 5th Position
34. 016328D3 Infinite Quantity 6th Position
35. 01632AD3 Infinite Quantity 7th Position
36. 01632CD3 Infinite Quantity 8th Position
37. 01632ED3 Infinite Quantity 9th Position
38. 016330D3 Infinite Quantity 10th Position
39. 01FF15D0 Infinite HP (In Battle)
40. 01282CD0 Infinite PP (1st Position)
41. 01282DD0 Infinite PP (2nd Position)
42. 01282ED0 Infinite PP (3rd Position)
43. 01282FD0 Infinite PP (4th Position)
44. 01??21D0 Enemy LV Modifier
45. 01??D8CF Change Monster Pic
46. 01??26D1 LV Modifier Of Creatures Before You Battle
47. 01??D7CF Capture Pokemon Modifier
48. 0170E8CF Enemy Can’t Attack & Burned At Beginning of Match
Re: Pokemon Yellow

49. Infinite Casino Coins
a. 0199A3D5
b. 0199A4D5
Re: Pokemon Yellow

50. Pacific Pikachu
a. 013972D1
b. 015563D1
Re: Pokemon Yellow

51. Trainer ID# Modifier
a. 01??76D1
b. 01??77D1
Re: Pokemon Yellow

52. Exp. Modifier
a. 01??78D1
b. 01??79D1
c. 01??7AD1
Re: Pokemon Yellow

53. Infinite Money
a. 019946D3
b. 019947D3
c. 019948D3
Re: Pokemon Yellow

54. Seen All Pokemon On PokeDex
a. 01FF09D3
b. 01FF0AD3
c. 01FF0BD3
d. 01FF0CD3
e. 01FF0DD3
f. 01FF0ED3
g. 01FF0FD3
h. 01FF10D3
i. 01FF11D3
j. 01FF12D3
k. 01FF13D3
l. 01FF14D3
m. 01FF15D3
n. 01FF16D3
o. 01FF17D3
p. 01FF18D3
q. 01FF19D3
r. 01FF1AD3
s. 01FF1BD3
t. 01FFF6D2
u. 01FFF7D2
v. 01FFF8D2
w. 01FFF9D2
x. 01FFFAD2
y. 01FFFBD2
z. 01FFFCD2
aa. 01FFFDD2
bb. 01FFFED2
cc. 01FFFFD2
dd. 01FF00D3
ee. 01FF01D3
ff. 01FF02D3
gg. 01FF03D3
hh. 01FF04D3
ii. 01FF05D3
jj. 01FF06D3
kk. 01FF07D3
ll. 01FF08D3
mm. 01FF09D3
Re: Pokemon Yellow

55. 01??72D1 Skill Modifier (1st Position)
56. 01??73D1 Skill Modifier (2nd Position)
57. 01??74D1 Skill Modifier (3rd Position)
58. 01??75D1 Skill Modifier (4th Position)
59. 01??1BD0 Skill Modifier (1st Position)
60. 01??1CD0 Skill Modifier (2nd Position)
61. 01??1DD0 Skill Modifier (3rd Position)
62. 01??1ED0 Skill Modifier (4th Position)
Change ?? to
A. -00     Nothing
B. -01     Pound
C. -02     Karate Chop
D. -03     Double Slap
E. -04     Comet Punch
F. -05     Mega Punch
G. -06     Pay Day
H. -07     Fire Punch
I. -08     Ice Punch
J. -09     Thunder Punch
K. -0A     Scratch
L. -0B     Vice Grip
M. -0C     Guillotine
N. -0D     Razor Wind
O. -0E     Swords Dance
P. -0F     Cut
Q. -10     Gust
R. -11     Wing Attack
S. -12     Whirl Wind
T. -13     Fly
U. -14     Bird
V. -15     Slam
W. -16     Vine Whip
X. -17     Stomp
Y. -18     Double Kick
Z. -19     Mega Kick
AA. -1A     Jump Kick
BB. -1B     Rolling Kick
CC. -1C     Sand Attack
DD. -1D     Head Butt
EE. -1E     Horn Attack
FF. -1F     Fury Attack
GG. -20     Horn Drill
HH. -21     Tackle
II. -22     Body Slam
JJ. -23     Wrap
KK. -24     Take Down
LL. -25     Thrash
MM. -26     Double Edge
NN. -27     Tail Whip
OO. -28     Poison Sting
PP. -29     Twin Edle
QQ. -2A     Pin Missile
RR. -2B     Leer
SS. -2C     Bite
TT. -2D     Growl
UU. -2E     Roar
VV. -2F     Sing
WW. -30     Supersonic
XX. -31     Sonicboom
YY. -33     Acid
ZZ. -34     Ember
AAA. -35     Flamethrower
BBB. -36     Mist
CCC. -37     Water Gun
DDD. -38     Hydro Pump
EEE. -39     Surf
FFF. -3A     Ice Beam
GGG. -3B     Blizzard
HHH. -3C     Psybeam
III. -3D     Bubblebeam
JJJ. -3E     Aurora Beam
KKK. -3F     Hyper Beam
LLL. -40     Peck
MMM. -41     Drill Peck
NNN. -42     Submission
OOO. -43     Low Kick
PPP. -44     Counter
QQQ. -45     Seismic Toss
RRR. -46     Strength
SSS. -47     Absorb
TTT. -48     Mega Drain
UUU. -49     Leech Seed
VVV. -4A     Growth
WWW. -4B     Razor Leaf
XXX. -4C     Solar Beam
YYY. -4D     Poisonpowder
ZZZ. -4E     Stun Spore
AAAA. -4F     Sleep Powder
BBBB. -50     Petal Dance
CCCC. -51     String Shot
DDDD. -52     Dragon Rage
EEEE. -53     Fire Spin
FFFF. -54     Thundershock
GGGG. -55     Thunderbolt
HHHH. -56     Thunder Wave
IIII. -57     Thunder
JJJJ. -58     Rock Throw
KKKK. -59     Earthquake
LLLL. -5A     Fissure
MMMM. -5B     Dig
NNNN. -5C     Toxic
OOOO. -5D     Confusion
PPPP. -5E     Psychic
QQQQ. -5F     Hypnosis
RRRR. -60     Meditate
SSSS. -61     Agility
TTTT. -62     Quick Attack
UUUU. -63     Rage
VVVV. -64     Teleport
WWWW. -65     Night Shade
XXXX. -66     Mimic
YYYY. -67     Screech
ZZZZ. -68     Double Team
AAAAA. -69     Recover
BBBBB. -6A     Harden
CCCCC. -6B     Minimize
DDDDD. -6C     Smoke Screen
EEEEE. -6D     Confuse Ray
FFFFF. -6E     Withdraw
GGGGG. -6F     Defense Curl
HHHHH. -70     Barrier
IIIII. -71     Light Screen
JJJJJ. -72     Haze
KKKKK. -73     Reflect
LLLLL. -74     Focus Energy
MMMMM. -75     Hide
NNNNN. -76     Metronome
OOOOO. -77     Mirror Move
PPPPP. -78     Selfdestruct
QQQQQ. -79     Egg Bomb
RRRRR. -7A     Lick
SSSSS. -7B     Smog
TTTTT. -7C     Sludge
UUUUU. -7D     Bone Club
VVVVV. -7E     Fire Blast
WWWWW. -7F     Waterfall
XXXXX. -80     Clamp
YYYYY. -81     Swift
ZZZZZ. -82     Skull Bash
AAAAAA. -83     Spike Cannon
BBBBBB. -84     Constrict
CCCCCC. -85     Amnesia
DDDDDD. -86     Kinesis
EEEEEE. -87     Softboiled
FFFFFF. -88     Hi Jump Kick
GGGGGG. -89     Glare
HHHHHH. -8A     Dream Eater
IIIIII. -8B     Poison Gas
JJJJJJ. -8C     Barrage
KKKKKK. -8D     Leech Life
LLLLLL. -8E     Lovely Kiss
MMMMMM. -8F     Sky Attack
NNNNNN. -90     Transform
OOOOOO. -91     Bubble
PPPPPP. -92     Dizzy Punch
QQQQQQ. -93     Spore
RRRRRR. -94     Flash
SSSSSS. -95     Psywave
TTTTTT. -96     Splash
UUUUUU. -97     Acid Armor
VVVVVV. -98     Crabhammer
WWWWWW. -99     Exposion
XXXXXX. -9A     Fury Swipes
YYYYYY. -9B     Bonemerang
ZZZZZZ. -9C     Rest
AAAAAAA. -9D     Rock Slide
BBBBBBB. -9E     Hyper Fang
CCCCCCC. -9F     Sharpen
DDDDDDD. -A0     Conversion
EEEEEEE. -A1     Tri Attack
FFFFFFF. -A2     Super Fang
GGGGGGG. -A3     Slash
HHHHHHH. -A4     Substitute
IIIIIII. -A5     Struggle
Re: Pokemon Yellow

63. 01??1CD3 Total Item Number Modifier
64. 01??1DD3 Item Modifier 1st Position
65. 01??1FD3 Item Modifier 2nd Position
66. 01??21D3 Item Modifier 3rd Position
67. 01??23D3 Item Modifier 4th Position
68. 01??25D3 Item Modifier 5th Position
69. 01??27D3 Item Modifier 6th Position
70. 01??29D3 Item Modifier 7th Position
71. 01??2BD3 Item Modifier 8th Position
72. 01??2DD3 Item Modifier 9th Position
73. 01??2FD3 Item Modifier 10th Position
Change ?? to
A. -01     Master Ball
B. -02     Ultra Ball
C. -03     Great Ball
D. -04     Poke Ball
E. -05     Town Map
F. -06     Vicycle
G. -07     Surf Without Pokemon
H. -08     Safari Ball
I. -09     Poke-Dex
J. -0A     Moon Stone
K. -0B     Antidote
L. -0C     Burn Heal
M. -0D     Ice Heal
N. -0E     Awakening
O. -0F     Parlyz Heal
P. -10     Full Restore
Q. -11     Max Potion
R. -12     Hyper Potion
S. -13     Super Potion
T. -14     Potion
U. -15     Boulder Badge
V. -16     Cacade Badge
W. -17     Thunder Badge
X. -18     Rainbow Badge
Y. -19     Soul Badge
Z. -1A     Marsh Badge
AA. -1B     Volcano Badge
BB. -1C     Earth Badge
CC. -1D     Escape Rope
DD. -1E     Repel
EE. -1F     Old Amber
FF. -20     Fire Stone
GG. -21     Thunder Stone
HH. -22     Water Stone
II. -23     HP Up
JJ. -24     Protein
KK. -25     Iron
LL. -26     Carbos
MM. -27     Calcium
NN. -28     Rare Candy
OO. -29     Dome Fossil
PP. -2A     Helix Fossil
QQ. -2B     Secret Key
RR. -2D     Bike Voucher
SS. -2E     X Accuracy
TT. -2F     Leaf Stone
UU. -30     Card Key
VV. -31     Nugget
WW. -32     PP Up
XX. -33     Poke Doll
YY. -34     Full Heal
ZZ. -35     Revive
AAA. -36     Max Revive
BBB. -37     Grand Special
CCC. -38     Super Repel
DDD. -39     Max Repel
EEE. -3A     Dire Hit
FFF. -3B     Coin
GGG. -3C     Fresh Water
HHH. -3D     Soda Pop
III. -3E     Lemonade
JJJ. -3F     S.S. Ticket
KKK. -40     Gold Teeth
LLL. -41     X Attack
MMM. -42     X Defend
NNN. -43     X Speed
OOO. -44     X Special
PPP. -45     Coin Case
QQQ. -46     Oak’s Parcel
RRR. -47     Item Finder
SSS. -48     Silph Scope
TTT. -49     Poke Flute
UUU. -4A     Lift Key
VVV. -4B     Exp. All
WWW. -4C     Old Rod
XXX. -4D     Good Rod
YYY. -4E     Super Rod
ZZZ. -4F     PP Up
AAAA. -50     Ether
BBBB. -51     Max Ether
CCCC. -52     Elixer
DDDD. -53     Max Elixer
Re: Pokemon Yellow

74. 01??63D1 Pokemon Modifier
Change ?? to
A. -01     Rhydon
B. -02     Kangaskhan
C. -03     Nidoran(m)
D. -04     Clefairy
E. -05     Spearow
F. -06     Voltorb
G. -07     NidoKing
H. -08     Slobro
I. -09     Ivysaur
J. -0A     Exeggutor
K. -0B     Lickitung
L. -0C     Exeggcute
M. -0D     Grimer
N. -0E     Gengar
O. -0F     Nidoran(f)
P. -10     NidoQueen
Q. -11     Cubone
R. -12     Rhyhorn
S. -13     Lapras
T. -14     Arcanine
U. -15     Mew
V. -16     Gyarados
W. -17     Shellder
X. -18     Tentacool
Y. -19     Gastly
Z. -1A     Scyther
AA. -1B     Staryu
BB. -1C     Blastoise
CC. -1D     Pinsir
DD. -1E     Tangela
EE. -21     Growlithe
FF. -22     Onix
GG. -23     Frearow
HH. -24     Pidgey
II. -25     Slowpoke
JJ. -26     Kadabra
KK. -27     Graveler
LL. -28     Chansey
MM. -29     Machoke
NN. -2A     Mr. Mime
OO. -2B     Hitmonlee
PP. -2C     Hitmonchan
QQ. -2D     Arbok
RR. -2E     Parasect
SS. -2F     Psyduck
TT. -30     Drowzee
UU. -31     Golem
VV. -33     Magmar
WW. -34     Mankey
XX. -35     Electabuzz
YY. -36     Magneton
ZZ. -37     Koffing
AAA. -3A     Seel
BBB. -3B     Diglett
CCC. -3C     Tauros
DDD. -40     Farfetch’d
EEE. -41     Venonat
FFF. -42     Dragonite
GGG. -46     Doduo
HHH. -47     Poliwag
III. -48     Jynx
JJJ. -49     Moltres
KKK. -4A     Articuro
LLL. -4B     Zapdos
MMM. -4C     Ditto
NNN. -4D     Meowth
OOO. -4E     Krabby
PPP. -52     Vulpix
QQQ. -53     Ninetails
RRR. -54     Pikachu
SSS. -55     Raichu
TTT. -58     Dratini
UUU. -59     Dragonair
VVV. -5A     Kabuto
WWW. -5B     Kabutops
XXX. -5C     Horsea
YYY. -5D     Seadra
ZZZ. -60     Sandshrew
AAAA. -61     Sandslash
BBBB. -62     Omanite
CCCC. -63     Omastar
DDDD. -64     Jigglypuff
EEEE. -65     Wigglytuff
FFFF. -66     Eevee
GGGG. -67     Flareon
HHHH. -68     Jolteon
IIII. -69     Vaporeon
JJJJ. -6A     Machop
KKKK. -6B     Zubat
LLLL. -6C     Ekans
MMMM. -6D     Paras
NNNN. -6E     Poliwhirl
OOOO. -6F     Poliwrath
PPPP. -70     Weedle
QQQQ. -71     Kakuna
RRRR. -72     Beedrill
SSSS. -74     Dodrio
TTTT. -75     Primeape
UUUU. -76     Dugtrio
VVVV. -77     Venomoth
WWWW. -78     Dewgong
XXXX. -7B     Caterpie
YYYY. -7C     Metapod
ZZZZ. -7D     Butterfree
AAAAA. -7E     Machamp
BBBBB. -80     Goldduck
CCCCC. -81     Hypno
DDDDD. -82     Golbat
EEEEE. -83     Mewtwo
FFFFF. -84     Snorlax
GGGGG. -85     Magikarp
HHHHH. -88     Muk
IIIII. -8A     Kingler
JJJJJ. -8B     Cloyster
KKKKK. -8D     Electrode
LLLLL. -8E     Clefable
MMMMM. -8F     Weezing
NNNNN. -90     Persian
OOOOO. -91     Marowak
PPPPP. -93     Haunter
QQQQQ. -94     Abra
RRRRR. -95     Alakazam
SSSSS. -96     Pidgeotto
TTTTT. -97     Pidgeot
UUUUU. -98     Starmie
VVVVV. -99     Bulbasaur
WWWWW. -9A     Venusaur
XXXXX. -9B     Tentacruel
YYYYY. -9D     Goldeen
ZZZZZ. -9E     Seaking
AAAAAA. -A3     Ponyta
BBBBBB. -A4     Rapidash
CCCCCC. -A5     Rattata
DDDDDD. -A6     Raticate
EEEEEE. -A7     Nindorino
FFFFFF. -A8     Nindorina
GGGGGG. -A9     Geodude
HHHHHH. -AA     Porygon
IIIIII. -AB     Aerodactyl
JJJJJJ. -AD     Magnemite
KKKKKK. -B0     Charmander
LLLLLL. -B1     Squirtle
MMMMMM. -B2     Charmeleon
NNNNNN. -B3     Wartortle
OOOOOO. -B4     Charizard
PPPPPP. -B9     Oddish
QQQQQQ. -BA     Gloom
RRRRRR. -BB     Vileplume
SSSSSS. -BC     Bellsprout
TTTTTT. -BD     Weepinbell
UUUUUU. -BE     Victreebell
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